
Terms for subject Desert science containing 阶段 | all forms | in specified order only
中温阶段mesophilic stage
先锋阶段pioneer stage
凝结阶段condensation stage
勘察阶段investigation stage
叶丛阶段leaf stage
叶状地衣阶段foliose-lichen stage
叶簇阶段leaf stage
阶段抽样multi-stage sampling
干燥阶段dry stage
干燥阶段dry spell
成岩作用阶段stage of diagenesis
成雨阶段rain stage
成雪阶段snow stage
无性阶段imperfect stage
有性阶段perfect stage
森林阶段forest stage
洪峰阶段crest stage
浅沼阶段telmatic phase
演替阶段succession stage
演替阶段stage of succession
灌丛阶段shrub stage (指植被演替中草本植被与乔木植被的中间阶段)
灯芯草沼泽阶段rush-swamp stage
破碎阶段broken stage
第三阶段蠕变tertiary creep
红土阶段laterized stage
草本群落阶段herbaceous stage
牧草萌发阶段sprouting stage
警报阶段warning stage
铝铁土阶段allitized stage
阶段stage (群丛以下的群落分类小单位之一,它的特点是表示群落演替的不同时期,即不同过程和不同阶段)
阶段性浮游生物periodic plankton
阶段特异性stage specificity
顶极森林阶段climax forest stage
预警阶段alert stage
饱和硅铝阶段saturated sialic stage
高草阶段tall grass stage