
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
临界critical rainfall amount
乡村暴污染rural stormwater pollution
人工模拟降rainfall simulating in laboratory
人工模拟降artificial simulated rainfall
人工降试验simulated rainfall experiment
低山暴low hill heavy rain area
住户水口house inlet
作物水利用效率rainwater use efficiency of crop
侵蚀性降标准erosive rainfall standard
倾盆大heavy rain
前期降ante precipitation
华西屏区high precipitation area of western China
单元降产流unit rainfall runoff
rain gun
国家酸评价方案national acid precipitation assessment program (CNAPAP)
rain spell
气候rainy tropics
气候rainy climate
天然降natural rainfall
始发critical rain quantity
资源small rainfall
挡风weather strip
torrential rain
rain storm
径流rainfall runoff
径流调节池storm runoff retention basin
水污染storm water pollution
污水及沉淀两用池sedimentation / storm sewage tank
污水溢流storm sewage overflow
泥石流rainfall debris flow
洪水关系connection of catastrophic rainstorm and flash flood
洪水泥沙特性rainstorm flood and sediment characteristic
渗入地下流subsurface stone flow
溢流井storm-overflow chamber
rainstorm amount
有效降effective precipitation
未着地带山背风坡面,雨未涉及的部分rain shadow
林内through fall
模拟酸simulated acid rain
模拟降simulating rainfall
模拟降simulation rainfall
模拟降simulated rainfall
模拟降modeling rain
次暴产沙量sediment yield of single rainfall event
热带林树种tropical rainforest tree species
热带低地tropical lowland rain forest
热带季tropical monsoon forest
热带山地tropical montane rain forest
特大暴catastrophic rainstorm
种子seed rain
穿透through fall
穿透降through fall
acidic precipitation
rain screen
rain proof
rain spell
产流runoff formation during rainfall
人工模拟rainfall simulation
侵蚀因子rainfall-runoff erosivity factor
再分配rainfall redistribution
分配rainfall distribution
动能rainfall energy
rainfall regime
强度-持续时间的曲线rainfall intensity-duration curve
径流动力机制dynamic mechanism of rainfall runoff
径流污染rainfall runoff pollution
径流相关关系rainfall-runoff correlation
持续时间time duration of rainfall
施肥间隔rain-fertilization interval
时段duration of raining
概率rainfall probability
模拟rainfall simulation
空间分布rainfall spatial distribution
类型rainfall type
试验rainfall test
重现段rainfall occurrence interval
rain precipitation
利用rain collecting use
技术rainwater catchment technique
材料rainwater catchment material
补灌supplementary irrigation with catchment rainfall
补灌rainwater harvesting irrigation
造林rain gathered and forest planted
养区rainfall-fed region
季中末期mid-end rainy season
屏区rainy area
连绵rain spell
林气候rain forest climate
storm sewer
水井gully trap
水冲击侵蚀rain-impact erosion
水冲刷rain wash
水利用rainwater using (utilization)
水利用use of rain water
水利用rainfall utilization
水处理rain water treatment
水汇集rainwater catchment
水池storm water tank
水污水分流系统separate system
水沟渠surface water sewer
水清洁作用cleaning effect by rain
水补给河流rainfed stream
水资源rainwater resource
水资源rainfall resource
水资源rain-water resource
水资源化rainwater resource
水资源潜力potentiality of rainwater resource
水集流rainwater harvesting
水集流rainfall collecting
污合流制下水water borne sewerage
污水storm sewage
污水合流下水管道combined sewer
污水合流下水管道系统combined sewer system
滴动能raindrop energy
滴地面终速rainfall terminal velocity
滴溅蚀力raindrop splash erosivity
融雪洪rain-on-snow flood
rainfall amount
量强度rain intensity
量逆增rainfall inversion