
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
再磨的粉料direct pellet feed
维修的maintenance-f ree
氧菌obligate aerobes
专性氧微生物obligatory aerobes
专性氧微生物obligate aerobes
专性氧细菌obligate aerobic bacteria
世界钢求预测world-wide steel demand forecast
平衡balance between supply and demand
兼性氧微生物facultative aerobes
冷却水求量cooling water requirement
动力要量energy requirement
化学计算要量stoichiometric requirement
氧菌facultative aerobes
带钢demand for steel strip (量)
扩大内expand domestic demands
求量daily requirement
要量daily requirement
昼夜要量daily requirement
最终氧量ultimate oxygen demand
板坯demand for slab (量)
氢气理论要量theoretical hydrogen requirement
污水净化氯量chlorine demand of sewage
炼钢heat required to run the steelmaking process
要量heat requirement
要量heat demand
要量calorific requirement
熔化废钢的焓求量enthalpy requirement to melt scrap steel (In both practices, 1000°C: is the maximum temperature of the scrap steel prior to charging the hot metal. Therefore, the enthalpy available for increasing scrap melting capacity is approximately 160 kcal/kg scrap input; while the total enthalpy requirement to melt scrap is 330 kca/kg scrap. 在这两种操作实践中,兑铁水前废钢的最高温度均为 1000°C。 因此,用于提高废钢熔炼能力的现有焓约为 160kcal/kg 废钢加入量,而熔化废钢的焓需求量总计为 330kcal/kg 废钢。)
燃烧空气求量combustion air requirement
燃烧空气要量combustion air requirement
球团矿demand for pellet (量)
生铁demand for pig iron (量)
用户要的钢种steel grade demanded by customer
用户要的钢种grade demanded by customer
矿石demand for ore (量)
能量求量energy requirement
能量要量energy requirement
蒸气要量demand for steam
进行炼钢要的热量heat required to run the steelmaking process
钢产品求量steel product requirement
钢材demand for finished steel products (量)
加废钢amount of scrap to be charged
加熔剂量amount of flux to be added (The static charge model can calculate the amount of oxygen to be blown and the amount of fluxes to be added to attain the desired (aim) carbon and temperature for the heat. 为了取得该炉次的目标碳和目标温度,静态装料模型可以计算出需要的吹氧量和待加的熔剂量。)
加铁水量amount of hot metal to be charged
aerobic bacteria
氧量oxygen demand
demand (量)
求功率required power
求变化情况shift in demand
求波动demand fluctuation
热量heat demand
用功率power demand
用工时man-hour requirement
demand (量)
风量blast requirement
要功率power intake
要功率power requirement
要功率required power
要功率consumed power
要动力power requirement
要温度target temperature
要量变化情况shift in demand
高速氧处理high rate aerobic treatment
鼓风要量blast requirement