
Terms for subject Air defense containing 隐蔽 | all forms | in specified order only
加装隐蔽部的电子工作室electronic shop, shelter-mounted
反伪装、反隐蔽、反欺骗counter-camouflage concealment deception
对空隐蔽concealment from the air
潜艇隐蔽通信covert submarine transmit and receive
空空隐蔽传感器技术air-to-air covert sensor technology
自动隐蔽扫描欺骗automatic SORO deception
自动隐蔽接收automatic lobe-on-receive-only
隐蔽与欺骗C and D
隐蔽式锥扫receive only conical scan
隐蔽扇扫sector scan receive only
隐蔽扩音器hidden microphone
隐蔽扫描hidden scan
隐蔽扫描lobe on receive only
隐蔽扫描辅助天线antenna auxiliary SORO
隐蔽扫描速度欺骗scan-on-receiver-only velocity deception
隐蔽接收lobing -on-receive-only
隐蔽接收lobe -on-receive-only
隐蔽接收欺骗lobe-on-receive-only deception
隐蔽目标探测concealed target detection
隐蔽系数camouflage factor
隐蔽锥扫hide conical-scan
隐蔽锥扫conical scan on receive only