
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
休眠解termination of dormancy
养分去nutrient removal Elimination of nutrients as, for example, from sewage in order to prevent eutrophication of water in reservoirs (消除所有的营养物质,例如,为了防止储水池中水的富营养化而从污水中实施养分去除。)
一氧化碳carbon dioxide removal
地中海地区油污清中心Mediterranean Regional Oil Combating Center
废料清waste removal industry The aggregate of commercial enterprises primarily concerned with eliminating or getting rid of refuse from places of human or animal habitation or of unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process (指致力于对来源于人类或动物的居住地的垃圾,或是生产过程中遗留下来有害物质进行消除或去除的商业企业的总和。)
建筑拆废弃物demolition waste Masonry or rubble wastes arising from the demolition of buildings or other civil engineering structures (因破坏建筑物或其他土木工程结构所产生的砖瓦或碎石废弃物。)
影响冲击impact reversal The counteracting or undoing of negative effects or influences on the environment (抵消或消除对环境的负面影响。)
水去矿物质water demineralisation The removal of minerals from water by chemical, ion-exchange, or distillation procedures (通过化学、离子交换、或蒸馏程序去除水中的矿物质。)
污染和消污染实验contamination-decontamination experiment
污染消pollutant elimination The process of completely removing a pollutant's source as well as the pollutant itself (完全去除污染物来源及其污染物本身的过程。)
美国和控制污染委员会Committee on Pollution Abatement and Control
污泥clearing sludge
计划plan to clear
filtration Separation of suspended particles from a liquid, gas, etc., by the action of a filter (通过过滤把液体、气体等中悬浮的颗粒分离。)
灾害清工作disaster cleanup operation A course or procedure of activity designed to clear the debris or remove harmful substances left by an ecological calamity, natural or human in origin, in a given area (一套行动方案或流程,用于清除残骸,或消除由于自然或人类因素引起生态灾害所留下的有害物质。)
石油泄漏清技术oil spill clean-up technology
磷去phosphate removal Replacement of phosphate in detergents by environmentally safer substances, such as zeolite. The substitute will not act as a nutrient, and so will not cause eutrophication as a result of the accelerated growth of plants and microorganisms if it is released into waterways (使用环境安全的物品更换磷酸盐的清洁剂,例如沸石。该替换不会作为营养物质,因此即使它被释放到水道,也不会造成河水富营养化,从而加速植物和微生物的生长。)
removal General term indicating the elimination of substances from a medium or from the environment (表示从介质或环境中删除某物质的通用术语。)
管制deregulation The removal or relaxation of government control over the economic activities of some commercial entity, industry or economic sector (政府对一些商业体、工业、经济部门所进行的经济活动管制,进行放松或解除。)
dust removal The removal of dust from air by ventilation or exhaust systems (利用通风或者排气系统去除空气中的灰尘。)
尘器dust trap
砂盘sand trap
草剂herbicide A chemical that controls or destroys undesirable plants (用来控制或破坏不想要的植物的化学物质。)
藻剂algicide Any substance or chemical applied to kill or control algal growth (可用于杀死藻类或控制藻类生长的物质或化学品。)
rainout Process by which particles in the atmosphere act as centres round which water can form drops which then falls as rain (水以空气中的微粒为中心形成雨滴然后降雨的过程。)