
Terms for subject Technology containing 错误 | all forms | in specified order only
三重错误校正码triple-error correcting code
不可恢复的错误irrecoverable error
不可改正的错误non-recoverable error
不可改正的程序错误non-recoverable programme error
不可改正的程序错误non-recoverable program error
不可校正错误unrecoverable error
严重错误severe error
严重错误gross error
严重错误信息fatal error message
中断错误interrupt error
书写错误paper-and-pencil error
书写错误clerical error
交货错误wrong delivery
代换删除和插入错误substitution deletion and insertion errors
代替性尝试错误vicarious trial and error
优先错误转储priority error dump
传输错误error of transmission
估计错误out in reckoning
信息组错误block error rate
内部错误internal error
内部错误校正built-in error correction
内部错误检查built-in error checking
内部处理机错误internal processor error
分类错误classification error
判断错误error of judgment
判断错误的概率probability of misjudgment
加载错误loading error
动态错误dynamical error
动态错误排除dynamical error debug
动态错误排除dynamic error debug
错误检测packet error detection
包级错误控制packet level error control
单个错误校正single error correcting
单个位错误single-bit error
单方错误unilateral mistake
印刷错误letter error
错误分析error volume analysis
错误统计error statistics by volume
原文错误textual error
双位错误double bit error
双重错误double error
发现错误detection of error
发生错误的风险risk of error occurring
发票金额错误errors in the invoice
可变错误variable error
可能错误possible error
合法性错误validation error
固定错误permanent error
复位错误reset error
复制错误replication mistake
复制错误copy error
外部错误external error
多义性错误ambiguity error
奇偶错误标记parity error flag
奇偶性错误parity error
存储器错误memory error
存储器保护错误memory guard error
实质错误material fallacy
尝试错误学习trial-and-error learning
错误tape error
并置错误concatenation error
循环错误loop error
微处理机自动错误校正microprocessor auto error correction
成帧错误framing error
成组错误burst error
打字错误typist's mistake
打字错误typist's error
执行错误execution error
指示错误error of indication
接受错误acceptance error
接口错误控制interface error control
操作错误operating mistake
操作员错误operator error
操作码错误error in operation code
改正错误error correcting
数值错误numerical faut
数值错误numeric faut
数字错误numerical error
数字错误numeric error
文字上的错误textual error
方向错误的投资misdirected investment
错误信道error free information
错误error free
错误编码error free coding
时间间隔错误time interval error
暂时错误temporary error
未知错误指示码unknown error code
查出错误isolation of blunders
标志错误严重性的代码error severity code
标志磁道错误mark track error
校验和恢复错误checking and recovery error
格式错误format error
检查错误detection of error
检查错误check for errors
检测出的错误detected error
检验错误error checking
模糊错误fuzzy error
正交错误控制orthotronic error control
正规错误校正normal error recovery
残留错误residual error ratio
残留错误residual error rate
每位错误概率probability of error per digit
气象代表性错误meteorological representative error
气象代表性错误meteorologic representative error
永久错误permanent error
汇编错误assemble error
汇编错误信息assembler error message
汇编错误assembler error code
汇编程序错误信息assembler error message
没有发现错误no fault found
消除错误原因error cause elimination
溢出错误overflow error
漏校错误uncorrected error
漏检错误undetected error
漏检错误比例residual error ratio
特定程序错误programme sensitive malfunction
特定程序错误program sensitive malfunction
特定程序错误programme sensitive error
特定程序错误program sensitive error
猝发错误burst error
用户错误处理过程user error procedure
用户程序错误user programme error
疏忽错误missing error
错误hard error rate
硬件错误恢复管理系统hardware error recovery management system
磁道错误track error
程序错误program miss
程序错误programme miss
程序错误program error
程序错误中断programme error interrupt
程序错误控制programme error control
程序错误控制program error control
程序错误转储programme error dump
程序错误转储program error dump
程序地址错误programme address error
程序地址错误program address error
程序排除错误programme debugging
程序排除错误program debug
程序设计错误programming error
程序过敏错误program-sensitive malfunction
程序过敏错误program-sensitive error
穿孔错误punch error
符号错误error in label
符合性上的错误compliance error
第一种错误error of the first kind
第一类错误的概率probability of type I error
第二类错误type II error
第二类错误的概率probability of type II error
第二类型错误error of the second kind
算术错误arithmetical error
算术错误arithmetic error
纠正突发错误burst-correcting code
错误staging error
编译错误compile error
编译时错误compile-time error
老化错误ageing error
老化错误aging error
联机排除错误debug on-line
自动错误校正法automatic error correction
致命错误处理disaster handling
致命性错误fatal error
装配错误loading error
计算错误error of calculation
计算错误calculation error
计算错误calculating error
计算机发生故障或操作错误的时间downtime of computer
记录错误clerical error
记账错误errors of book entry
设计错误design fault
试验错误experimental mistake
误差纠错码组error correcting code
误错比error ratio
读出错误readout error
读数错误error in reading
输入错误input error
输出错误output error
过时错误time-out error
逻辑错误logical mistake
逻辑错误logic mistake
道岔错误表示false indication of a switch
配置错误的线圈misplaced winding
重写错误overwriting error
重复错误repetitive error
错误不在此限errors expected
错误error burst
错误代码诊断信息error code diagnostic message
错误传播受限码error propagation limiting code
错误保护error protection
错误假设false assumption
错误关闭信号false stopping of a signal
错误净值net error
错误出口error exit
错误判断mistaken judgement
错误勘定location of mistake
错误呼叫defective ringing
错误图形模型error graphic model
错误型发生器error pattern generator
集装箱错误堆码方式wrong stacking method
错误处理error processing
错误处理error handling
错误处理程序error handling routine
错误处理程序error handler
错误处理过程error processing procedure
错误处理过程error process procedure
错误定位location of mistake
错误定位多项式error-locator polynomial
错误定位测试fault location test
错误封锁error lock
错误平结lubber's knot
错误平结granny's knot
错误开放信号wrong clearing of a signal
错误恢复管理程序error recovery manager
错误恢复过程error recovery procedure
错误报警false alarm
错误指令false command
错误捕捉error trapping
错误排除false exclusion
错误控制error control
错误控制系统error control system
错误显示wrong indication
错误标志error flag
错误标记error mark
错误标记error flag
错误标记码bug patch
错误校正程序error recovery routine
错误校正程序error correcting routine
错误校验error checking
错误校验程序error check programme
错误校验程序error check program
错误检查协议error checking protocol
错误检查和校正error check and correction
错误检测例行程序error detecting routine
错误检测信号error detection signal
错误检测和反馈系统error detecting and feedback system
错误检测和补救error detection and recovery
错误检测器error detector
错误检测码error detecting code
错误检测码方式error detecting code system
错误检测程序error detecting programme
错误检测程序error detecting program
错误检测程序bug monitor
错误检测系统error detecting system
错误检测装置error detector element
错误检验和纠正error checking and correction
错误概念erroneous picture
错误概念erroneous conceptions
错误潜伏期error latence
错误状态error status
错误状态字status word error
错误状态寄存器error status register
错误error ratio
错误的区分faulty separation
错误的检测detection of error
错误指示error code
错误符号error symbol
错误给料erratic feed
错误色观察faulty colour vision
错误色观察faulty color vision
错误行为faulty act
错误补块bug patch
错误error list
错误视觉faulty vision
错误解锁false release
错误警告false alarm
错误记录error record
错误记录程序error logger
错误记录管理error log manager
错误诊断error diagnostics
错误调用error call
错误辨识false identification
错误返回地址error return address
错误连接fault connection
错误遗漏不在此限errors and omissions excepted
错误锁闭false locking
错误长度incorrect length
错误队列error queue
错误除外error excepted
错误隔离方式fault isolation mode
错误隔离检查系统fault isolation checkout system
键控穿孔错误key punch error
长度错误on size error
间歇错误intermittent error
防止错误guard against error
防止错误操作的fool proof
随机错误random error
非严重错误non-fatal error
非常可能存在的错误most likely errors
非法控制消息的错误illegal control-message error
非致命错误non-fatal error