
Terms for subject Technology containing 防止 | all forms | in specified order only
中华人民共和国防止船舶污染海域管理条例Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration for Prevention of Pollution in Sea Areas by Vessels
事先防止损失take measures to prevent losses in advance
事故防止accident prevention
事故防止条款sue and labour clause (海上保险)
事故防止条款sue and labor clause (海上保险)
倒流防止backflow preventer
倒流防止设备backflow prevention device
公害防止技术pollution prevention technique
公害防止规划pollution control planning
公害防止设施pollution control facilities
共同公害防止设施common pollution control facilities
内置故障防止效能built-in fail-safe behaviour
内置故障防止效能built-in fail-safe behavior
冻结防止frost protection
减压回流防止reduced pressure backflow preventor
出口投标防止风险期权export tender risk avoidance
防止的事故preventable accident
吊车超速防止装置hoist overspeed device
吊车过头防止装置hoist overwind device
喷射混凝土污水防止concrete-spraying water waste preventer
噪声防止noise prevention
回流防止back-flow preventer
回流防止back siphon
回流防止backflow preventer
回火防止flashback arrestor
回火防止flashback arrester
国际防止散装运输有毒物质污染证书international Pollution Prevention certificate for the carriage of Noxious Substance in Bulk
国际防止油污染证书International oil Pollution Prevention certificate
国际防止海上油污染公约International Convention for the prevention of Pollution of the Sea by oil
国际防止海上油污染公约International Convention for prevention of oil Spill Pollution of the Sea
国际防止空气污染协会联合会International Union of Air Pollution Prevention Association
坍方防止avalanche preventing forest
崩纬防止装置filling smash eliminator
差错防止fail safe
循环防止prevention of cycling
损害防止条款sue and labour clause (海上保险船方的救护条款)
损害防止条款sue and labor clause (海上保险船方的救护条款)
损害防止费用sue and labour charges
损害防止费用sue and labor charges
提前引燃防止ignition controller
日本海上灾害防止中心Japan Maritime Disaster Prevention Centre
有害生物防止chemicals for harmful organism control
水垢防止scale preventive
水质污染防止water pollution prevention
水锤防止prevention of water hammering
污染防止技术pollution prevention technique
污染防止control of pollution act
污染防止规划pollution control planning
污染防止设施pollution control facilities
海洋污染防止法规sea pollution prevention act
火焰防止flame flash arrestor
用支撑防止大变形supports to prevent distortion
电击防止装置voltage reducing device
电晕防止corona prevention
缩孔防止anti-piping compound
联合国防止沙漠化会议United Nations Conference on Prevention of Desertification
脚手架上防止杂物落下的挡板fan guard
腐蚀防止corrosion preventive
腐蚀防止corrosion control
臭气防止offensive odour control
臭气防止offensive odor control
负压防止vacuum regulator valve
负压防止anti-suction valve
踏板声防止footstep sound attenuation
过卷防止overwinding apparatus
逆流防止back flow preventor
逆流防止back-flow preventer
破坏真空逆流防止vacuum breaker
逆流防止backwater gate
防止不完全燃烧装置oxygen depletion safety shut off device
防止不当支出prevention of unwise or inappropriate expenditures
防止事故forestall trouble
防止事故prevention of accidents
防止事故fault prevention
防止事故标记accident prevention tag (警告性标记)
防止事故装置fail-safe device
防止事故说明accident prevention instruction
防止侵蚀和淋溶prevent erosion and leaching
防止倒拖装置anti-motoring device
防止倒转的棘轮ratchet to eliminate running back
防止倾倒safe against overturning
防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染的海洋公约Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and Other Matters into Ocean
防止共振prevention of resonance
防止冲出跑道的安全拦阻装置overrun safety arrestment
防止冲刷scour protection
防止冷凝prevent condensation
防止冻冰protection against freezing
防止凝结set prevention
防止出轨的轨道anti-derailing rail
防止剥落剂antistripping agent
防止压曲safe against buckling
防止发生风险risk aversion
防止噪声noise precaution
防止回流设施backflow preventer
防止土壤侵蚀的森林forest for erosion control
防止土壤板结keep soil from packing together
防止土壤瘠薄措施protection method of soil-hungry
防止土壤胶粘keeping the soil from puddling
防止地下水waterproofing against ground water (的)
防止地下水位持续下降preventing groundwater continuously drawdown
防止地下水污染preventing groundwater contamination
防止地面沉降preventing land subsidence
防止地面沉陷法law of land subsidence prevention
防止外干里湿preventing casehardening
防止大气污染air conservation
防止失速avert the stall
防止失速装置anti-stall gear
防止岩样变形和冲蚀protect the sample distortion and erosion
防止干扰shielded from interference
防止延迟avoidance of delay
防止开裂safety against cracking
防止开裂avoidance of cracking
防止强烈冲刷prevent intensive washing
防止拆船污染环境管理条例Regulations on Administration for Preventing Environmental Pollution from Dismantling Ships
防止损坏avoid damage
防止损害control of lesion
防止损害条款sue and labour clause
防止损害条款sue and labor clause
防止接触contact protection
防止提升过度overwind prevention
防止插入plug over-ride prevention
防止收缩shrinkage prevention (措施)
防止故障性接地earth fault protection
防止断裂safety against rupture
防止木头泡胀anti-water logging
防止材料流失prevention of loss of material
防止根部伤冻keeping the roots from freezing
防止欺诈法statute of fraud
防止氧化prevent oxidation
防止水污染water anti-pollution
防止水污染法law of water pollution prevention
防止水污染法规water anti-pollution legislation
防止污染prevent contamination
防止汽水共腾管anti-priming pipe
防止沉淀preventing precipitation
防止沿海地带不可逆转的恶化protect coastal zone from irreversible degradation
防止泛滥flowage prevention
防止活动的安全措施safety against sliding
防止海岸工程污染损害制度system of preventing on pollution damage of coastal construction project
防止海水入侵的措施preventative measures of sea water intrusion
防止海洋污染prevention of marine pollution
防止海洋污染marine pollution prevention
防止淤积流速velocity to prevent sedimentation
防止渗水water creep prevention
防止渗水prevent water creep
防止溅油装备oil save-all
防止滑动架anti-slide rack
防止滑坡的结构avalanche brake
防止滥用基金prevention of misappropriation of funds
防止火灾蔓延prevention of fire spreading
防止火灾蔓延的中空墙fire stop
防止火花外射的装置spark arrestor
防止白蚁侵蚀resistance to termite attack
防止矽尘危害protection against silicosis
防止破坏行为deter vandalism
防止碰撞collision prevention
防止碰撞collision avoidance
防止碰线cross protection
防止磨损wear prevention
防止积雪drift prevention
防止空气污染air pollution prevention
防止空气污染anti-air pollution
防止空气污染air conservation
防止空气污染系统anti-air pollution system
防止空气污染规范Air Pollution Code
防止管内蒸气积聚装置vapour lock device
防止管内蒸气积聚装置vapor lock device
防止结冰icing protection
防止结露工程antisweat work
防止脱轨轨条anti-derailing rail
防止腐蚀prevent corrosion
防止膨胀proof to swelling
防止膨胀安全措施safety against bulging
防止船舶引起污染的国际公约International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
防止落石prevention for falling stone
防止蓝色斑点preservative against blue stain (木材的一种疵病)
防止表皮形成prevention of skin formation
防止裂缝avoidance of cracking
防止裂缝钢筋crack control reinforcement
防止误操作设备foolproof apparatus
防止起灰dust suppression
防止起重机杆侧向摇摆的滑车luff tackle
防止超支prevention of overspending of appropriations
防止路面结冰措施road ice-control
防止路面结冰措施highway ice-control
防止辐射能漏出设备radiation leaktightness
防止过度利用森林protect forests from overexploitation
防止过时avoid obsolescence
螺纹结合部分的防止过热卡孔润滑剂anti-seize lubricant
防止过载overload protection
防止过载斗surge bunker
防止重合线路anti-coincidence circuit
防止重复prevention of repetitive clear of a signal
防止链纠缠anti-fouling hawse
防止错误guard against error
防止错误操作的fool proof
防止长草流速velocity to prevent plant growth
防止陆源污染制度system of preventing pollution by land based pollutants
防止隆起proof to swelling
防止风化的措施prevention of weathering
防止飞弧flashover protection
防止黏结bond prevention
防止黏釉的蜡wax resist
防止齿隙游移的弹簧anti-backlash spring
雪崩防止avalanche preventing forest
雪崩防止设备check facilities for snow slide
雪崩防止设备check facility for snow slide
麻面防止anti-pitting agent