
Terms for subject Technology containing 静 水 | all forms | in specified order only
速毕托管静水low-speed Pitot static head
允许静水压力值allowable value of statical water pressure
允许静水压力值allowable value of static water pressure
静水压力近似quasi-hydrostatical approximations
静水压力近似quasi-hydrostatic approximations
剩余静水压力excess hydrostatical pressure
剩余静水压力excess hydrostatic pressure
半静止地下水semi-perched water
向上静水压力upward hydrostatical pressure
吸水静压suction static pressure
回扬前静水static water table before back-pumping
土中静态水static water in soil
土压力的静水压分布hydrostatic distribution of the earth pressure
在水面静止dead in water condition
坝趾静水toe basin
坞底静水压力hydrostatic under-pressure
坞底静水压力hydrostatic pressure on dock floor
静水压力external hydrostatical pressure
静水undisturbed water level
库水静压力hydrostatic pressure of reservoir
当量静水压力equivalent hydrostatical pressure
当量静水压力equivalent hydrostatic pressure
静水压力的resistant to hydrostatic pressure
静水扬压力against hydrostatical uplift
静水扬压力against hydrostatic uplift
换能器静态吃水static draft of transducer
最大静水压力maximum hydrostatical pressure
最大静水压力maximum hydrostatic pressure
最大静水水压maximum static head
最终静水final static level
欧拉静水力学定律Euler's hydrostatical law
正常静水压力normal hydrostatical pressure
水力静压头elevation head
水头静压static head
水平向静态位移量horizontal static load displacement
水平静会聚磁铁horizontal static convergence magnet
水平静态会聚horizontal static convergence
水库静水static head of reservoir
水膜静电吸尘器water-film electrostatic precipitator
水静力学基本方程basic equation of hydrostatics
水静力运动器hydrostatic vehicle
水静压式杀菌hydrostatic sterilization
水静压式杀菌机hydrostatic sterilizer
水静压式杀菌机hydrostatic cooker
水静压式杀菌机hydromatic retort
水静压测深棒hydrostatic depth gauge
水静压测深棒hydrostatic depth gage
水面静止的渠道sleeping canal
水面静止的运河sleeping canal
河流静水quiet reach
流体静力水准测量hydrostatic levelling apparatus
流体静力水准测量hydrostatic leveling apparatus
流体静力水准测量hydrostatic level
流体静力水准测量hydrostatic levelling
流体静力水准测量hydrostatic leveling
海姆静水压假说Heim's hypothesis
海底固定静水压柱状取样器bottom standing hydrostatical corer
海底固定静水压柱状取样器bottom standing hydrostatic corer
涨潮时的静止水位slack-water on the flood
液体静力水准仪hydrostatic levelling instrument
液体静力水准仪hydrostatic leveling instrument
液体静力水准测量hydrostatic levelling
液体静力水准测量hydrostatic leveling
清除静水污泥hydrostatic sludge removal
热储静水reservoir rest level
热水管静止端节dead leg
环氧树脂防静电水磨石epoxy conductive terrazzo
精密流体静力水准仪precision hydrostatical level
精密流体静力水准仪precision hydrostatic level
自流水静压力artesian hydrostatical pressure
自由溢流式静水free overfall jet stilling basin
船舶静水航速ship's speed in still water
静水应力negative hydrostatical stress
静水应力negative hydrostatic stress
静水hydrostatic excess pressure
静水压力excess hydrostatical pressure
过剩静水压力hydrostatic excess pressure
退潮时的静止水位slack-water on the ebb
镇静室静水stilling chamber
长期静水压强度long-term hydrostatical strength
长期静水压强度long-term hydrostatic strength
防静电水磨石conductive terrazzo
静力排水试验static drain test
静力水位static water level
静力水位static level
静力水压static head of water
静压力水头static head
静压力水头geodetic head
静压力水头geodesic head
静压水门static sea valve
静压水门static sea cock
静压水面potentiometric surface
静吃水static draft
静吸入水头static suction head
静吸入水头static draft head
静吸升水头static suction head
静吸水头static draft head
静态单功能流水线static unifunction pipeline
静态多功能流水线static multifunction pipeline
静态水滴腐蚀试验drop water drop corrosion test
静止地下水stagnant pool
静止地下水位perched water table
静止地下水位static groundwater level
静止地下水位perched ground water-table
静止水quiescence water
静止水adherent water
静止水位static water table
静止水位static water level
静止水位static level
静止水体impound water
静止水体impound body
静水smooth water
静水static water
静水quiet water
静水non-flowing water
静水不稳定hydrostatic instability (性)
静水float well
静水井滞后stilling well lag
静水位差static-elevation difference
静水位移监测计hydrostatic profile gauge
静水位移监测计hydrostatic profile gage
静水力学称量法hydrostatic weighing method
静水力学称量法dead water mechanical weighing method
静水力平衡线isostatic line
静水力拱hydrostatic arch (曲线)
静水力方程hydrostatic equation
静水力计算hydrostatic calculation
静水加速仪hydrostatic accelerometer
静水quiet water region
静水still waters
静水zone of silence
静水standing water region
静水calm water zone
静水dead pocket
静水calm waters
静水区域quiescent waters
静水区域dead water region
静水static water pressure (力)
静水hydrostatic pressure
静水hydrostatic pressure
静水fluid static pressure (力)
静水differential hydrostatical pressure
静水differential hydrostatic pressure
静水强度hydrostatic strength
静水拱形曲线hydrostatic arch curve
静水曲线hydrostatic curve
静水hydrostatic pressure ratio
静水hydrostatic gauge
静水hydrostatic gage
静水试验hydrostatic pressure testing
静水试验hydrostatic pressure test
筑坝的静水压力pressure of impounded water
静水压力vertical head
静水压力fluid pressure
静水压力分布hydrostatic pressure distribution
静水压力分布图distribution diagram of hydrostatical pressure
静水压力分布图distribution diagram of hydrostatic pressure
静水压力基床hydrostatic bed
静水压力悬链线hydrostatic catenary
静水压力拱hydrostatic arch
静水压力排泥sludge discharge by static water head
静水压力水位hydrostatic level
静水压力水头hydrostatic head
静水压力状态hydrostatic static of stress
静水压力盒hydrostatic pressure cell
静水压力系数hydrostatic pressure coefficient
静水压力线hydrostatic line of pressure
静水压力设计应力hydrostatic design stress
静水压力阀hydrostatic valve
静水压头hydrostatic pressure head
静水压强hydrostatic pressure
静水压强static pressure of water
静水压强hydrostatic intensity of pressure
静水压强分布图distribution diagram of hydrostatical pressure
静水压成static pressure line
静水压曲线hydrostatic curve
静水still waters
静水static level
静水static water level
静水standing water level
静水头量测孔static orifice
静水奇像hydrostatic paradox
静水平衡hydrostatic equilibrium
静水平面rest water level
静水level reservoir
静水应力状态hydrostatic stress condition
静水式毒性试验static toxicity test
静水式生物测验static bioassay
静水式试验static test
静水张力hydrostatic tension
静水弯矩still water bending moment
静水扬力hydrostatic lift
静水扬压力hydraulic uplift pressure
静水拉力hydrostatic tension
静水拉力hydrostatic pull
静水排泥hydrostatic sludge removal
静水hydrostatic column
静水stilling grid
静水stilling grate
静水止托力hydrostatic uplift
静水水位static level
静水水位hydrostatic water level
静水水域quiescent waters
静水水深still water depth
静水spillway basin
静水stagnant pool
静水still pool
静水tumble bay
静水orifice box
静水cushion pool
静水池调节still pond regulation
静水沉淀static water sedimentation
静水沉淀static water precipitation
静水沉淀slack-water deposit
静水沉积型limnetic sedimentary type
静水河段still water reach
静水hydrostatic uplift
静水浮力static lift
静水浮托力hydraulic uplift
静水still water depth
静水深度计hydrostatic depth gauge
静水深度计hydrostatic depth gage
静水环境static water environment
静水生态系统standing water ecosystem
静水疑题hydrostatic paradox
静水稳定性hydrostatic stability
静水stilling box
静水航行still water navigation
静水航行slack-water navigation
静水航运slack-water navigation
静水压力荷载hydrostatic load
静水荷载分布hydrostatic load distribution
静水设备water-stilling device
静水试验stilling test
静水试验hydrostatic test
静水试验hydrostatic testing
静水试验hydraulic testing
静水超压试验hydrostatic overpressure test
静水运河still water canal
静水阻力still water resistance
静水阻力water drag
静水阻力smooth water resistance
静水still water level
静水standing level
静水面高程测量still water levelling
静水面高程测量still water leveling
静滞地下水位false ground water table
静滞地下水面perched ground water-table
静电含水量计量表proven electrostatic moisture meter
静电探测水分仪proven electrostatic moisture meter
静电沥水electrostatic detearing
静负压水头static suction head
静输送水头static delivery head
静水压力固结non-hydrostatical consolidation
静水压力固结non-hydrostatic consolidation
风平浪静的水域calm waters
高压静水分离法high-voltage still water separation method
高水位时的静止水位slack at high-water
高级静水压力试验high-level testing (英国)