
Terms for subject Economy containing 预付 | all forms | in specified order only
中央银行预付central bank advances
为支付债务而按年提取的预算资金permanent annual charge
产量预付harvest advance
产量预付advance on the harvest
他从该旅行社买来了预付旅馆费用凭证He bought the hotel voucher from the travel agency
代销商品预付预收advance consignment-in (consignment-out)
预付款形式提供的收获前贷款pre-season loans in the form of advances
以商品作抵押的预付advance secured on merchandise
保证偿还预付的金额guarantee for repayment of advances made on account
出口预付货款证明书certificate of receipt of export prepayment
务请预付第一批样品定货款We must ask you to pay in advance for the first sample orders
预付的运费freight prepayable
可退回的预付returnable advances
各项费用预付charges prepaid
合同预付定金advance money of contract
合理通知可用邮资预付的方式寄给债务人The reasonable notice can be mailed postage prepaid to the debtor
定期资金预付制度imprest system
小额预付petty imprest
已装船运费预付清洁海运提单clean on broad freight prepaid ocean bills of lading
往来预付current prepayments
我们必须支付现金预算的一半来购买新设备We have to lay half of our cash budget on buying new equipment
我方支付了一笔不可回收的预付款作为专利使用费We made a non-refundable advance payment for royalties
承销人预付advances from consignee
承销人预付the advance from consignee
抵押担保品预付advance upon collateral security
未收作物预付advance on standing crops
未清偿的预付估计税款the outstanding advance for estimated tax
本协议一经执行,美国钢铁公司同意付给东方饭店有限公司 5000美元作预付租金Upon execution of this agreement, the United, States Steel Corporation agrees to pay to the Oriental Hotel Ltd. $5000 as advance royalties
标明运费预付the marked freight prepaid
用商品作抵押的预付advance against goods
经营预算承付款项current budget obligation
给供应者的预付advances to suppliers
给附属公司的预付advances to affiliates
证人宣誓证明我确实预付了货款The witness deposed to the fact that I have paid in advance for the goods
请将本合同认可的任何通知用邮资预付的挂号邮件寄发Please send any notice permitted under this contract by prepaid registered mail
贷款预付prepayment of loans
贷款与预付loans and advance
内陆指定地点车上交货,运费预付free on board ... freight prepaid to... (指定岀口港)
输出预付export advanced system
运费预付至…条件freight paid to ... terms
运费将预付freight to be prepaid
运费已预付freight prepaid
退回预付the restitution of advance payment (额)
预付pay receive in advance (预收)
预付make an advance
预付advance (货款等)
预付in advance
预付专利税prepaid royalty
预付交单advance against documents
预付产地使用费prepaid royalty
预付价格price advance
预付供应款advance to suppliers
预付保证金forward cover
预付保证金收据deposit receipt
预付公司税advance corporation tax
预付 准备金provision
预付制度impress system
预付advance bill
预付回报费value of the reply paid voucher
预付回报费凭单的款数the value of the reply paid voucher
预付回报费用的剩余部分the unexpended portion of the reply paid charges
预付国外定货款advance on indent
预付委托销售货物款advance on consignment-in
预付定金advance payment covering
预付工程款project prepayments
预付年金annuity in advance
预付广告费账户the prepaid advertising expense a/c
预付开支prepaid expenses
预付或备付所得税provision for income tax
预付折扣anticipated discount
预付折扣款the prepaid discount charge
预付提成prepaid royalty
预付支票advance draft
预付条款prepayment clause
预付某人薪水advance one's salary
预付某人薪金advance one’s salary
预付advance payment
预付advances for work in process and construction materials
预付payment on account
预付forward money
预付款持有人advance holder
预付款账户prepayments a/c
预付版税advance royalties
预付版税prepaid royalty
预付现金cash advance
预付现金cash advances
预付的公款imprest money
预付矿区使用费prepaid royalty
预付租金the hire paid in advance
预付租金账户prepaid rent a/c
预付稿酬advance payment
预付经费expense paid in advance
预付经费advance fund
预付联营附属公司款advance to affiliates
预付营业资本prepaid operating capital
预付账款account of advances
预付货款advance on sales
预付货款或劳务款advance to suppliers
预付购买材料款advance made for the purchase of material
预付贴现款the prepaid discount charge
预付贷款advance credit
公司支付给答应贷筹款的金融家的预付费用advance fee
预付费用prepaid assets
预付费用prepaid expenses
预付资本the advanced capital
预付资金advance funding
预付运费advanced freight
预付运费advance freight
预付进口保证金advance import deposits
预付进口设备款the prepayment for imported equipment
保险预付金收据deposit receipt
预付金额the prepaid amount
预付金额the amount advanced
预付长途电话费paid call
预先支付advance payment
预定支付工资的基金funds destined for the payment of wages
预算付款budgetary payment
预算直接拨付资金direct budgetary appropriations
预计应付凭单anticipation warrant payable
预计应付所得税estimated income tax payable
预计应付支付令anticipation warrant payable
预计支付凭单anticipation warrant payable