
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
利息的资金interest-free fund
带条件的non tied
认股权证ex warrant
与各种应用程序、工具、件和网络周边设备无缝集成、减少您对 IT 职员的需要Seamless integration with a wide variety of applications, tools, accessories and network peripherals, reducing demands on your IT staff
与各种应用程序、工具、件和网络周边设备无缝集成、减少您对 IT 职员的需要Seamless integration -with a wide variety of applications, tools, accessories and network peripherals, reducing demands on your IT staff
串音也能由分散、近缆线的信号而产生Crosstalk can also be caused by signals on separate, nearby cables
全资属公司wholly owned subsidiary
属公司sub-subsidiary company
covering letter
同集团属公司fellow subsidiary
国家属站点National Attachment Point
基于息债券的人民币基准收益曲线the benchmark yield curve of RMB on the basis of coupon bonds
实际加成本actual additional cost
所有单位信托的申请都必须在有内容说明书的申请表格上进行All applications for unit trusts must be made on the application form accompanying the prospectus
dealers 所有经销商承诺的超出本服务卡上各条款的加承诺由经销商自行兑现All dealers commitment beyond the provisions of the additional commitment in this service card will be charged by
拥有过半数股权的属公司majority-owned subsidiary
"插件"指的是一个加的小软件、它能够扩展你的网络浏览器的功能The term "plug-in" refers to a small, addon piece of software which extends the capabilities of your -web browser
木马程序一般都作为电子邮件件分布或捆绑其他软件程序Trojans are generally distributed as email attachments or bundled with another software program
核准属贷款approved subordinated loan
汇兑加税exchange surcharge
汇兑加费exchange surcharge
燃油加调整率bunker adjustment factor
特别加税special surtax
特别加费special levy
特殊加险special additional risk
职员加费用staff on-cost
若公司提供带福利给其雇员、是否须于该栏内包括有关款项?If the company provides some fringe benefit to its employees, do I have to include such amount in this box?
要传真的文档将自动转换为 TIFF 图像文件并加到电子邮件中The document you want to fax is automatically converted to a TIFF image file and attached to an e-mail message
计算机及相关电子处理设备和件制造商和分销商manufacturers and distributors of computers and associated electronic data processing equipment and accessories
详情请参阅所文件规格Please see the attached document for more details specifications
超长加费long length charges
转船加费transhipment surcharge
这些制造业城市正努力将自己重塑为高科技、低污染、高加值的现代都市These factory towns were trying to re fashion themselves into high-tech, low pollution, value-added modern metropolises
选择目的港加费optional destination additional
AT AT attachment
additional contract clauses
加值产品value-added product
加功能bells and whistles
加印花税additional stamp duty
加受保人additional assured
加合约contract of adhesion
加合约supervening contract
加处理器attached processor
加工程additional works
加成本supplementary costs
加或重写一个现有的媒体Append or overwrite an existing media set
加服务additional services
加服务additional service
加条款additional clauses
加条款attached clause
加程序也作 add-inadd-on
加费用的补偿compensation of additional cost
加限制ancillary restrictions
加风险extraneous risks
加风险accessory risk
属会员associate member
属工程subsidiary work
属工程external works
属建筑物auxiliary structures
属担保协议collateral warranty agreement
属设备市场accessory equipment markets
属贷款协议subsidiary loan agreement
属软件bundled software
属风险ancillary risk
工程量表的总价lump-sum price with bill of quantities
带开支incidental outlay
带担保collateral warranty
带损害collateral damages
带收人incidental revenue
带服务incidental service
带条件side conditions
带条件贷款tied loan
带费用incidental expenses
批注提货单claused bill of lading
有条件的背书conditional endorsement
条件合同tying contracts
条件背书restrictive endorsement
marginal note
用工程量表的再计量remeasurement with bill of quantities
费率表的总价lump-sum price with schedule of rates
高级技术advanced technology attachment