
Terms for subject Commerce containing 销售 | all forms | in specified order only
不公开销售证券private offering
专营销售exclusive selling rights
两线式销售组织line and staff type of sales (一线营业,二线策划)
习惯于按即期汇票信用证销售货物be accustomed to selling against L/C available by sight draft
产品销售marketing of products
产品销售分析product sales analysis
产品销售计划product marketing plan
销售中获利reap profits from sales
销售中获利earn profit from sales
销售中获得好处gain advantage from sales
销售收入中扣减成本与费用deduction from sales revenue for cost and expenses
他们从这笔销售中赚钱不多They netted only a little from the sale
付给5%销售佣金allow a commission of 5 percent on sales
以免失去销售机会Please cooperate with us and ship expeditiously so as to safeguard us against loss of market
价格波动妨碍了销售Sales are hampered by price fluctuations
优惠销售concessionary sale
优惠销售concessional sale
估算销售imputed sale (与估算购进额(imputed purchase) 相对)
你方信用证与销售合同不符Your L/C is not in correspondence with the s/c
假如在本月三十日或其前不能收到你方信用证,我方只好取消销售合同If your L/C fails to arrive here on or before the 30th inst., we shall be obliged to cancel the S/C
公开证券销售public offering
共同销售cooperative marketing
关于第5012 号销售合同,请尽快装运货物With regard to S/C No. 5012, please ship the goods as soon as possible
兹附去我方第100号销售确认书一式两份We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 100 in duplicate (in two copies)
兹附寄我方第999号销售确认书一式两份We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 999 in duplicate
凭汇票付款条件销售sales on draft terms
利润与销售比率PS ratio
刺激销售stimulation of marketing
副产品销售byproduct sales
协议规定代理商不得在约定的地区内承担销售其他供货商的类似产品The agreement provides that the agent shall not undertake to sell similar products for other suppliers in the agreed territory
双轨销售dual distribution (自行经营零售与销售给零售商和批发商并举)
同业销售trade sale
后门销售back door sales
商品销售范围scope of commodity marketing
固定期间销售fixed period sale
在仔细策划一项新的销售方案have a new marketing plan in contemplation
在对外贸易中建立常设销售机构极受重视The establishment of a permanent sales organization is greatly favoured in foreign trade
场外销售over-the-counter sale
垂直销售系统vertical marketing system
堵塞的销售渠道obstructed marketing channel
备抵销售折让allowance for sale discount
大减价销售special discount sale
大量销售mass marketing
如果货物不符合销售合同条款,买方可以撤销合同并追回货款If the goods are not in conformity with the terms of the sales contract, the buyer may rescind the contract and recover the purchase price
委托销售sales on commission
存货销售天数number of days of sale of inventory
市场销售情报marketing information
市场销售结构marketing structure
市场销售预测差异marketing forecast variance
英国帝国销售委员会Empire Marketing Board
带有条件的销售契约take conditional sale deeds
廉价销售distress selling
成本-销售量-利润分析cost-volume-profit analysis
我们兹附寄有关本次交易的2023号销售合同We herewith enclose our S/C No. 2023 covering this transaction
我们已找到销售新产品一条有希望渠道A prospective channel for the sale of our new products has been discovered
我们相信这一销售计划可以实现We trust this marketing plan can be realized
我方已将1,000公吨花生装王子号货轮,以执行我方第110号销售确认书In pursuance of our Sales Confirmation No. 110, we've shipped 1,000 M/T peanut per s.s. Prince
我的销售计划与他的计划相吻合My marketing plans dovetailed into his
扩大销售地区access of marketing territory
把出口销售金额过入总账post up export sales
投资支出与销售收入investment outlay and sales revenue
销售净额计算的营业比率operating ratio based on net sales
销售净额计算的营业比率operating ratio based upon net sales
捆绑式销售tied sale
掉包销售switch selling (美国用 bait and switch selling)
搭配销售tied sale
无差异性市场销售策略undifferentiated marketing
无法销售允许退货交易on sale or return
无法销售可以退货买卖sale or return
有关我第5051号销售确认书项下的信用证至今尚未岀现Your L/C covering our S/C No. 5051 has so far failed to appear
垄断集团瓜分市场有计划的销售协议orderly marketing arrangement
未达货物销售sales of goods to arrive
标题为"第2022号销售合同"We're in receipt of your letter dated 18th inst. under the caption of S/C No. 2022
正好销售be opportune for selling
正常销售条件usual marketing requirements
特别销售selective sales tax
现款销售sales in hand cash
现金销售cash sale (与赊销 (sale on account) 相对)
电话销售telephone selling (与电话采购(telephone purchasing) 相对)
目前在我处销售这些货物相当困难It is rather difficult for us to sell these goods in our place at present
证券直接销售direct placement
直接销售证券private offering (与公开销售证券 (public offering) 相对)
稳定销售steady sales
美国国际销售中心United States International Marketing Center
联合国销售货物时效公约United Nations Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods
联合国国际销售货物合同公约United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
联合国国际销售货物合同公约Sales Convention 1980 (1980)
联合国国际货物销售合同公约United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods
联营公司间销售intercompany sales
计算生产能力达到充分利用时的销售价格calculate the sales price at full capacity utilization
证券销售能力placing power
英国诱饵销售switch selling
请将你方信用证中的保险条款与销售合同中的一致起来Please bring the insurance clause in your L/C into correspondence with that in the S/C
请尽快开立我方第552号销售确认书项下有关信用证Please establish the relevant L/C covering our S/C No. 552 as soon as possible
路货销售sale afloat
路货销售sales afloat
达成一项销售合同enter into a sales contract
运输中销售sale afloat
运输中销售sales afloat
还本销售selling with repayment of principal
这些货物销售量很大These goods have a large circulation
这笔销售净得20,000美兀The sale netted US $20,000
这项安排对我方销售几乎没有帮助This arrangement will be of little help to our sales
销售place on the market
销售put on the market
销售与管理成本selling and administrative cost
销售与管理费sales and administrative expenses
销售merchandising business
销售业务活动distribution activities
销售业务管理sales management
销售代理人sale's agent
销售代理人sales agent (与采购代理人 (purchase agent)相对)
销售代理处sale agency
销售selling price
销售价格marketing price
销售信息交流marketing communication
销售凭证sales voucher
销售利润率sales profit rate
销售刺激因素sales stimulation factors
销售协定selling agreement
销售协定marketing agreement
销售合同contract of sales (与购买合同(contract of purchase) 相对)
销售吸引力sales appeal
销售员销售估计综合法salesman sales composite method
销售周转额sale turnover
销售回扣sales rebate
销售地区territory of marketing
销售季节season of sales
销售主要涉及产品(product)、 价格(price)、地点(place)、促销 (promotion)marketing
销售导向marketing orientation
销售市场准备preparation of sales market
销售总成本gross cost of merchandise sold
销售成本distribution costs
销售折让selling concession
销售折让allowance for sales
销售折让allowance on sales
销售收入receipts coming from sales
销售收入sale proceeds
销售收入income from sales
销售收入proceedss of sales
销售收益sales gain
销售收益sale proceeds
销售收益率return on sales
销售收益率rate of return on sales
销售效能五点评价法美国菲利普・科特勒提出,包括:哲学、组织、情 报、策略与效率philosophy, organization, information, strategy, efficiency
销售方案sales program
销售方法marketing practices
销售旺季peak selling period
销售旺季peak sales season
销售旺季peak sales period
证券销售selling period
销售机会sales opportunity
销售机制marketing mechanism
销售机构sales organization
销售样品selling sample
销售渠道选择selection of marketing channel
销售点系统POS system
销售盈利分析profitability analysis
销售研究观察法observational approach of marketing research
销售确认sale confirmation
销售sales tax (包括:零售税(retail sales tax), 总销售税或营业税 (gross sales tax or turnover tax), 即指递减税 (regressive tax);比较 excise tax 消费税)
销售策略组合marketing mix
销售经理sales manager
销售结构distribution structure
销售统计sales statistics
销售衰退decline of sale
销售规划marketing planning
销售证明sale confirmation
销售试验sales test
销售调查marketing survey
销售账单account sales
销售账户sales account
销售货样sales sample
销售selling charges
销售费用sales costs
销售边际margin on sales
销售这些货物看来没有什么困难There appears to be no difficulty in marketing these goods
销售配额系统marketing quota system
销售quantity of sales
销售间接费用selling overhead
销售sales (包括:销售净额 (net sale s)( 扣除 discount 折扣, allowance 折让)、销售总额 (gross sale s))
销售amount of sales (与购入额 (amount of purchase) 相对)
销售额与利润比较sales and profit comparison
零基销售zero-base marketing
预约销售sales by subscription