
Terms for subject Surgery containing 隔间 | all forms
冠状静脉窦型房间隔缺损coronary sinus atrial septal defect
分钟间隔连续尿路造影minute-sequence urography
原发型房间隔孔缺损atrial septal defect of ostium primum type
室间隔支branches of interventricular septum
室间隔缺损修补术repair of ventricular septal defect
小腿前肌间隔anterior crural intermuscular septum
小腿后肌间隔posterior crural intermuscular septum
心室间隔ventricular septum
心室间隔穿破perforation of ventriculum septum
心房间隔缺损atrial septal defect
房间隔切除术Blalock-Hanlon technique
房间隔切除术atrial septectomy
房间隔缺损auricular septal defect
房间隔缺损arterial septal defect
牙根间隔interradicular septa
筋膜间隔综合征fascial compartment syndrome
筛孔样室间隔缺损Swiss cheese ventricular septal defect
继发型房间隔孔缺损atrial septal defect of ostium secundum type
股内侧肌间隔medial femoral intermuscular septum
股外侧肌间隔lateral femoral intermuscular septum
肺泡间隔alveolar septum
臂内侧肌间隔medial brachial intermuscular septum
臂外侧肌间隔lateral brachial intermuscular septum
高位室间隔缺损high ventricular septal defect