
Terms for subject Air defense containing | all forms
光电身技术electrooptical stealth technic
副瓣旁瓣系统side-lobe-blanking system
加装蔽部的电子工作室electronic shop, shelter-mounted
单波束消single beam blanking
身技术anti-stealth techniques
身远程探测系统low observable countermeasure
反伪装、反蔽、反欺骗counter-camouflage concealment deception
反辐射身导弹antiradar homing missile
变极化反changeable polarization for antistealth
可变扫频的消扫描variable scan frequency scan-on-receive-only
合成旁瓣消synthetic sidelobe reduction
回程电子束消line blanking
场消脉冲field blanking impulse
垂直消时间vertical blanking period
垂直消时间vertical blanking interval
复合消脉冲composite blanking pulse
宽脉冲消电路wide-pulse blanker
对空concealment from the air
干扰消消除interference blanker
快速扫描干扰的辨别及消fast-swept jamming sensing and blanking
快速扫描消fast sweep blanking
扇区视频消blanked sector video
扫描扇区消blanking scan sector
扫描选择器消scan selector blanking
身能力anti stealthing capability
抗干扰遮antijamming blanking
方位角回扫azimuth blanking
极化消blanking polarization
水平消时间horizontal blanking interval
熄灭信号blanking signal
扫描扇区blanking scan sector
熄灭电平blanking level
抑制、熄灭电路blanking circuit
脉冲pedestal (pulse)
熄灭脉冲发生器blanking pulse generator
熄灭脉冲振荡器blanking oscillator
熄灭脉冲放大器blanking pulse amplifier
熄灭脉冲混合管blanking mixer tube
脉冲电压pedestal voltage
熄灭脉冲电平blanking pedestal
脉冲电平调整pedestal level control
脉冲电平选通脉冲pedestal gating pulse
潜艇蔽通信covert submarine transmit and receive
相邻信道消匿影adjacent channel blanking
空空蔽传感器技术air-to-air covert sensor technology
等离子体身技术plasma stealth technology
管制保护频带消guard band blanker
红外身技术infrared stealth technology
脉冲干扰分离与消pulse interference separation and blanking
脉冲干扰隔离分离器和消pulse interference separator and blanker
自动蔽扫描欺骗automatic SORO deception
自动蔽接收automatic lobe-on-receive-only
自动宽脉冲消匿影automatic wide pulse blanker
水平脉冲horizontal blanking impulse
行消信号horizontal blanking signal
行消脉冲horizontal blanking pulse
转发器脉冲消repeater pulse blanking
逆程消return trace blanking
速度选通信号消和保持speed gate signal blanking and hold
随机脉冲消random pulse blanking
隐身目标stealthy target
形造势stealth and momentum creation
蔽与欺骗C and D
蔽式锥扫receive only conical scan
蔽扇扫sector scan receive only
蔽扩音器hidden microphone
蔽扫描hidden scan
蔽扫描lobe on receive only
蔽扫描辅助天线antenna auxiliary SORO
蔽扫描速度欺骗scan-on-receiver-only velocity deception
蔽接收lobing -on-receive-only
蔽接收lobe -on-receive-only
蔽接收欺骗lobe-on-receive-only deception
蔽目标探测concealed target detection
蔽系数camouflage factor
蔽锥扫hide conical-scan
蔽锥扫conical scan on receive only
身武器stealth weapon
马尔可夫模型hide Marlcove model
雷达身技术radar stealth technology