
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一项条款的删obliteration of a clause
纳税业务费用扣allowance of business deduction
事先排出错的可能性obviate the possibility of mistakes
从总收入中的扣项目deductions from gross income
保险外责任条款exclusion clause
债务免forgiveness of liabilities
债务免forgiveness of debt
履行合同的义务be excused from performing the contract
贸易条款escape clause
某人义务dispense a person from his obligations
某人税款exempt sb. from taxes
海关检验exempt from customs examination
条款不论损失多少,须由被保险人承担的一定数额损失的条款deductible clause
固定资产relief method
分配前扣deductions before distributions
cutoff value
免责条款delete the exclusion
发现并排系统故障debug the system
可扣成本deductible cost
合同自动解automatic cancellation of a contract (如遇不可抗力)
合同解discharge of contract
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,减到指定出口地点的运费FOB named inland carrier at named point of departure, freight allowed to named point of exportation
基地外条款foundation exclusion clause
多哈免款项Doha waiver
如与现法发生冲突时,双方当事人有约定外,优先适用惯例In the event of conflict with the present law, the usages shall prevail unless agreed by both parties
如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,SHEX, unless worked
如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,SHEX, unless used
差错与遗漏errors and omissions excepted
已扣成本deducted cost
应扣的保险额deductible coverage
惯常扣customary deduction
意外情况unforeseen circumstances excepted
我方已从开立的信用证中扣了3%佣金We have deducted our 3% commission from the L/C established
佣金deduct a commission
运费后after deducting freight
担保解证书release of mortgage
费用demolition expenses
拘捕与扣留free of capture and seizure
拘捕与扣留外条款FC & S clause
按晴天工作日计算,星期日及假日weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
捐税免immunity from taxation
亦缩为 ex.excluding
对外贸易障碍remove foreign trade barriers
收入扣项目revenue deduction
星期日与假日Sundays and holidays excepted
星期日与节假日亦缩为 SHEXSundays and holidays excepted
未列货名非另有规定not otherwise provided
机器磨损扣allowance for deterioration of machine
杂项费用已从总额中扣deductions have been made from the total amount for sundry expenses as per our Debit Note No. 194
大气与水中的污染物eliminate contaminants in the air and water
误会remove the misunderstanding
负载dumping of the load
双方的误会clear up the misunderstanding between the two parties
障碍clear away obstacles
港口装卸耽搁日数中星期日Sundays excepted in laydays
特别扣项目particular deduction
纳税减tax credit
纳税时股息扣dividend credit
被免一项责任be absolved from an obligation
被解履约的义务be discharged from performing the contract
装车费free in wagon
合同的约束be absolved from a contract
合约break off a contract
封锁lift a blockade
检疫隔离be out of quarantine
检疫be out of quarantine
的抵押released mortgage
禁运take off the embargo
贸易管制过程trade deregulation process
该法律的废the cancellation of the law
部分偿付后对部分押品质权解partial release
错误或遗漏sauf erreurs ou omission
去星期日与假日的晴天工作日数weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
去水分moisture removal
运费率外货物exceptional cargoes
外风险excepted perils
此之外别无规定not otherwise herein provided
虫菊残渣pyrethrum marc
非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading
非共同体重新实行小麦改作牲口饲料的变性补贴Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder
非另作详细说明unless otherwise specified
非另作说明unless otherwise noted
非另作说明unless otherwise stated
非另作说明unless otherwise indicated
非另作说明unless otherwise mentioned
非另加指定unless otherwise specified (规定)
非另加规定unless otherwise specified
非另有声明except as otherwise stated
非另有规定except otherwise herein provided
非另有规定except as otherwise provided
非另有规定,中国境外的一切银行费用由买方负担Unless otherwise specified, all banking charges outside China are for the buyer's account
非另有通知sauf avis contraire
难以掉的杂质troublesome impurity