
Terms for subject Hydrology containing | all forms
倾杯量计tipping cup rain gage
量计totalizator rain gage
antecedent precipitation
前期降antecedent precipitation
uniform rain-storm pattern
单位unit rainfall duration
spotty rain-storm pattern
typhoon rain
地形topographical rain
excessive rainfall
大暴cloud burst
平均量年year of average rainfall
excessive rainfall of short duration
普通量计simple rain gage
excessive rainfall of short duration
事件最大流量值或最大排水量peak discharge value of storm events
类型rain-storm pattern
极限maximum possible precipitation
uniform rain-storm pattern
浮标量计虹吸雨量计syphon type rain gage
浮标量计虹吸雨量计float type rain gage
短历时excessive rainfall of short duration
isohyetal map
累频图iso-pluvial map
简单量计simple rain gage
自 记量计recording gage
自记量计recording rain gage
excessive rainfall
曲线rainfall intensity -duration
过量降excessive rainfall
长历时excessive rainfall of long duration
spotty rain-storm pattern
水文年rainfall year
流量率specific discharge rainfall
积线rainfall mass differential
累频指数pluvial index
贮藏能力rain storage capacity
rain day
渗灌注recharge by rainfall penetration
intensity of rain
rainfall intensity
率雨时频距曲线rainfall intensity -duration
蚀分类rain erosion class
量-时间-面积值depth-duration-area value
量计ombrometer (rain gage)
量计ombrometer gage
glazed frost
excessive rainfall of long duration