
Terms for subject Handball containing | all forms
三三three-three defense
三角defensive triangle
不规则一线irregular one line guarding
不规则的一线irregular one line guarding
五一five-one defense
6 人一线six-man one line defence
5人联five-man defence
六人一线six-man one line defense
区域zone defence
区域联zone defence
合理守动作legal defensive action
四二four-two defense
外侧outside guarding
密集closed defense
扩大open defence
扩大open defense
掷球穿过守人墙throw through the wall
掷球越过守人墙throw over the wall
松动人盯人loose man-for-man defense
松动的人盯人loose man-for-man defence
混合mixed defence
突破pierce the defence
突破penetrate the defence
突破penetrate the defense
紧逼人盯人pressing man-for-man defence
紧逼人盯人pressing man-for-man defense
综合combined defence
综合combined defense
补位换take over the player in defence
越区faulty defence
越区faulty defense
4-2 four-two defence
3-3 3-3 defence
3-2-1 3-2-1 defence
5-1 five-one defence
队员犯规foul defence
射门protection of the goal
近射门protection of the goal from short distance shots
远射门protection of the goal
集体collective defence
集体collective defense