
Terms for subject United States containing | all forms
亦即国文献中心入藏文献 AD 报告Accessioned Document
低大气层御拦截器low-end atmospheric defense interceptor
低空激光空系统low-altitude laser air defense system
先进弹道导弹御倡议advanced ballistic missile defence initiative
先进弹道导弹御技术中心Ballistic Missile Defence Advanced Technology Center
先进弹道导弹御系统advanced ballistic missile defense system
先进弹道导弹御计划advanced ballistic missile defence program
全国辐射护和测量委员会National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement
初始国通信卫星计划initial defense communications satellite program
初级国卫星通信系统initial defence satellite communications system
初级国通信卫星计划initial defense communication satellite program
北美空司令部North American Air Defense Command
北美空司令部夏延山综合设施Norad Cheyenne Mountain Complex
北美空词令部North American Air Defense Command
北美航空航天御司令部North American Aerospace Defense Command
北美航空航天御司令部总司令Commander-in-Chief of NORAD
区域空指挥官area air defense commander
卫星护和预警/空间感知系统Spawn satellite protection and warning/ space awareness
反导弹导弹和空间御局Anti-Missile Missile and Space Defense Office
与航天工业协会理事会Council of Defense and Space Industry Associations (CODSIA)
供应局Defence Supply Agency
信息基础设施Defense information infrastructure
信息系统局Defense Information Systems Agency
信息系统网defense information systems network
先进 GPS 接收机defense advanced GPS receiver
全球网defense global grid
区域性通信控制中心Defense Regional Communications Control Center
卫星通信系统defense satellite communication system
卫星通信计划defense satellite communications program
原子能支援局Defense Atomic Support Agency
合同审计局Defense Contract Audit Agency
后勤局Defense Logistics Agency
后勤服务中心Defense Logistics Service Center
地图绘制局Defense Mapping Agency
大学National Defense University
威胁减缓局Defense Threat Reduction Agency
导航卫星系统defense navigation satellite system
工业后备工厂defense industrial reserve plant
工业咨询委员会Defense Industry Advisory Council
情报局Defense Intelligence Agency
报文系统defense message system
摄影判读中心Defense Photographic Interpretation Center
武器系统鉴定局Defense Systems Evaluation Office
武器系统销售商defense system operator
气象卫星计划defense meteorological satellite programme
测绘局Defense Mapping Agency
测绘局空天中心Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center
特种武器局Defense Special Weapons Agency
电子支援中心Defense Electronic Support Center
研制和工程实验室Defense Development and Engineering Laboratories
研究与工程管理局Directorate of Defense Research and Engineering
科学委员会Defense Science Board
科学技术情报资料中心Defense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Information
航空侦察办公室Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office
营造供应中心Defense Construction Supply Center
计划保障局Defense Projects Support Office
贸易安全倡议Defense Trade Security Initiative
资源委员会Defense Resources Board
运输协会National Defense Transportation Association
通信中继系统defense communication system relay
通信卫星系统defense communications satellite system
通信卫星计划defense communication satellite project
通信卫星计划defense communications satellite program
通信合同办公室Defense Communication Contracting Office
通信局Defense Communications Agency
通信局控制中心Defense Communication Agency Control Center
通信局操作中心Defense Communications Agency Operations Center
通信局线路处DCA Circuitry
通信工程局Defense Communication Engineering Office
Department of Defense
部 GPS 联合计划办公室GPO DOD's GPS joint programme office
部数据中继卫星系统Department of Defense data relay satellite system
部空间代理执行机构Department of Defense Executive Agent for Space
部空间政策DoD Space Policy
部部长助理Assistant Secretary of Defense
部长Secretary of Defence
部长决定的备忘录SecDef decision memorandum
部长办公室Office of the Secretary of Defense
部长办公室弹道导弹委员会Office of the Secretary of Defense, Ballistic Missile Committee
采办 GPS 接收机defense acquisition GPS receivers
采购局Defense Acquisition Board
金属情报中心Defense Metals Information Center
高级研究项目局Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
国家御作战中心National Defense Operations Center
地基中段御系统ground-based midcourse defense system
增强型区外发射对陆导弹standoff land attack missile-expanded
备份空间御作战中心Alternate Space Defense Operations Center
备用的天作战司令部Alternate Space Defense Operations Command
大陆空司令部Continental Air Defense Command
天基导弹御试验靶场space-based missile defense test range
天基激光器弹道导弹space-based laser/ballistic missile defense
太平洋区通信Pacific defense area communication
导弹御空间实验中心Missile Defense Space Experimentation Center
工业有限公司国产品与服务集团Industries Inc. Defense Products and Services ITT
弹道导弹御中心Ballistic Missile Defense Center
弹道导弹御委员会Ballistic Missile Defense Committee
弹道导弹御局Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
弹道导弹御局Ballistic Missile Defense Office
弹道导弹御系统司令部Ballistic Missile Defense System Command
弹道导弹御试验计划ballistic missile defense test program
战区导弹theater missile defence (系统)
战区导弹御倡议theater missile defence initiative
战区导弹御系统theater missile defence system
战区高空theater high altitude air defence (系统)
战区高空区域御系统theater high-altitude area defense system
战略御三支柱Strategic Defense Triad
战略御倡议研究所Strategic Defense Initiative Institute
战略御倡议组织Strategic Defense Initiative Organization
战略御司令部Strategic Defense Command
未来多年务计划future years defense program
末端高空区域terminal high altitude area defense (系统)
污染探测与预系统pollution detection and prevention system
海军空导弹试验中心Naval Air Missile Test Center
海军全站区和地基中段御系统Navy Theater Wide and Ground-Based MidCourse Defense System
火神空系统Vulcan air-defence system
移动式搜索跟踪空雷达variable search and track air defence radar
空天御情报中心Aerospace Defense Intelligence Center
空间碎片撞报警敏感器debris collision warning sensor
箭式导弹御系统arrow missile defense system
联合区外空对地导弹joint air-to-surface standoff missile
联邦国通信机构Federal Defense Communications Authority
航天空间御作战中心Space Defense Operations Center
航空航天御司令部Aerospace Defense Comma nd
航空航天御司令部Aerospace Defense Command
近程空系统Shorads short-range air-defence system
远程区外对陆攻击导弹grand SLAM
务分析研究所Institute of Defense Analysis
御对地攻击巡航导弹的高架联网传感器系统joint land attack cruise missile defense elevated netted sensor system
防毒protective clothing
护修理检修,设备preventive maintenance
护衣protective clothing
空作战中心air defence operations centre
空数据中心Air-Defence Data Centre
陆军空司令部Army Air Defense Command
陆军空系统army air defense system
陆军弹道导弹御局Army Ballistic Missile Defence Agency
陆军空间和导弹御司令部Army Space and Missile Defense Command
保养preventive maintenance (维修)
性维修preventive maintenance (检修,维护,保养)
高级国通信卫星advanced defense communication satellite
高级弹道导弹御局Advanced Ballistic Missile Defence Agency