
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一旦解聘,员两年内不得在同行业任何公司内就业On the severance n., an employee shall not enter into employment in any firm of the same trade for two years
不开放佣企业closed shop
业主应与其员维持良好的合作关系The owner should maintain good cooperative relation with his employees
临时a non-legal employee
人员佣和调换personal hiring and displacement
他们佣 200 名职工They employ 200 hands
他们以佣金报酬方式推销员出售地产They hired salesmen to sell estates on commission basis
以受工人不加入工会为条件的雇用契约yellow-dog contract
任何有关佣的纠纷可在法庭内仲裁Any disputes about employment may be arbitrated in the tribunal
企业与模式company to employee
优先佣工会会员的企业preferential shop
作为劳动力商品价格的佣工资form of wages equivalent to the commodity price of labour power
全国建筑业主联合会national federation of building trades employers
出资的各方是否有权自行招聘或解人员?Do the parties who have invested have the right to hire or fire their staff at their own discretion?
削减员工资slash the salaries of the employees
劳动限额用规定quota rule
印刷商人把纸从车上搬运到仓库A printer hires men to handle paper from cars to the warehouse
压榨screw the employees
hire oneself to
于某人in sb's employ (in the employ of)
人员名单names on the payroll
作家的作品the hack work
劳动力employed labor force
受…雇用in one's employ
佣工会会员的工厂union shop
因为员不能在规定的期限内完成工作,雇主遂终止协议The employer terminated the agreement because the employee was unable to complete the job within the period stipulated herein
在适当的时候,我们也会考虑用半熟练工人In due time, we shall also consider employing semi-skilled workers
主劳资谈判a multiemployer bargaining
大约70%的劳动力受从事服务行业About 70% of labour force are employed in service activity
大量解mass unemployment
如果主的纯利润连续四周内超过一万美元,则该雇主应将其利润的5%支付给雇员If the net profit of an employer exceeds ten thousand dollars during successive four weeks, the employer shall pay 5% of such profit to his employees
如果公司的销售量超过30%,经理将给其员增加奖金The manager will give his employees a supplement to their premium if the company's sales surpass 30%
如遇意外事故,主应负责对受雇人提供及时救护The employer shall be responsible for immediate care of employees in case of accident
工会强迫资方佣多余劳动力labour featherbedding
已被解be off the payroll
劳动者confined labourer
职员an established clerk
常住career employee
常年year round office
应向负责人、股东及员收款的票据note receivable from officers, stockholders and employees
总的员财政困难total employee involvement
我们不再用额外的上门售货推销员We will not employ any additional door-to-door salesmen
我们正在拟定一项招聘计划,将用许多有能力的工作人员We are undertaking a recruitment program and will hire a lot of able employees
我方同意遵守一切有关管理这类工人的用事宜的条款We agreed to abide by all provisions regulating the engagement of such workers
所有的员必须按照公司的规章条例办事All of the employees shall act in conformity with the bylaws established by the company
把某人解give sb. the bounce
招募和解recruit and dismissal
招收和解recruit and dismissal
招聘the recruitment of employees
招聘,用和解雇员工的权利right to recruit, employ and dismiss staff and workers
按年annual labour
接到解通知get notice
员向雇主提交了一项补充建议The new employee submitted a subproposal to his employer
员安全培训new employee safety training
员税收减免neutral credit
新任总经理解了二分之一的推销员The new managing director fired half the sales force
无受力者补助金unemployability subsidy
佣者day labourer
暂时解stand-by equipment
暂时解layoff system
暂时解layoff rate
最后,经理同意了员们提出的建议Ultimately, the manager agreed to the suggestion of employees
有关用职工的费用office-related expense
有权招聘、招收、辞退,或者解职工right to recruit, employ, unemploy and dismiss staff and workers
根据协议,该公司必须在当地招聘According to the agreement the company should recruit employees locally
根据该协议,任何职员违反我国法律,立即被解According to the agreement, should any employee violate the laws of our country, he will be dismissed immediately
每一个员均应严格遵守其公司的各项规定Every employee should strictly comply with regulations of his company
由于人员过剩,公司决定解一些工人The company decided to lay off some workers due to redundancy
由于违反了主的规章制度,该雇员被开除了Due to non-compliance with the employer's rules and regulations, the employee was dismissed
美国石油主与雇员关系咨询委员会Petroleum Employers Advisory Council on Employee Relations
私人private employment
私人private office
积极用方针active employment policy
签约受当…sign up as
管理的任务可以由企业主负责,也可以部分地委托给用的经理人员The functions of management may be performed by the owner of a business, or they may be delegated in part to hired managers
约翰因违反劳动纪律被解John was dismissed for violating labour discipline
终身用制employment for life
经理喜欢在他的公司里用能干的年轻人The manager tends to employ able youngsters in his company
美国政府员和机构运输普通许可证general license
老板不同意用没有任何工作经历的人The boss does not agree to employ any person having no working experience
老板已对员们做了口头解释The boss has already given a verbal explanation to the employees
老板想胁迫他的员这样做,可是没有得逞The boss attempted to intimidate his employees into doing so but in vain
船员佣管理处shipping office
船员用合同shipping articles
董事会决定多用一些职员The board of directors decided to take on more staff
be on the payroll
被解get the knock
美俚被解get the hook
被解get the bounce
被…雇用in the office of
pay "boot"
send away (the unqualified employees, 不合格雇员)
pink slip
开除,抛弃某人give the bounce
a walking ticket
佣人turn away a servant
佣人dismiss a servant
偿金termination of indemnity
工人dismiss workers
某人give one the bag
津贴termination of allowance
补偿金termination of indemnity
the separation allowance
the separation pay
the redundancy payment
通知a notice to quit
通知书a termination slip
通知书a pink-slip
the compensation for removal
serverance wage
redundancy payment
compensation for removal
计算机业的员少于纺织业的雇员There are less people employed in computers than in textiles
许多公司都用代理商来试探市场Many firms hire reps to test new markets
该公司增加了员的工资The company has jacked up the wages of the employees
该公司已用他们为销售其新商品的推销员The company has employed them to act as its salesman for the sale of the new commodity
请给我们一份关于你们怎样与员们协商处理此事的报告Please give us a report about how you confer with the employees on this matter
车间主任应在新用的年轻工人中实施严格的纪律,维持良好的秩序The workshop director should enforce strict discipline and good order among the newly employed youngsters
这不包括公司所用的出国服务职员的收入It doesn't include the income of the expatriate staff hired by the company
这些员的优质服务使得他们有资格分享公司各种福利计划The brilliant service of these employees qualifies them for participation in the company's various benefit plans
遇有政府向承包商征收税款,关税等情况时,主应向承包商补偿全部金额When the government imposes on the contractor taxes, levies and duties, the employer shall reimburse the contractor the full amount
限产超为了减少失业,工会在劳资合同中责成资方或限制产量,或超额雇用工人"feather bedding"
限期limited-term employee
除非你自己记账,否则你还得用一名簿记员You'll have to hire a bookkeeper unless you think you can do your books yourself
主不应对雇员实行种族歧视An employer should not discriminate against any employee because of his race
主与雇员间的关系employer-employee relations
主信用联合社employer's credit associations
主信用联合社employers’ credit association
主做法employer practice
主协会employer’s confederation
主协会employer's confederation
主协会employer’s federation
主对社会保险的捐献employer contributions for social insurance
主支配劳动市场domination of labor markets by employers
主的不正当劳动行为employer unfair labor practices
主的工资政策wage policies of employers
主的工资政策employers wage policies
主的联合employer's cartel
主的联合以对抗雇员employer’s cartel
主组织employer’s organization
主给工人的小额优惠labour fringe benefit
主,职工工薪税employer, employee payroll tax
主联合会the employer's association
主联合会employer’s association
主薪工税employer’s payroll taxes
主识别employer identification
主识别码、号修改employer identification change
主识别号employer identification number
主责任法employer's liability act
主责任法employer's liability laws
主责任法employer’s liability act
主赔偿法employers liability laws
sign on (30 workers, 30位工人)
engagement (期间)
工资劳动者wage earner
佣一位女售货员hire a salesgirl
佣人hire a servant
佣人员报酬:工资和薪金compensation of employees, wages and salaries
佣保护法employment protection act
佣劳动commodity of labour-power
佣劳动hired labour
佣劳动制度wage-labour system
佣劳动制度a wage system
佣劳动者wage slave
佣多余人手labour featherbedding
佣奴隶制wage slavery system
佣工hired labour
佣工人wage worker
佣掮客floor broker
佣救助engaged salvage
佣救助the engaged salvage
佣救助employed salvage
佣文人hireling scribbler
佣条件employment conditions
佣法律的境外应用extra territorial application of employment law
佣红利employee's bonus
hired farm labour
hired farmhand
员与企业模式employee to company
员与雇主应达成一项雇用协议Employees should reach an employment agreement with employers
员业务支出employee business expenses
员偿还帐户employee reimbursement account
员分担资本法capital sharing system
员分资法红股分配法之一capital sharing system
美国员分配额hiring quotas
美国员分配额hiring quota
员基本保险employee insurance
员寿险employee life insurance
员应该为他的故意玩忽职守负责The employee should be responsible for his intentional misconduct
员录用前面谈employment interviewing
员手册employ hand book
员相助计划Employee Assistance Program
员福利基金employee benefit fund
员福利设施employee facilities
员税payroll taxes
员税支出payroll tax expense
员第三者责任保险employees third liability insurance
员补偿金employee compensation
员证employee ID card
员辅导employee counseling
美国员退休收入保险法Employee Retirement Income Security Act
员退休收入保障法Employee Retirement Income Security Act
员选留计划employee maintenance
员额外酬偿employee fringe benefit
contract labour
工代表制employee representation
工倍增employment multiplier
hire of service
take on
用与薪资管理hiring and salary administration
用人数number of persons employed
用合约employment agreement
用契约hire agreement
用契约employment agreement
用惯例office practice
用条件employment condition
用条款employment clause
用某人take sb. into office
用查账员staff auditor
用率hiring rate
用税office tax
用职工考査office test
用认付hired acceptance
用证明书employment certificate
用费employment cost
用费用employment expense
用面谈employment interview
船契据deed of charter of a ship
非法解the wrongful dismissal
额外"feather bedding"