
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
上层建筑救生和消设备检查superstructure lifesaving and fire-fighting equipment to be done inspection
上层建筑消管系消防试验superstructure fire-fighting piping to be done firefighting test
上层结构救生和消设备检查superstructure lifesaving and fire fighting equipment to be done inspection
上层结构消管系试验superstructure fire-fighting piping to be done test
中国城港Fangcheng Harbor, China
倒车护阀astern guardian valve
先进冻技术转让transfer of advanced antifreezing technique
先进污技术转让transfer of advanced antipollution technique
先进潮技术转让transfer of advanced moistureproof technique
先进缩技术转让transfer of advanced shrinkproof technique
内底挠材inter bottom stiffener
内底挠材inter-bottom stiffener
北极区航行污染条例》Arctic Shipping Pollution Prevention Regulation
《北极区航行污染条例》Arctic Shipping Pollution Prevention Regulation
压缩机入口尘网compressor inlet screen
垂直挠材vertical stiffener
广西城港市海洋运输公司Guangxi Fangcheng Port Ocean Shipping Co.
应用污措施apply antipollution measures
应用污新措施apply antipollution new measure
救生、消设备和术语lifesaving, fire-fighting equipment and terms
斜舱壁挠材sloping-bulkhead stiffener
尘技术转让transfer of new dustproof technique
腐技术转让transfer of new anticorrosive technique
日本海难预中心Japan Marine Disaster Prevention Center
曲轴箱crankcase explosion proof
曲轴箱爆安全阀crank case explosion relief valve
曲轴箱爆安全阀crankcase explosion relief valve
曲轴箱爆门crankcase explosionproof door
曲轴箱爆门crank case explosion-proof door
柜式水开关cabinet waterproof switch
检查蚀铝阳极布置正确性inspecting arrangement correctness of aluminium anodes
横向挠材transverse stiffener
氧化铁红锈漆iron-oxide red anticorrosive paint
氯化橡胶锈漆chlorinated rubber anticorrosive paint
沥青锈漆asphalt anticorrosive paint
油漆间消管系水密性试验painting room fire-fighting pipe to be done watertightness test
油漆间消管系消防试验painting room fire-fighting pipe to be done fire-fighting test
油漆间消管系试验painting room fire-fighting pipe to be tested
沿海御潜艇coastal defense submarine
舰队wooden walls
器具fire-fighting apparatus
器具firefighting apparatus
水桶extinguishing bucket
水龙带箱fire hose-box
沙箱extinguishing sand-box
泵和应急消防泵遥控装置操作试验operating test of remote control device for fire pump
泵遥控装置操作试验operating test of remote control device for fire pump
系统效用试验fire-fighting system test
fire launch
设备修后检查inspection of firefighting-device after repair
设备修后检验survey of fire-fighting device after repair
设备和火警探测器合格证书certificate for fire extinguishing and detecting apparatus
设备检验survey of fire-fighting device
fire-fighting charge
铁铲fire shovel
港口御巡逻艇harbor defense patrol craft
港口消harbor fire-fighting boat
滩头护艇beach protection craft
热涂锈剂hot application type rust preventive
热涂锈剂hot application type rust preventives
燃料、润滑油、润滑剂和护产品fuel, lubricating oil, lubricant and preservative products
环氧沥青锈漆epoxy-tar anticorrosive paint
现代化消设备modern fire-fighting equipment
潮纸包装waterproof paper packing
甲板滑涂层deck nonskid coating
galvanic protection
电路混线护法circuit cross protection
硬膜锈剂hard film rust preventive
《空气污染治法》Air Pollution Control Law
红丹锈漆red lead anticorrosive paint
纵向挠材longitudinal stiffener
耐热锈钢heat and corrosion-resistant steel
设备检查inspection of fire-fighting device
自动爆装置automatic explosionproof device
舱口挠材hatch stiffener
舱口围板挠材coaming stiffener
船壳板、肘板、挠材和支架hull plate, knee plate, stiffener and bracket
船底污有毒漆ship-bottom antifouling poison-paint
船底污漆ship-bottom antifouling paint
船底锈漆ship-bottom antirust paint
船舶腐蚀和护措施ship corrosion and prevention measures
船舶航行撞系统anticollision system of ship navigation
船舶航行撞装置collision avoidance system of ship navigation
船舶航行撞设备anticollision gear of ship navigation
船舶航行时止碰撞、冲撞和搁浅prevent collisions, rammings and groundings during ship navigation
船首波板bow chock plate
挠材angle stiffener
购买港口消purchase harbor fire-fighting boat
购买港口消purchase harbor firefighting boat
越南海Haiphong Harbor, Vietnam
进气阀积炭添加剂intake valve deposit control additive
进气阀积炭添加剂intake valve deposit control additives
造船遵守止污染条例shipbuilding abides Pollution Prevention Regulation
采用污新措施adopt antipollution new measures
采用污新措施adopt antipollution new measure
钢制浪门steel storm door
铝粉锈漆aluminium anticorrosive paint
铬酸锌锈漆zinc chromate rust-proofing paint
铬酸锌锈漆zinc chromate rustproofing paint
锅炉垢清洁剂boiler compound
锌粉锈漆zinc dust anticorrosion paint
倒转离合器anti back turning clutch
倒转离合器antiback-turning clutch
冰漆antiice paint
冷凝水加热器anticondensation heater
冷凝水加热器anti-condensation heater
冻润滑油antifreezing oil
冻液antifreeze fluid
冻阀frost-resistance valve
尘舱壁dust-proof bulwark
尘舱壁dustproof bulkhead
弹钢板splinterproof steel plate
折轧机antifluting mill
护产品和添加剂preservative products and additive
护脂protective grease
振变压器antihunt transformer
振滤波器antihunt filter
摆动起重机antiswing crane
撞系统collision-avoidance system
撞系统anticollision system
撞设备anticollision gear
撞雷达collision-avoidance radar
擦伤涂层antiscuff coating
松垫圈antiloosing washer
松闸fixing brake
横摇翼板heeling flap
止大气污染条例》Air Pollution Control Regulation
止失速装置antistall gear
止故障接地earth fault protection
止电击装置voltage reducing device
止碰撞、冲撞和搁浅prevent collisions, rammings and groundings
水发电机waterproof generator
水发电机water-proof generator
水插座water-proof socket
水添加剂waterproofing additive
水电动机deluge-proof motor
水电动机delugeproof motor
水电动机waterproof motor
水电动机water-proof motor
水电缆waterproof cable
水电缆water-proof cable
水胶粘剂moistureproof adhesive
污套impurity guard sleeve
污染条例pollution prevention regulation
污添加剂antifouling additive
沉装置sink-preventing apparatus
泡沫添加剂antifoam additive
波板wave cutter
洪锚flood anchor
浪列板wash strake
溢阀counter flooding valve
滑板ribbed plate
滑板antiskid plate
滑漆nonslip paint
滑甲板漆antislip deck paint
滑花纹甲板checkered deck
滴式发电机dripproof generator
滴电动机dripproof motor
滴电动机drip-proof motor
漏电开关anticreeping switch
火和安全要求fire prevention and safety requirement
火塑料flame retardant plastic
火塑料flame-retardant plastic
火舱壁fire-protective bulwark
火舱壁fire-protective bulkhead
火花电动机sparkproof motor
火花电动机spark-proof motor
燃漆flame retardant paint
爆开关explosionproof switch
爆式发电机explosionproof generator
爆式发电机explosion-proof generator
爆式风机explosionproof fan
爆式风机antiexplosion ventilating fan
爆机械手antiexplosion manipulator
爆灯antiexplosion lamp
爆灯explosionproof lamp
爆灯approved lamp
爆灯anti-explosion lamp
爆燃料antiexplosion fuel
爆燃料油antiexplosion fuel oil
爆电动机explosionproof motor
爆电机explosionproof machine
爆磁力启动器antiexplosion magnetic starter
爆自动空气开关antiexplosion automatic air switch
爆通风机anti-explosion ventilating fan
爆配电设备antiexplosion distribution equipment
爆门blastproof door
眩灯antidazzle lamp
眩玻璃nonglare glass
碰雷达anticollision radar
磁聂子antimagnetic-type tweezer
磁轴承antimagnetic bearing
积炭添加剂clean-up additive
空巡洋舰anti-aircraft cruiser
空舰船air defense ship
空计算机air defense computer
窒息阀门antisuffocation valve
腐合金anticorrosion alloy
腐漆anti decaying paint
腐漆antidecaying paint
腐电缆anticorrosion cable
腐白杨木anticorrosive poplar wood
腐蚀层corrosion resistant coating
腐蚀油anticorrosive oil
腐蚀法anticorrosion method
腐蚀涂料corrosionproof paint
腐蚀漆corrosion-resistant paint
腐蚀电缆corrosionproof cable
腐蚀绝缘层anticorrosion insulation
虫漆含铜涂料copper paint
蚀涂层anticorrosive coating
蚀铝阳极布置正确性检查inspecting arrangement correctness of aluminium anodes
辐射漆radiation resisting paint
辐射漆radiation-resisting paint
锈底漆antirust primer
锈涂层rust-preventive coating
锈涂层antirust coating
锈添加剂antirust additive
锈铝合金corrosion-resistance aluminium alloy
震垫absorbing pad
震开关vibrationproof switch
震开关vibration-proof switch
霉漆fungus-resisting paint
静电胶板antistatic plastic plate
阳极腐蚀anodic corrosion protection
性修理preventive repair