
Terms for subject Technology containing 集水 | all forms | in specified order only
集水upper tank
不吸水集料hydrophobic aggregate
不定时采集的水样grab sample
中心集水central caisson
举高集水射流elevated master stream
井筒集水water ring
亲水集料hydrophilic aggregate
兰尼集水Ranney collector
兰尼井内集水Ranney well collector
共用集水common header
农业集水agricultural watershed
冷凝集水condensation sinking
冷凝水集水condensation sinking
冷凝水小集水condensation sink (气窗上)
净水集水purified water gallery
凝结水回流集水condensate return collecting tank
出流水收集槽effluent collecting trough
分流集水系统segregated collection system
单位集水面积per-unit catchment area
单元型集水unit type collector
南森集水Nansen bottle
集水double gulley
双层砂集水dual sand catching basin
合流污水收集collection of combined sewerage
后部进水集水back-inlet gulley
后部进水集水back-inlet gully
含水层的集水aquifer basin
吸水集料hydrophilic aggregate
喷水火花捕集器wet cap
回水集水return header
地下集水建筑物groundwater collecting construction
地下集水面积subterranean catchment area
地下室集水cellar gulley
地下室排除集水坑的水泵basement drainage sump pump
地下水集水subterranean water collector
地下水收集capture of underground water
地下水资源评价数据采集data of groundwater resources
地下水面集中水流water-table stream
地表水聚集impoundage of surface water
地面集水collecting basin
地面集水collecting area
地面集水时间inlet time
地面集水flooring gulley
堤内集水inner basin of levee
填石集水rubble catchwater channel
多孔板滤池集水装置porous slab type underdrainage system
多孔板型底部集水装置porous slab type underdrainage system
实验性集水experimental watershed
密集流水close pack
密集流水close ice
射状集水radial collector well
工业废水集中处理centralized industrial wastewater treatment
干坞集水坑设计design of dry dock sump
平面集水布置horizontal water-collecting layout
底部集水bottom sump
快滤池底部集水系统underdrain system
废弃集水abandon catch basin
废水收集wastewater collection
废水收集collection of wastewater
废水汇集系统waste collecting system
庭院集水yard catch basin
惠勒式滤池集水装置Wheeler type underdrain system
憎水性集料憎水骨料hydrophobic aggregate
排水系统布置—集中式系统centralization system
排水集管drain header
散热器下集水radiator bottom tank
集水blind catch basin
气窗上的冷凝水集水condensation sinking
水上溢油刮集臂架spill boom
水上集鱼灯above-water fish lamp
水下集成声呐系统submarine integrated sonar system
水中泥沙集中区spatial concentration of sediment
水中集砂器sand grain meter
水中集砂器sand catcher
水化的天然集料hydrated natural aggregate
水型集尘器water type dust collector
水平集水布置horizontal collecting water plant
水平集水廊道horizontal gallery
水平集合level set
水收集器water collector
水收集器water arrester
水文资料采集hydrographical data gathering
水文资料采集hydrological data acquisition
水文资料采集hydrological data collection
水文资料采集hydrological data gathering
水文资料采集hydrologic data gathering
水文资料采集hydrologic data collection
水文资料采集hydrologic data acquisition
水文资料采集hydrographic data collection
水文资料采集hydrographical data acquisition
水文资料采集hydrographical data collection
水文资料采集hydrographic data gathering
水文资料采集hydrographic data acquisition
水样本采集collection of water sample
水样采集water sampling
水样采集装置water sample sampling device
水泥一集料间黏结cement-aggregate bond
水泥与集料孔隙比cement-space ratio (率)
水泥与集料的相容性compatibility of cement aggregate
水泥处治的集料cement modified aggregate
水泥浆集料结合力paste aggregate bond
水泥稳定集料cement modified aggregate
水泥量与集料孔隙比cement-space ratio
水泥集料比cement-aggregate ratio (率)
水泥集料间反应cement-aggregate reaction
水泥集料间的相互适应性cement-aggregate compatibility
水泵集水pump sump
水泵集水pump suction well
水滴集电器water dropper
水的保护与采集conservation and collection of water
水的集中处理central water treatment
水磨石集料terrazzo aggregate
水膜集尘器water-film dust collector
水道测量资料收集系统hydrographical data acquisition system
水道测量资料收集系统hydrographic data acquisition system
水银集流器mercury bath collector (电测扭矩用)
水陆联运集装箱amphibious container
水面油污自动平衡刮集装置self-levelling unit for removing pollution
水面油污自动平衡刮集装置self-leveling unit for removing pollution
水面浮油刮集装置sea-skimming equipment
水面漂物刮集船surface dredger
水面漂物刮集船surface dredge
汇集雨水rainfall collection
污水收集sewage collection
污水收集wastewater collection
污水收集collection of wastes
污水收集collection of sewage
污水收集处理系统wastewater collection and treatment system
污水收集管理系统wastewater collection and management system
污水收集系统wastewater collection system
污水收集装置wastewater collection facility
污水汇集sewage collection
污水汇集系统sewage collection system
污水聚集sewage collection
污水集中处理central waste water treatment
沟渠集水gulley hole
沟渠集水gully hole
河床下集水管流量公式discharge formula of water collecting pipe under riverbed
油水收集器oil-and-water trap
油污水汇集柜oil bilge collecting tank
泉水汇集catchment of spring
集水pump sump
洒水扫集机sprinkler-sweeper collector
流域集水时间滞后watershed lag
流水集材作业hot logging
浓集污水处理厂upgrading wastewater treatment plant
浴室集水trapped bathroom gulley
浴室集水trapped bathroom gully
淋浴集水shower tray
混凝土道路集水concrete road inlet gulley
混合式或组合式水平装卸集装箱船mixed or combination container roll-on/roll-off ship
混合污水一暴雨水收集系统combined wastewater-stormwater collection system
清除水面油污的自动平衡刮集装置self-levelling unit for removing oil pollutants
清除水面油污的自动平衡刮集装置self-leveling unit for removing oil pollutants
渗流集水廊道infiltration gallery
渠道集水drop pit
湖泊集水lake drainage basin
溢水集水spillway gallery
滤池集水系统filter collective system
滴水收集器drip trap
潮汐水流图集tidal stream atlas
热水聚集器hot-water accumulator
热水集中供应法central hot-water supply method
煤气管道凝结水集水gas drip box
瓦管集水系统tile filter bottom
用砾石填充的集水gravel-type gully
石棉水泥集管asbestos-cement header
空陆水联运集装箱air/surface container
空陆水联运集装箱air intermodal container
竖向集水布置vertical water-collection layout
粪便污水收集船slops collecting ship
细管热水集中供暖系统small pipe system
细管热水集中供暖系统small bore system
细管热水集中供暖设备small pipe system
自动比例水样采集器automatic proportional water sampler
自动水样采集器automatic water sampler
蓄水集水storage sump
虹吸集水siphonic water collection (系统)
虹吸集水装置siphonic collection device
车站集水坑泵station sump pump
人工的道路型集水roaded catchment
集水样点water sampling point
闪发蒸发室集水底壳flash sump
间接集水indirect catchment (面积)
降水收集器rain sampler
降水收集器precipitation collector
降雨集水rainfall catchment
降雨集水rain catchment
降雨集水盆地rain catchment basin
集中废水处理central waste water treatment
集中供水central water supply
集中供水水文地质调查hydrogeological survey of concentrative water supply
集中供水水文地质调查hydrogeologic survey of concentrative water supply
集中式下水道系统centralized sewerage system
集中式给水collecting water supply system
集中排水central drainage
集中水流concentrated flow
集中涌水concentrated flow
集中灌水泄水系统concentrated filling and emptying system
集中热水供应系统central heating system
集中热水供暖hot-water central heating
集中热水制备装置central hot water preparation plant
集中的水流concentrated water flow
集中给水站standpipe supply
集中脱水设施centralized dewatering facility
集中设置用户水、电表grouped meters
集中输水系统concentrated filling and emptying system
集中采暖热水器water-heater used for central heating
集中需水量concentrated demand
集合水平支撑horizontal shore
混凝土集料中的固有水分water contained in aggregate
集料水泥比aggregate ratio (混凝土中)
集料水泥比aggregate-cement ratio
集水gully trap (水隔间)
集水gulley trap (水隔间)
集水sunk well
集水water inlet
集水collection well
集水catch inlet
集水catch pit
集水catch basin
集水井和检査井砌块catch basin and manhole block
集水井存水隔间yard trap
集水井排水法gravity drainage method
集水water collecting header
集水water collecting area
集水water collecting range
集水water collecting region
集水water collecting zone
集水gathering area
集水tributary basin
集水water catchment area
集水catch-water basin
集水collecting basin
集水water catchment region
集水water catchment zone
集水catchment area (域)
集水区坡降slope of basin
集水区生态系统watershed ecosystem
集水压力retained water pressure
集水gulley hole
集水collecting well
集水gully hole
集水喷洒体系deluge sprinkler system
集水water return head
集水water collector
集水回收井回灌补给坑recovery sump pit
集水土埂water collecting ridge
集水water lodge
集水drop pit
集水dewatering sump
集水collective sump
集水坑滤网sump strainer
集水处理end-of-pipe approach
集水sump hole
集水gully hole
集水gulley hole
集水collector orifice
集水collecting chamber
集水容器collecting vessel
集水射流heavy stream
集水工作water catch
集水工程water collection work
集水工程collecting work
集水布局collecting layout
集水干渠collecting main
集水干管collecting main pipe
集水干管collecting main
集水干线collecting main
集水廊道water collecting gallery
集水廊道catch gallery
集水廊道底深depth of bottom of water collecting gallery
集水廊道断面尺寸cross-sectional size of water collecting gallery
集水建筑物collecting structure
集水总管collecting main pipe
集水总管water collecting header
集水支管collector work
集水支管collector manifold
集水时间inlet time
集水时间collection time
集水时间滞后time-lag of a catchment
集水暗渠collecting conduit
集水collecting gutter
集水collecting channel
集水collecting trough
集水collection channel
集水collection tank
集水dewatering sump
集水catch-water chamber
集水横管water collecting header
集水水位retained water level
集水sunk tank
集水trap basin
集水catch-water basin
集水drainage basin
集水collective tank
集水catchment water basin
集水intercepting gutter
集水master gully
集水outfall drain
集水master gulley
集水collector gutter
集水combined gutter
集水condensation gutter
集水gathering line
集水catchwork combined channel
集水collector drain
集水排水catch-water drain
集水沟侵蚀channel erosion
集水沟侵蚀gully erosion
集水沟抽水sump pumping
集水sump pump
集水water collect pump
集水collecting pump
集水泵配电箱subdistribution box for sump pump
集水渗管infiltration gallery
集水master gully
集水collecting canal (道)
集水collector ring
集水collecting ring
集水water collecting
集水盆地sunk basin
集水water pocket
集水collecting pocket
集水header pipe
井点排水的集水header pipe
集水collecting conduit
集水collector drainage
集水gathering line
集水water collecting pipe
集水concentrated pipe
集水concentration pipe
集水bleeder pipe
集水管埋深buried depth of catchment pipe
集水管水层厚度water thickness in water collecting pipe
集水管直径diameter of water collecting pipe
集水管系通collector system network
集水管线collector manifold
集水管线collection line
集水管线collecting line
集水管道collecting conduit
集水管道infiltration gallery (在地下埋设的有孔渗流管道)
集水collecting box
集水sunk tank
集水collecting basin
集水系统deluge system
集水系统collection system
集水联箱water collecting header
集水范围water catchment range
集水carriage collector
集水collecting yield
集水catch-water yield
集水阀门deluge valve
集水面积gathering ground
集水面积impounded aggregate
集水面积area of catchment
集污槽进水井channel gulley
集污槽进水井channel gully
集污池纳污水体catchment lake receiving waters
集汽水活门cylinder drainage receiver
集组瓦管排水系统grouping tile drainage system
集装水泥的交货delivery of palletized cement
集装箱吊具水平保持机构spreader level-ling mechanism
集计水平assemble level
雨水集水storm-water collection
雨水收集collection of stormwater
饱和盐水浮集法saturated saline floatation method
饱和盐水浮集法saturated saline flotation method
饱水集料moisture-laden aggregate
骨料含水集料含水water contained in aggregate
高位集水射流elevated master stream
高集料水泥比high aggregate/cement ratio