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下一年度budget for next year
下年next year budget
不准备付各项费用be not prepared to prepay the charges
不准确的inaccurate forecast
不正当干wrongful intervention
不正确干wrong intervention
不足以达到期目的be inadequate for the purpose intended
买主付款advances from the buyers
买方料价格要下跌而停止购进Buyers are holding off in anticipation of lower prices
买方不得收回付的货款The buyer cannot recover the advance paid on the purchase price when the contract is not frustrated
买方负责订包机The buyers are responsible for ABC
事故accidents prevention
产出output budgeting
价格price expectancy
估计出的estimated budget
low budget
保险经纪人出具的保单broker's cover note
修改后的算案revised budget
修正的revised budget
全部支信用证clean payment L/C
初步preparatory budget
削减cut down the budget
单位算编制unit budget drafting
卖方计在五月三十一日或其前将未完成的订单货物装船出运The sellers expect to ship the outstanding orders on or before 31st May
原材料成本materials cost budget
双重double budget
变动variable budget (指弹性预算 (flexible budget), 与固定预算 (fixed budget)、静态预算 (static budget) 相对;比较: variable budgeting 变动预算编制)
美国只限当年有效的算拨款授权one year authority
测指数predictable index
见的损失foreseeable losses
见的需求foreseeable demand
可靠的市场dependable market forecast
商业forecast of business conditions
回归分析测法forecasting by regression analysis
固定static budget (指固定预算 (fixed budget), 与弹性预算 (flexible budget) 、可变预算 (variable budget) 相对;比较 state budget 国家预算)
固定static budget 静态预算,与可变预算 variable budget 相对
国会一致批准该项Congress unanimously approved the budget
国家算外投资extra-budgetary investment
国家算执行情况implementation of state budget
国家算支出state budget expenditure (与国家预算收入(state budget revenue) 相对)
国家算编制state budgeting
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,运费付到指定的出口地点FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure, freight prepaid to named point of exportation
在物价上涨前先订购货物order the goods in anticipation of a rise
季节性seasonal forecasting
安全防措施safety precautions
定性测技术qualitative forecasting technique
实施的working budget
实现算平衡achieve a balanced budget
将公司备基金移作资本capitalize the company's reserve funds
市场销售测差异marketing forecast variance
市场需求projection of market demand
的上下限upper and lower limits of intervention
能力intervention capacity
1990 年度财政1990 fiscal year budget
弥补算赤字finance a budget deficit
弹性sliding scale budget
弹性variable budget 可变预算
循环支信用证extended credit
微观经济micro economic forecasting
性能prediction of performance (设想)
算书ledger budget
算编制general budget making
我们料新货不久将到来We expect a new supply to arrive soon
我们期不久将完成你方订货We expect to fill your order very soon
我们未料到价格进一步上涨We didn't expect any further advance in price
我方相信你方的巨大努力将产生期效果We believe your great efforts will yield the desired results
所得税withholding of income tax
批准approve the budget
投入产出input-output forecasting
按支出用途编制object of expenditure budgeting
损失preestimate of damage
授与人立的信托资产grantor trust
提交submit a budget
提成费advances to be credited against royalty
提成费advance against royalties
收支平衡balanced budget
政府干涉.政府干government intervention
政府财政年度收支the Estimates
日本托证券Japanese Deposit Receipts
暂时provisional budget
暂编tentative budget
最低付保险费minimum deposit premium
最低期资本回收率cutoff discount rate
有限的a limited budget
料到的事件unforeseen event
见到的损失unforeseen loss
概率probabilistic prediction
比原先定的日期提前well ahead of the original target date
滚动式rolling budget
演绩prediction of performance
特耳菲Delphi forecast
特耳菲专家测法Delphi poll
现金收支cash-flow projection (投资项目财务预测)
现金流量cash-flow forecast
生产production forecast
生产费用production expense budget
社会social prediction
社会过程social forecasting
社会需求social demand forecast
税款prepayment of taxes
税款扣制withholding system
筹款付费用advance fee
系列测法series forecasting method
紧急备费用emergency reserve
累进现金progressive cash budget
经济测法economic forecasting method
综合aggregate prediction
综合integrated budget
编制work out a budget
编制的prepared budget
美国算局Bureau of Budget
考虑不可见的情况allow for unforeseen circumstances
联邦所得税美国federal income tax withholding
草拟总drafted general budget
营业开支business budget
表决vote the budget
要求100,000美元require a budget of US $100,000
规范化normative forecast
计划,组织,人事,指挥,协调,报告,算七项管理职能planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting
计划、规划与算制planning programming budgeting system
认购证券付款advance on subscription
详细detail budget
财政算结余surplus in budget
货币防性需求precautionary demand for money
货款cash deposit in advance
资本capital expenditure budget
资源resources forecasting
资金平衡测表statement of fund balance forecast
较低干价格lower intervention price
较高干价格upper intervention price
运费prepaid freight
运费付提单freight prepaid B/L
运费付提单freight prepaid bill of lading
运量forecasting of freight volume
运量forecast of freight volume
这桥造价大大超岀他们的The cost of building the bridge was much more than they had bargained for (on)
进口缴押金advanced deposit
远期干forward intervention
追加supplement a budget
长期资产负债表long-term projection
间接费用overhead budget
雇主勉强支给他一个月薪水The employer reluctantly advanced him a month's salary
雇主干employer interference
雇员支款advances to employees
零基算编制zero base budgeting
需求测法demand forecasting technique (包括趋势外推法 (trend extrapolation method)、消费水平法 (consumption method)、最终用途或消费系数法 (end use or consumption coefficient method)、回归分析法 (regression method)、先行指标法 (leading indicator method))
须经先批准subject to prior approval
须经先核准be subject to prior approval
payment beforehand
payment forward
付不足insufficiently prepaid
付保险费insurance premium prepaid
付公款imprest money
付回电费电报reply paid telegram
付工资advanced wages
付收入prepaid income
付施工款advance on construction
付款advanced deposit
付款advance deposit
付款advance money
付现金payment in advance
付货款cash deposit in advance
付费prepayment fee
付资本prepaid capital
付运费advanced freights (A. F.)
付部分货款partial cash in advance (指定金 (down payment))
付金收据deposit receipt
估单pro forma
保单to be declared policy
先付款advanced payment
先准备preparatory treatment
先加工prior operation
先包装的食用冰prepackaged edible ice
先吸取收入precollected revenue
先备好的货物goods ready before hand
先抽样foregoing sampling
先指定值preassigned value
先授权支票preauthorized check
先授权转账preauthorized transfer
先控制prior operation
先申请prior request
先磋商prior consultation
先磋商preliminary consultation
先组装构件preassembled unit
先规定如果在发生他们所不能控制的某些意外事件时双方的权利和义务It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur
先计划的开支planned cost
先计划的成本planned cost
先计算好的金额precalculated amount
先调整anticipatory control
先调整试算表preadjustment trial balance
先通知advanced notice
制乳酪prepared cream
制香肠brown-and-serve sausage
告通知preliminary notification
告通知preliminary advice
sell for future delivery
sale in advance
贷款协定standby agreement
备付款人drawee in case of need
备性控制preliminary control
备性措施preparatory measures
备性研究preparatory studies
备性训练preparatory training
备支出preliminary expense
备支出preliminary expenditure
备费用preparation expense
存款advance deposit
定下周装货engage to ship the goods next week
定分配率predetermined distribution rate
定动作时间标准predetermined time standard
定单advanced order
定卧铺book a berth
定开航日期estimated date of departure
定成本predicated cost (指标准成本 (standard cost))
定比率predetermined ratio
定船舶intended ship
定船舶intended vessel
定装货港intended port of loading (与预定卸货港(intended port of discharge) 相对)
定负荷率predetermined burden rate
发货通知用开发票pro forma invoice
托证券depositary receipts
扣所得税deduction at source
报进口报关preliminary entry
拨资金advance funds
提费用draw expenses in advance
make advance
支佣金advances on commission
支信用证red clause letter of credit
支信用证packing L/C (分全部预支信用证 (clean payment L/C) 和部分预支信用证 (red clause L/C and green clause L/C))
支信用证anticipatory credit (包括:全部预支信用证 (clean payment credit),部分预支信用证 (partial payment credit)即红色条款信用证 (red clause credit)或绿色条款信用证 (green clause credit))
支信用证prefinance credit
支信用证anticipatory L/C (分全部预支信用证 (clean payment L/C) 和部分预支信用证 (red clause L/C and green clause L/C))
支款偿还repayment of advances
支薪金100新西兰元advance NZ $100 on his salary
收国外定货款advance on indent
收收益revenue collected in advance
期中的成就prospective achievements
期中的收益prospective earnings
期交税债券tax anticipation bills
期使用寿命expected life
期使用期限expectation of life
期使用期限expectancy of life
期使用期限life expectance
期偿付prospective return
期利润profits in expectancy
期利润prospective return
期利润profits in expectance
期利润desired profit
期利益保险insurance on expected profit
期利益保险expected profit insurance
期卸完时间expected time of finishing discharging
期变化desired change
期可达标准成本expect-actual standard cost
期实际标准expected actual standard
期寿命expectancy of life
期平均使用期限expected mean life
期平均值predicted mean value
期报酬expected return
期支付expectation payment
期收益prospective return
期收益expected yield
期收获prospective yield
期滞后expectation lag
期理论expectation theory
期精确度desired accuracy
期精确度desired precision
期纳税票据tax anticipation notes
期结果intended result
期结果desired result
期获利能力expected profitability
期误差率expected error rate
期质量标准expected quality level
期载荷anticipated load
期边际亏损expected marginal loss
期运费expected freight
测分析中心centre of forecasting and analysis
测后果forecasting consequence
测岀的结果forecasted consequence
测总额amount forecasted
测手段forecasting device
测方法forecasting technique (包括:消费水平法 (consumption level method), 最终用途法 (end-use method),先行指标法 (leading indicator method), 趋势外推法 (trend extrapolation method))
测有效性forecasting validity
测有效性forecast validity
测期time span of prediction
测模型prediction model
测法predictive method
测法method of forecasting
测的资产负债表projected balance sheet
测的需求量projected demand
测研究prediction study
测经济发展forecast the economic development
留库存anticipation stock
亦用 bu, BUbudget
the Estimates
算分配allocation of budget
算咨询委员会advisory committee on budget
算处收入receipts out of budget
联合国算外资金劝募委员会Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds
英国算委员会committee of supply
算成本predicted cost
算执行情况execution of budget
算拨款授权authorization for appropriations
算方案budget bill
算直接费flat cost
保险约保单open cover
约保单open policy
约保单open cover
约保险单prearranged insurance policy
约保险单open insurance policy
约保险陈报确认书acknowledgment of declaration
约销售sales by subscription
缴外汇advanced surrender of foreign exchange
见到的损失foreseen losses
计出发时间expected time of departure
计利息anticipated interest
计到达时间expected approach time
计应付支付命令anticipation warrants payable
计所需流动资金projected working capital
计损益表pro-forma profit and loss statement
计的财务报表projected financial statement
计的费用projected expenditure
计的风险calculated risk
计资产负债表pro-forma balance sheet
计间接制造费用分摊率predetermined overhead rate
计需求estimated demand
订包机advance booking charter
运行prior operation
防性检验preventive inspection
防性现金余额precautionary cash balance
防性采购preclusive buying
防撞击collision prevention
防自然灾害be prepared against natural disasters