
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
一般算规则general budget rule
一般算规则budget universality principle
先宣布汇率走向的有管理浮动managed floating with no predetermined path for the exchange rate IMF exchange rate classification system, 2006
业务operational budget
业务operating budget
中和性干sterilized intervention central banking
中期算框架medium-term budgetary framework
中期基准测方案mid-term baseline scenario
乐观的测方案optimistic scenario
乐观的测方案best-policies scenario
乐观的测方案better-policies scenario
事前ex ante forecast
事后ex post forecast
产出output budget
产出performance budget
产出performance budgeting
产出performance-based budgeting
产出performance budgeting system
以最不利形势为基础的测方案pessimistic scenario
以最不利形势为基础的测方案worst case scenario
以最不利的政策为基础的测方案pessimistic scenario
以最不利的政策为基础的测方案worst-policies scenario
以最不利的政策为基础的测方案worse-policies scenario
以最佳政策为基础的测方案best-policies scenario
以最佳政策为基础的测方案optimistic scenario
以最佳政策为基础的测方案better-policies scenario
以较不利的政策为基础的测方案pessimistic scenario
以较不利的政策为基础的测方案worst-policies scenario
以较不利的政策为基础的测方案worse-policies scenario
以较好政策为基础的测方案optimistic scenario
以较好政策为基础的测方案best-policies scenario
以较好政策为基础的测方案better-policies scenario
价格price expectation
充分就业算盈余full employment budget surplus
全球测模型Global Projection Model
全面算准则budget unity rule
全面算准则budget comprehensiveness principle
全面算准则general budget rule
全面算准则budget universality principle
全面算准则comprehensive budget rule
共同干coordinated intramarginal intervention
共同干concerted intervention
共同干joint intervention
共同干intra-marginal intervention
分项line-item appropriation
分项line-item budgeting
分项line-item budget
判断性judgmental forecast
制定budget preparation
前瞻性forward looking expectations
协调干coordinated intramarginal intervention
协调干concerted intervention
协调干joint intervention
协调干intra-marginal intervention
参考测方案reference scenario
参考测方案trend scenario
参考测方案benchmark scenario
参考测方案nonintervention scenario
参考测方案business-as-usual scenario
参考测方案baseline scenario
合理rational expectations
周期中性的cyclically neutral budget
基于绩效的performance-based budgeting
基于绩效的output budget
基于绩效的performance budget
基于绩效的performance budgeting
基于绩效的performance budgeting system
基于绩效的算体系performance budgeting
基于绩效的算体系performance-based budgeting
基于绩效的算体系performance budget
基于绩效的算体系output budget
基于绩效的算体系performance budgeting system
基线baseline projection
基线测方案benchmark scenario
基线测方案reference scenario
基线测方案nonintervention scenario
基线测方案business-as-usual scenario
基线测方案trend scenario
基线测方案baseline scenario
外推性extrapolative expectation
多种货币干snake system
多种货币干multicurrency intervention system
多种货币干currency snake system
多种货币干snake in the tunnel
多种货币干European narrow margins arrangement
工作人员的staff projections
已批准的approved budget
已批准的budget law
divergence threshold
maximum fluctuation limit
intervention point exchange rates
货币currency of intervention
货币intervention currency
平衡算乘数balanced budget multiplier
平衡的neutral budget
平衡的balanced budget
应变性adaptive expectations
强制性的干汇率compulsory intervention rate
悲观的测方案worst-policies scenario
悲观的测方案worst case scenario
悲观的测方案pessimistic scenario
悲观的测方案worse-policies scenario
投资investment budget
定时间回购期望time-based repurchase expectations
操作operational budget
支持干support intervention exchange market
政策policy anticipation
方案program budgeting
方案program budget
方案program-based budgeting system
方案planning-programming-budgeting system
方案算制program-based budgeting system
方案算制program budgeting
方案算制program budget
方案算制planning-programming-budgeting system
早期警系统early warning system model
早期警系统early warning system
早期警练习Early Warning Exercise
最乐观测方案optimistic scenario
最乐观测方案best case scenario
最低期资本回收率cutoff rate
本期current budget
根据承诺先记录的会计制commitment basis
根据承诺先记录的会计制commitment basis accounting
现金cash budget
现金cash plan
现金cash flow budget
理性rational expectations
理想测模型perfect foresight model
算约束hard budget constraint
税收withholding at source
税收tax withholding
经常性recurrent budget
经常性current budget
经济表现弱于forecast disappointment
绩效output budget
绩效performance-based budgeting
绩效performance budget
绩效performance budgeting
绩效performance budgeting system
联合干coordinated intramarginal intervention
联合干concerted intervention
联合干joint intervention
联合干intra-marginal intervention
联手干coordinated intramarginal intervention
联手干joint intervention
联手干concerted intervention
联手干intra-marginal intervention
自动算稳定机制automatic budgetary stabilizer
自我实现的self-fulfilling prophecy
自我挫败的self-defeating prophecy
营业operating budget
行政administrative budget
测变量results variable
测变量criterion variable
测变量predicted variable
测变量response variable
测变量dependent variable
规划program-based budgeting system
规划program budgeting
规划program budget
规划planning-programming-budgeting system
计划、规划及算系统program-based budgeting system
计划、规划及算系统program budget
计划、规划及算系统program budgeting
计划、规划及算系统planning-programming-budgeting system
资本capital budget
跨期算约束intertemporal budget constraint
算约束soft budget constraint
追加supplementary appropriation
追加supplementary budget
适应性adaptive expectations
通货膨胀inflationary expectations
零基算编制zero-based review
零基算编制zero base budget
零星及不可见的开支incidental costs
非洲算改革合作倡议Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative
付定金down payment
付款账户imprest account
外币资产先确定的净消耗predetermined net drain on foreign currency assets
外币资产先确定的净消耗predetermined drain on foreign currency assets
外币资产先确定的消耗predetermined net drain on foreign currency assets
外币资产先确定的消耗predetermined drain on foreign currency assets
collect withholding tax for the government
withhold tax
所得税从源扣法pay-as-you-earn withholding
扣税withholding tax
扣税款tax withheld
收折扣unearned discount
收贷款折扣unearned discount on loan
期弹性elasticity of expectations
期投资expected investment
期效用expected utility
期率expected rate
期的增长率anticipated growth rate
期经济寿命expected economic life
期经济寿命expected economic lifetime
期购买anticipatory purchase
测能力predictive power
算中央政府budgetary central government accounts
算中央政府budgetary central government
算中性budget neutral
算估计budget forecast
算估计budget estimate
算余额差额budgetary balance
算余额差额budget surplus/deficit
算余额差额fiscal balance
算余额或差额中的周期性因素cyclical component of budget balance
算分类体系budget nomenclature system
算削减budget cut
算单位budgetary unit
算单位spending agency
算单位spending department
算单位spending unit
算单位budget institution
算和计划办公室Office of Budget and Planning
算外交易off-budget activity
算外交易off-budget transaction
算外单位extrabudgetary entities
算外单位extrabudgetary units
算外活动off-budget activity
算外活动off-budget transaction
算外账户extrabudgetary fund
算外账户extrabudgetary account
算外资金extrabudgetary fund
算外资金extrabudgetary account
算委员会Committee on the Budget IMF, Executive Board
算封套budget envelope
算平衡budgetary equilibrium
算平衡budgetary balance
算年度budget year
算总汇表budget summary
算战略处Budget Strategy Division
算执行budget execution
算执行结果budget performance
算执行结果budget outturn
算拨款budget appropriation process
算拨款budget appropriation
算拨款budgetary appropriation process
算拨款budgetary appropriation
算支出fiscal expenditure
算支出budgetary outlay
算支出budgetary expenditure
算改革处Budget Reform Division
算整顿budgetary consolidation
算整顿budgetary retrenchment
算整顿fiscal containment
算整顿fiscal retrenchment
算整顿budget consolidation
算整顿fiscal tightening
算整顿fiscal consolidation
算整顿fiscal adjustment
算日程表budget calendar
算框架法budget framework law
算法approved budget
算法budget law
算科Budget Section
算简表budget summary
算管理budget management
算约束budget discipline
算约束budget constraint
算纪律budget discipline
算缺口budgetary gap
算缺口budgetary financing gap
算节余budget surplus realized surplus
算节支budget savings
算草案draft budget
算草案budget bill
算草案budget proposal
算融资缺口budgetary gap
算融资缺口budgetary financing gap
算议案budget bill
算议案draft budget
算议案budget proposal
算账户budgetary account
算资金budgeted funds
算赤字budget gap
算赤字budget deficit
算重点委员会Committee on Budget Priorities
算预测budget forecast
算预测budget estimate
缴押金import deposit
缴押金advance deposit
警信号warning sign
警信号warning signal
preventive measure
preventive action
防动机precautionary motive
防性余额precautionary balances
防性信贷额度Precautionary Credit Line
防性储蓄precautionary saving
防性和流动性额度Precautionary and Liquidity Line
防性安排precautionary program
防性安排precautionary arrangement
防性货币需求precautionary demand for money
防性需求precautionary demand