
Terms for subject Economy containing 预计 | all forms | in specified order only
不改变预计线no deviation
人口预计population forecast
他们预计四季度马克将与日元一起升值,升值率相同They anticipated that the mark would rise in step with the Japanese yen during the last quarter of the year
他们预计第二批船货将于下周到达They anticipate that the 2nd shipment will arrive next week
他们的计算结果是根据预测的营业额得出来的They based their calculations on the forecast turnover
农业预算计划farm budget plan
切勿预计收益provide for all losses, anticipate no profit
危机预防计划preparedness programme
家庭预算统计family budget statistics
对连续性项目的支出预算估计current service estimate
房屋设计费大大超过我们的预算The cost of designing the house considerably exceeds our calculations
投产准备期间的预计需求expected demand during lead time
按预定计划on schedule
最初预计到港时间first ETA (expected time of arrival)
有条件的统计预测conditional statistical forecast
有计划的预防性维修planned preventive maintenance
预计的工作规范an off-design behaviour
预计的条件an off-design condition
预计的条件off-design condition
未清偿的预付估计税款the outstanding advance for estimated tax
滚计预算the rolling budget
现行政策下预算支出估计current policy budget
粗略预计gross prediction
经济计量预测法econometric forecasting
结息前预计余额anticipate balance
结息前预计利息anticipate interest
落后于预定计划behind schedule
规划一设计一预算一核算系统planning-programming budgetary-accounting system
规划、计划与预算programs, planning and budgeting
计入通货膨胀的预算full budgeting
计划支助事务预算programme support service budget
计划、程序及预算制度planning, programming and budgeting system
管理七职能计划、组织、人事、措挥、协调、报吿、预算Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, Budgeting
计划、组织、人员配备、指挥、协调、报告和预算七项管理职能planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting
计划、规划、预算系统planning, programming, budgeting system
计划预定完成指数planned performance
计划预算a planning budget
计划预算决定program budget decision
计量经济学的预测方法econometric forecasting method
该货预计7月16日离本港,并按指示在香港转船The goods are expected to leave this port on 16th July to be transshipped at Hong Kong as instructed
财务预计the proforma finance
这家计算机公司冒着用尽预算资金的风险开发此新产品The computer company is taking the risk of exhausting its budget in developing this new product
项目预计project budget
预估世界计划indicative world plan
预先制定的计划forward planning
预定的成本计算the predetermined cost accounting
预算会计budgetary accounting
预算及会计法案budget and accounting act
预算及资金会计budget and fund accounting
预算外拨款计划extra-budgetary programme
预算外拨款计划extra-budgetary program
预算编制计划budget programme
预算编制计划budget program
预算计划文件budget planning document
预计与实际收入比较表statement of revenue estimated and actual
预计交割日期expected date of delivery
预计交货时间expected time of delivery
预计产量收入expected harvest proceeds
预计产量调查yield forecast
预计产量调査the yield forecast
预计产量调査investigation of predicted output
预计价格法estimated price method
预计expectation value
预计准确率expected accuracy
预计利润estimated profit
预计利润the anticipation of profit
预计利润anticipation of profit
预计利润风险率risk-benefit ratio
预计利益anticipation of profit
预计到达时间expected time of arrival
预计劳动率estimated labour rate
预计占实际收入比较表statement of revenue estimated and actual
预计卸完时间expected time of finishing discharge
预计外贸业务不久即将好转It is expected that there will soon be an upturn in foreign trade
预计完成estimate fulfilment
预计工资率estimated wage rate
预计年限合计折旧法depreciation sum of expected life method
预计应付凭单anticipation warrant payable
预计应付所得税estimated income tax payable
预计应付支付令anticipation warrant payable
预计开始装货时间expected time of commencement of loading
预计开航时间estimated time of sailing
预计开航时间estimated time en route
预计总报酬expected total reward
预计总操作费expected total operating cost
预计成本the proforma cost
预计成本the predetermined cost
预计成本项目计算办法ex ante cost-centre accounting scheme
预计预算执行情况budgeted performance
预计投资报酬率expected rate of return on investment (ROI)
预计抵达时间estimated time of arrival
预计损失prospective damage
预计损益表estimated income statement
预计损益计算书proforma income statement
预计支付凭单anticipation warrant payable
预计收到日期estimated receive date
预计数量estimated amount
预计最高损失额maximum loss expectancy
预计的附加额ex ante surcharges
预计皮重estimated tare
预计竣工日期estimated completion date
预计竣工时间estimated time of completion
预计竣工时间estimated completion time
预计经济寿命expected economic lifetime
预计装卸完成时间expected end of landing
预计装卸完毕时间estimated time of completion
预计装完时间expected time of finishing loading
预计装毕时间expected time of finishing loading
预计误差premeditated mistake
预计财务报表forecast financial statement
预计财政收入estimated revenue receipts
预计资产负债表estimated balance sheet
预计资本estimated capital
预计还船日期expected time of redelivery
预计重量estimated weight
预计销售额estimates of transactions
预计销售额estimate of transactions
预计销售额estimate of sales
预计间接费用分配率estimated overhead distribution rate
预计靠泊时间estimated time of berthing
预计anticipated values
预计风险calculated risk
预防性维管理计划preventive maintenance management program
预防性维管理计划preventive maintenance management plan