
Terms containing 铸坯 | all forms | in specified order only
met.三流圆坯连铸机three-strand round caster
met.三流大方坯连铸机three-strand bloom caster
met.三流大方坯连铸机three-strand continuous bloom caster
met.三流大方坯连铸机3-strand square bloom caster
met.三流小方坯连铸机three-strand billet caster
met.不合格连铸小方坯off-grade continuously cast billet
met.不同顶弯模式下的铸坯质量semi-finished product quality for different bending modes
met.不锈钢连铸板坯continuously cast stainless slab
met.世界最先进的薄板坯连铸机the world's most advanced thin slab caster
met.世界最大的板坯连铸机the world's largest slab caster
met.世界板坯连铸记录world slab casting record
met.中厚板坯连铸机medium-thickness slab caster
met.中厚板坯连铸机intermediate thickness slab caster
met.中试大方坯连铸机pilot-plant continuous bloom caster
met.中间试验板坯连铸机pilot slab caster
met.中间试验薄板坯连铸机pilot-plant thin slab caster
met.二手小方坯连铸机used square billet caster
met.二手小方坯连铸机secondhand billet caster
met.二次冷却区铸坯夹持辊strand containment roll in secondary cooling zone
met.二次冷却区铸坯导向装置strand guide device in secondary cooling zone
met.二流圆坯连铸机two-strand round caster
met.二流圆坯连铸机twin-strand round caster
met.二流大方坯连铸机two-strand continuous bloom caster
met.二流大方坯连铸机twin-strand bloom caster
met.二流小方坯连铸机two-strand continuous billet caster
met.二流小方坯连铸机two-strand billet caster
met.二流板坯连铸机two-strand slab caster
met.二流板坯连铸机two-strand continuous slab caster
met.二流板坯连铸机twin-strand slab caster
met.二流薄板坯连铸机two-strand thin slab caster
met.五流圆坯连铸机5-strand round caster
met.五流圆坯连铸机five-strand round caster
met.五流大方坯连铸机five-strand continuous bloom caster
met.五流小方坯连铸机5-strand square billet caster
met.五流小方坯连铸机five-strand continuous billet caster
met.传统板坯连铸机conventional slab caster (The slab mould shape and high casting speed lead to higher cast product quality and output than in conventional slab caster. 与传统的板坯连铸机相比,这种板坯结晶器的形状和高拉坯速度导致了它优质高产。)
met.全动态铸坯导向系统fully dynamic strand guide system
met.八流小方坯连铸机8-strand billet caster
met.六流圆坯连铸机six-strand continuous round caster
met.六流大方坯连铸机six-strand continuous bloom caster
met.六流大方坯连铸机six-strand continuous square bloom caster
met.六流大方坯连铸机six strand bloom caster
met.六流小方坯连铸机6-strand continuous billet caster
met.六流小方坯连铸机six-strand square billet caster
met.六流小方坯连铸机six-strand continuous square billet caster
met.六流小方坯连铸机six-strand continuous billet caster
met.六流小方坯连铸机six strand billet caster
met.凝固铸坯solidified strand
met.凝固铸坯液芯liquid core of solidifying strand
met.凝固铸坯钢壳solidifying steel shell (① Various finite-element models have been developed to simulate fluid flow, heat flow within the mold cavity, mold distortion and shrinkage of the solidifying steel shell of a continuously cast slab. 现已开发出各种有限元模型,用来模拟液体流动、结晶器内热流、结晶器变形以及连铸板坯凝固钢壳收缩等。② The narrower gap between the mold wall and the solidifying steel shell constricts the flow of liquid slag thus reducing the mold powder consumption rate. 结晶器壁与凝固坯钢壳之间的间隙较窄减少了液渣流动量,从而降低了结晶器保护渣消耗速率。)
met.凝固铸坯钢壳solidified steel shell
met.正在凝固的铸坯solidifying strand
met.动态铸坯导向系统dynamic strand guide system
met.包套铸坯canned billet
met.半工业试验薄板坯连铸机pilot-plant thin slab caster
met.单一尺寸板坯连铸single-size continuous slab casting
met.单位铸坯表面积保护渣耗量powder consumption per unit strand surface area
met.单流小方坯连铸机single-strand billet caster
met.单流小方坯连铸机single-strand continuous billet caster
met.单流小方坯连铸机one-strand continuous billet caster
met.单流板坯连铸机single-strand slab caster (Today, for instance, a single-strand slab caster is applied where a two-strand caster was applied in the early days; billet/bloom machines also generally have fewer strands. Reducing strands reduce not only capital costs but also operational costs. 例如,今日的单流板坯连铸机已取代了昔日的双流板坯连铸机;小方坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机通常也具有较少的流数。流数的减少不仅降低了投资费用,同时也降低了操作费用。)
met.单流板坯连铸机single-strand continuous slab caster
met.厚板坯连铸机thick slab caster
met.厚板坯连铸机continuous thick slab caster
met.原有板坯连铸机original slab caster
met.原有板坯连铸机existing slab caster (The slabs produced by this caster show a low level of inclusions both in size and quantity (see Fig. 11), and are of stable quality compared with those produced by existing slab caster. 这台连铸机生产的板坯,夹杂物尺寸小、数量少(见图11);其质量稳定性可与原有板坯连铸机生产的板坯相媲美。)
met.双带式薄板坯连铸机two-belt thin slab caster
met.双板坯浇铸twin-slab casting
met.双流圆坯连铸机two-strand round caster
met.双流圆坯连铸机twin-strand round caster
met.双流大方坯连铸机two-strand bloom caster
met.双流小方坯连铸机two-strand billet caster
met.双流小方坯连铸机twin-strand continuous billet caster
met.双流小方坯连铸机double-strand billet caster
met.双流板坯连铸机dual-strand continuous slab caster
met.双流板坯连铸机2-strand slab caster
met.双流板坯连铸机twin-strand continuous slab caster
met.双流板坯连铸机two-strand slab caster
met.双流板坯连铸机two-strand continuous slab casting machine
met.双流板坯连铸机two-strand continuous slab caster (Experiments are conducted using a two-strand continuous slab caster to determine the mixed chemistry region length at low and high casting speeds. 为了确定在低拉坯速度和高拉坯速度下化学成分混合区的长度,利用一台双流板坯连铸机进行了试验。)
met.双流板坯连铸机twin-strand continuous slab casting machine (A contract for a twin-strand continuous slab casting machine was awarded by the AB Iron and Steel Company to Mesta Engineering Company. AB 钢铁公司已将一份双流板坯连铸机合同授予 Mesta 工程公司。)
met.双流板坯连铸机double-strand slab caster
met.双联板坯浇铸twin-slab casting
met.双联板坯连铸机twin-slab caster
met.双联板坯连铸结晶器twin-slab casting mold (Mathematical modeling of melt flow and heat transfer in the twin slab casting molds of No.2 continuous casting machine has been completed. 现已完成了 2号连铸机板坯双浇结晶器内熔体流动和传热的数学模拟。)
met.合格铸坯qualified cast product
met.向下运动的铸坯downward-moving strand
met.哈兹莱特小方坯连铸机Hazelette billet caster
met.哈兹莱特薄板坯连铸机Hazelett thin slab caster
met. 喷嘴至铸坯的距离nozzle-to-strand distance
met. 喷嘴至铸坯的距离distance from nozzle to strand
met.四流圆坯连铸机four-strand round caster
met.四流圆坯连铸机4-strand round caster
met.四流圆坯连铸机four-strand continuous caster for rounds
met.四流大方坯/ 圆坯连铸机four-strand bloom/round caster
met.四流大方坯/圆坯连铸机4-strand bloom/round caster
met.四流大方坯连铸机four-strand continuous bloom caster
met.四流大方坯连铸机four-strand bloom caster
met.四流小方坯连铸机four-strand billet caster
met.圆坯离心浇铸centrifugal casting of rounds
met.圆坯连铸continuous round casting (【技】一种主要用于生产无缝钢管用管坯的连铸技术。它具有铸坯精度高、质量好、能耗低和金属综合收得率高的优点。圆坯连铸技术的发展,加速了无缝管轧制与连铸直接连接的进程。)
met.圆坯连铸机round caster
met.圆坯连铸机round bloom caster
met.圆坯连铸机round billet caster
met.圆坯连铸机rounds caster
met.圆坯连铸机continuous round caster
met.在线薄板坯连铸in-line continuous thin slab casting
met.复合钢板坯连铸法continuous clad steel slab casting process
met.【连】 复合钢板坯连铸法continuous casting process of clad steel slab (【技】复合钢板坯连铸法是根据下述原理提出的:在结晶器上设置 LMF 磁场。将两种不同化学成分的钢水同时通过短浸人式水口和长浸人式水口分别浇人结晶器上部和下部钢水池。与此同时所产生的制动力(洛伦磁力)作用于钢流以防止不同的钢水在结晶器内混合,并将结晶器钢水池以 LMF 磁场为界划分为上、下两部分。上部钢水池内的钢水形成了复合钢板坯的外层;而下部钢水池内的钢水形成了复合钢板坯的内芯。)
met.复杂断面的铸坯complex cross-section semifinished product
met.复杂断面的铸坯cast product with complex cross-section
met.多流圆坯连铸机multistrand round caster
met.多流大方坯连铸机multistrand bloom caster
met.多流小方坯连铸机multi-strand billet caster
met.大型板坯连铸机large slab caster
met.大型板坯连铸机production-scale continuous slab caster
met.大型板坯连铸机jumbo slab caster
met.大尺寸连铸大方坯large dimension continuously cast bloom
met.大断面工字梁坯连铸机heavy section beam blank caster
met.大断面连铸坯heavy section
met.大断面连铸大方坯large section continuously cast bloom
met.大方坯圆坯兼用型连铸机combination bloom and round caster
met.大方坯圆坯兼用型连铸机multipurpose caster for producing bloom and round
met.大方坯圆坯兼用型连铸机bloom/round caster
met.大方坯/小方坯兼用型连铸机continuous bloom/billet caster (The Steel Company has completed installation of a continuous bloom/billet caster, a roll grinder, a roll former, two plate marker and a hot dip galvanizing line. 该钢铁公司现已完成了一台大方坯/小方坯兼用型连铸机、一台轧辊磨床、一台辊弯成形机、两台板材打印机和一条热浸镀锌生产线的建设。)
met.大方坯/工字梁坯兼用型连铸机combined bloom/beam blank caster
met.大方坯/工字梁坯兼用型连铸机combination bloom/ beam blank caster
met.大方坯/板坯兼用型连铸机。combination bloom/slab caster
met.大方坯/板坯多用途连铸机combination bloom/slab caster
met.大方坯连铸机jumbo bloom caster
met.大方坯连铸机continuous bloom caster
met.【连】大方坯连铸机continuous bloom caster
met.【连】 大方坯连铸机bloom caster
met.大方坯连铸机continuous bloom casting machine
tech.大方坯连铸机large square bland continuous-casting machine
met.【连】 大方坯连铸机出坯区run-out area of bloom caster
met.大方坯连铸电磁搅拌electromagnetic stirring for continuous casting of bloom
met.完全凝固的铸坯completely solidified strand
met.实测连铸坯壳厚度measured strand shell thickness
met.宽板坯连铸机wide slab caster
met.宽板坯连铸机continuous wide slab caster
met.小圆坯连铸机round billet caster
met.小型坯连铸拉出billet withdrawal
met.小断面铸坯light section cast product
met.小方坯/ 大方坯兼用型连铸机combination continuous billet/bloom caster
met.小方坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机multipurpose caster for producing billets and blooms
met.小方坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机combination billet/bloom caster
met.小方坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机billet/bloom machine
met.小方坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机billet/bloom caster
met.小方坯/大方坯连铸bloom and billet casting
met.小方坯连铸continuous billet casting
met.小方坯连铸continuous casting of billet
met.小方坯连铸billet casting
met.小方坯连铸世界纪录world record for continuous billet casting
met.小方坯连铸操作continuous casting operation of billet
met.小方坯连铸操作continuous billet casting operation
met.小方坯连铸操作billet casting operation
met.小方坯连铸机square billet caster
met.小方坯连铸机billet caster
met.小方坯连铸机continuous billet casting machine
met.小方坯连铸机continuous billet caster (One of the key factors in increasing capacity of a continuous billet caster has been the gradual increase in casting speed, this in turn has led to the possibility to reduce the number of strands for a given production requirement 逐渐提高拉坯速度已经成为提高小方坯连铸机生产能力的关键因素之一,同时它又使得减少铸机流数、满足产量需求成为可能。)
steel.小方坯连铸机billet casting machine
met.小方坯连铸机中间包tundish of billet caster
met.小方坯连铸机产品大纲product mix of continuous billet caster
met.小方坯连铸机冶金长度metallurgical length of billet caster
met.小方坯连铸机切割设备cutoff equipment of billet caster
met.小方坯连铸机引锭杆dummy bar of billet caster
met.小方坯连铸机拉速casting speed of billet caster
met.小方坯连铸机结晶器参数mould parameters of billet caster
met.小方坯连铸机维修maintenance of continuous billet caster
met.小方坯连铸机维修billet caster maintenance
met.小方坯连铸机达产fulfillment of production capacity of billet caster
met.小方坯连铸结晶器continuous billet casting mold
met.小方坯连铸结晶器continuous casting billet mold
met.小方坯连铸结晶器billet mold
met.小方坯连铸结晶器参数billet mould parameters
met.小方坯连铸车间continuous billet casting workshop
met.小方坯连铸车间billet casting shop
met.带坯连铸continuous strip casting (【技】一种近终形连铸技术,它可以直接浇铸厚度 15mm 以下的带坯,不再经热轧而直接冷轧成带钢。目前带坯连铸主要有三种方法:单辊连铸、双辊连铸以及轮带式连铸。: Continuous strip casting requires fewer steps than any other hot strip rolling process. 带钢连铸所需要的生产工序较之其他任何带钢热轧法都少。)
met.带坯连铸strip casting
met.带坯连铸工艺strip casting technology
met.带坯连铸机strip caster
met.带坯连铸设备continuous strip casting equipment
met.带液芯的铸坯strand with liquid core
met.年产120万t的大方坯连铸机1. 2 million tonne/year continuous bloom caster
met.年生产能力180万t的板坯连铸机1. 8 million-tonne/year slab caster
met.康罗尔薄板坯连铸机Conroll caster
met.异形坯连铸continuous casting of shaped cast products (【技】浇注断面接近轧制成品型钢断面的连铸技术。异形坯主要是指用于轧制宽缘工字钢坯料的工字形坯,但同时它还包括到目前为止人们试浇过的断面为六角形、八角形、三联圆形、三联方形、槽形、中空圆形等异形坯。)
met.异形连铸坯continuously cast shaped product
met.弧形铸坯curved strand
met.弧形板坯连铸机curved-type continuous slab caster
met.弧形板坯连铸机curved continuous slab caster
met.弧形段铸坯变形strand deformation at curved section
met.弧形段铸坯应力strand stress in curved section
met.弧形段铸坯温降temperature drop of strand at curved section
met.铸坯cast slab (As solidifying cast slab passes from the vertical to the horizontal plane. 随着凝固的进行,连铸板坯由竖直段进人水平段。)
met.铸坯cast slab
met.扁坯连铸continuous casting of slab
met.报废的连铸小方坯rejected continuously cast billet
met.新建板坯连铸机newly built continuous slab caster
met.方坯连铸bloom and billet casting
met.方坯连铸billet casting
met.方坯连铸机billet/bloom caster
met.方坯连铸机combination billet/bloom caster
met.方坯连铸机billet/bloom machine
met.方坯连铸机billet caster
met.方坯连铸机结晶器mold of bloom/billet caster
met.方坯连铸机结晶器billet/bloom caster mold
met.施加于铸坯的阻力resistance force applied to strand (Mold friction is the resistance force applied to the strand and relative to the oscillation parameters. 结晶器摩擦力是施加于铸坯的阻力,它与振动参数有关。)
met.旋转圆坯连铸机rotating rounds caster
met.普通大方坯连铸机conventional continuous bloom casting machine
met.普通板坯连铸机conventional slab caster
met.板坯双浇连铸机twin-slab caster
met.板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机continuous slab/bloom casting machine
met.板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机continuous slab/bloom caster (The last section of structural steel framing for the more than $260 million continuous slab/bloom caster under construction at the Sparrows Point plant has been erected. 雀点厂在建的一台价值逾 2.6 亿美元的板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机的最后一段结构钢框架已竖起。)
met.【连】 板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机slab/bloom caster
met.板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机combination slab/bloom caster
met.板坯干式连铸dry casting of slab (【技】二次冷却区不喷水,依靠连铸坯辐射传热和水冷辊冷却,.有利于提高铸坯质量,适于裂纹敏感钢的连续铸钢。)
met.【连】板坯连铸continuous slab casting (Two new projects have been launched to solve problems in continuous slab casting. 为了解决板坯连铸存在的问题,现已提出了两个新方案。)
met.板坯连铸slab continuous casting
met.板坯连铸continuous casting of slab
steel.板坯连铸slab casting
met.板坯连铸工艺包technological package for continuous casting of slab
met.板坯连铸工艺包continuous casting technological package for slab
met.板坯连铸技术continuous slab casting technology (The development of the next generation of continuous slab casting technology is a challenging task. 开发下一代板坯连铸技术是一项具有挑战性的任务。)
met.板坯连铸控制系统continuous slab casting control system
met.板坯连铸操作continuous slab casting operations (Submerged entry nozzles play a vital role in ensuring continuous slab casting operations, preventing oxygen and nitrogen pick-up of steel stream and achieving a desired flow in the mold. 浸人式水口在保证板坯连铸操作、防止钢水注流吸氧吸氮和获得结晶器内理想钢水流动方面起着至关重要的作用。)
met.板坯连铸机slab continuous casting machine
met.【连】 板坯连铸机slab caster (In addition, a DC plasma tundish heater is installed on the slab caster with an annual capacity of 800, 000 tonnes to heat the molten steel in the tundish. 此外,将直流等离子体中间包加热器安装到这台年生产能力80万 t 的板坯连铸机上,用于加热中间包内钢水。)
met.板坯连铸机continuous slab casting machine
met.板坯连铸机continuous slab caster
met.板坯连铸机slab caster
met.板坯连铸机slab.casting machine
met.CSP 板坯连铸机CSP slab caster
tech.板坯连铸机slab casting machine
met.板坯连铸机二次冷却区secondary cooling zone of continuous slab caster
met.板坯连铸机二次冷却系统secondary cooling system of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机产品大纲slab caster product mix
met.板坯连铸机产品大纲product mix of continuous slab caster
met.板坯连铸机产量slab caster output
met.板坯连铸机产量slab caster production
met.板坯连铸机产量output of continuous slab caster
met.板坯连铸机供水系统water supply system for slab caster
met.板坯连铸机供电系统power supply system for slab caster
met.板坯连铸机停机时间shutdown time of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机冶金长度metallurgical length of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机出坯系统run-out system of continuous slab caster
met.板坯连铸机动态轻压下dynamic soft reduction in slab caster
met.板坯连铸机动态轻压下dynamic soft reduction in continuous slab caster
met.板坯连铸机固定式结晶器stationary mold of continuous slab caster
met.板坯连铸机夹持段slab caster containment section
met.板坯连铸机夹持段containment section of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机夹持辊containment rolls of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机实时监控系统real-time monitor system for continuous slab caster
met.板坯连铸机实时监控系统real-time monitoring system of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机布置图layout of continuous slab caster
met.板坯连铸机布置图continuous slab caster layout
met.板坯连铸机常见故障common troubles of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机弧形结晶器curved mold of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机扇形段slab caster segment
met.板坯连铸机扇形段segments of continuous slab caster
met.板坯连铸机拉坯速度cast speed of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机拉坯速度casting speed of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机拉矫机withdrawing and straightening machine of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机流数number of strands of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机流数No. of strands of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机液压系统slab caster hydraulic system
met.板坯连铸机液压系统hydraulic system of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机漏钢检测系统breakout detection system of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机漏钢率slab caster breakout rate
met.板坯连铸机漏钢率breakout rate of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机漏钢预报系统breakout prediction system of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机电器设备electrical equipment for slab caster
met.板坯连铸机的维护maintenance of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机直结晶器straight-mold of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机矫直区unbending zone of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机矫直区slab caster unbending zone
met.板坯连铸机结晶器slab caster mold
met.板坯连铸机结晶器mold of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机计算机控制系统computer control system of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机设计design of continuous slab caster
met.板坯连铸机调宽结晶器variable-width mold of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机过程控制系统slab caster process control system
met.板坯连铸机过程控制系统process control system of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机钢包回转台ladle turret of slab caster
met.板坯连铸机高度slab caster height
met.板坯连铸机高度height of slab caster
met.【连】 板坯连铸结晶器continuous casting slab mold
met.【连】板坯连铸结晶器mold for continuous casting of slab
met.板坯连铸结晶器continuous slab casting mold (To investigate the mechanical behavior of the continuous slab casting mold during operation, a three-dimensional finite-element, thermal stress model of a typical slab mold has been developed. 为了研究板坯连铸结晶器在连铸期间的力学性能,现已开发出典型板坯结晶器三维有限元热应力模型。)
met.【连】 板坯连铸结晶器CC slab mold
met.板坯连铸设备slab-producing plant
met.板坯铸态结构as-cast structure of slab
met.梯形横截面铸坯trapezoid cross-section billet (【技】轮带式连铸机结晶器由结晶槽和无头移动钢带组成。为了出坯的方便,将铸坯断面设计成梯形。轮带式连铸机所生产的铸坯即为具有梯形横截面的铸坯。)
met.毛坯铸件rough casting
met.毛坯铸件raw casting
met.毛坯铸件faint casting
met.氧气顶吹转炉/板坯连铸机流程BOF/slab caster route
met.水平圆坯连铸机horizontal rounds caster
met.水平薄板坯连铸horizontal continuous thin slab casting
met.水平连铸小方坯horizontally cast billet
met.油润滑的小方坯连铸机continuous billet caster employing oil for lubrication
met.油润滑的小方坯连铸机billet caster with oil lubrication
met.沿铸坯晶界的裂纹crack through grain boundary of cast product
met.沿铸坯晶界的裂纹crack along grain boundary of strand
met.沿铸坯轴线的剪切应力分布shear stress distribution along strand axis
met.活塞环铸坯piston ring casting
met.4流小方坯连铸机4-strand billet caster
met.浇铸的大方坯cast bloom
met.浇铸的小方坯cast billet
met.液渣流人渗人结晶器/铸坯间隙infiltration of molten flux into mold/strand gap
met.漏斗形薄板坯连铸结晶器funnel-shaped thin slab casting mold
met.火焰清理过的连铸坯scarfed continuously cast semifinished product
met.灵活型薄板坯连铸机flexible thin slab caster
met.灵活型薄板坯连铸机技术FTSC technology
met.灵活型薄板坯连铸机技术flexible thin slab caster technology
met.灵活型薄板坯连铸法flexible thin slab casting process
met.现有板坯连铸机existing slab caster
met.电弧炉-薄板坯连铸机流程EAF-thin slab caster route
met.电弧炉-薄板坯连铸连轧流程EAF-thin slab casting and direct rolling route
met.电磁连铸小方坯EMC billet
tech.皮带轮铸坯pulley casting
met.第一代板坯连铸机first-generation slab caster
met.管坯连铸机tube rounds caster
met.结晶器/铸坯壳粘结shell sticking on mold
met.结晶器/铸坯界面mold/strand interface
met.结晶器/铸坯的相对速度relative speed of mold to strand
met.结晶器/铸坯间摩擦力mold/strand frictional force
met.结晶器/铸坯间的相互作用mold/strand interaction
met.结晶器/铸坯间的相互作用interaction between mold and strand
met.结晶器与铸坯壳粘结mold/shell sticking
met.结晶器与铸坯壳间的传热heat transfer between mold and strand shell
met.结晶器与铸坯界面的油润滑oil lubrication at mold/strand interface
met.结晶器与铸坯间气隙mold/strand gap (【参】英文原版钢铁专业文献中表示"铸坯"的术语有多个,如 continuously cast product、 continuously cast semis、 cast product、 strand 等。但本词目 mold/strand gap 中所涉及是结晶器中的"铸坯",故为"正在连铸中的铸坯",因此通常应使用 strand, 而不宜使用其他词代替。这是因为在上述四个表示"铸坯"的英文术语中,只有 strand 才是指"正在连铸中的铸坯",而其他三个均指"成品或商品铸坯"。参见词条: continuously cast product。: Molten flux is pumped into the mold/ strand gap by the action of the descending mold wall and the attached solid flux rim. 通过下降的结晶器壁及其附着其上的固态保护渣圈的作用,将液态保护渣泵人到结晶器与铸坯间的气隙中。)
met.结晶器与铸坯间气隙gap between mold and strand
met.结晶器与铸坯间的相互作用mold/strand interaction
met.结晶器与铸坯间相互作用interaction between mold and strand
met.结晶器与铸坯间通道mould/strand channel
met.结晶器以下铸坯旋转搅拌rotary strand stirring below mold
met.结晶器以下铸坯线性搅拌linear strand stirring below mold
met.结晶器内连铸坯凝壳solidified strand shell in mold
met.结晶器内连铸坯凝壳solidifying shell in mold
met.结晶器内连铸坯凝壳solidified shell in mold
met.结晶器和铸坯壳间的界面mold/strand shell interface
met.结晶器和铸坯壳间的界面mold/shell interface
met.结晶器和铸坯间的传热heat transfer between mold and strand
met.结晶器和铸坯间的接触面积mold/strand contact area
met.结晶器和铸坯间的接触面积contact area between mold and strand
met.结晶器和铸坯间的润滑lubrication between mold and strand
met.结晶器和铸坯间的间隙mold/strand gap
met.结晶器和铸坯间间隙gap between mold and strand (A gap between the mold and strand causes the local rate of heat flow to diminish dramatically. The extent of this gap depends on the shrinkage of the shell. 结晶器和铸坯间的间隙引起局部热流速度急剧下降。该间隙的大小取决于坯壳的收缩量。)
met.结晶器壁/铸坯壳间相互作用假说mold wall/strand shell interaction hypothesis (In addition, a mold wall/strand shell interaction hypothesis has been proposed by Samarasekera, et al, to explain oscillation mark formation in billet casting with tubular molds and no mold flux. 此外, Samarasekera 等人提出了结晶器壁/铸坯壳间相互作用假说,用以解释使用管式结晶器但不使用结晶器保护渣连铸小方坯时振痕的形成。)
met.罗可普小方坯连铸机Rokop billet caster
met.薄带坯连铸continuous thin strip casting
met.薄带坯连铸机thin strip caster
met.【连】薄板坯水平连铸机horizontal thin slab caster
met.薄板坯浇铸技术thin-slab casting technology
met.薄板坯浇铸设备thin-slab casting equipment
met.薄板坯浇铸设备plant for casting thin slab
met.薄板坯连铸thin section continuous casting
met.薄板坯连铸thin slab casting
met.薄板坯连铸thin slab continuous casting
met.【连】 薄板坯连铸continuous casting of thin slab (【技】将连铸生产薄板坯的工艺,与传统的板坯连铸相比‘,其优点是:直接连铸出薄板坯,降低投资、缩短流程,节约能源、提高成材率,铸坯减薄、凝固加快、铸态组织改善、产品质量提高。)
met.薄板坯连铸thin-slab casting (For slab casting, the technology has expanded to nearer net shape areas such as thin-slab casting, wide plate grade casting and the newly emerging strip casting. 板坯连铸技术现已发展到使铸坯形状更加接近于最终产品的领域,例如薄板坯连铸、宽厚板连铸以及新出现的带钢连铸。)
met.薄板坯连铸continuous thin slab casting
steel.薄板坯连铸thin slab caster
met.薄板坯连铸工艺continuous thin slab casting process
met.ISP 薄板坯连铸机ISP thin slab caster
met.薄板坯连铸机thin-slab caster (①The mould is the most critical component of the thin-slab caster, because, during casting, the copper mould plates control initial solidification of the steel product, which determines surface quality. 由于在连铸期间结晶器铜板控制着决定表面质量的钢铸坯初始凝固,因而结晶器是薄板坯连铸机最关键的部件。 ②Since 1998, with the introduction of the thin-slab caster, minimills have begun to produce flat-rolled products. 自1998年,小钢厂引进了薄板坯连铸机,开始生产扁平轧材。)
met.【连】 薄板坯连铸机thin-slab conti-caster
met.薄板坯连铸机thin slab caster
met.薄板坯连铸机continuous thin slab caster (【技】可直接浇铸厚度为20 ~70mm 薄板坯的连铸机。薄板坯连铸机具有:减少投资、节约能耗、简化流程、降低成本、提高质量等一系列优点。目前,已投人工业生产的主要有德国施勒曼-西马格公司研制成功的 CSP 薄板坯连铸技术,亦称紧凑式带钢生产法和德国曼内斯曼-德马克公司研制成功的 ISP 薄板坯连铸技术,亦称在线带钢生产法。: Three-dimensional finite-element thermal-stress models have been developed to predict temperature, distortion and residual stress in the mould of continuous thin slab caster. 现已开发出三维有限元热应力模型,用于预测薄板坯连铸机结晶器温度、变形和残余应力。)
steel.薄板坯连铸机thin continuous caster
met.【连】薄板坯连铸机一带钢热轧机组合thin-slab caster/hot strip mill combination (In addition, the investment and operating costs of a simplified thin-slab caster/hot strip mill combination are much less than the conventional route. 此外,简约化的薄板坯连铸机一带钢热轧机组合,其投资和生产费用远比传统生产流程少得多。)
met.薄板坯连铸机/带钢热轧机机组continuous thin slab caster/hot strip mill complex (Acme Metals Inc.'s board of directors has approved the construction of a continuous thin slab caster/hot strip mill complex. 阿克米金属公司董事会已经批准建设一组薄板坯连铸机/带钢热轧机机组。)
met.薄板坯连铸机—带钢热轧机联合机组thin-slab caster/hot-strip mill complex (A thin-slab caster/hot-strip mill complex with 2 million net tons of capacity at a cost in excess of $400 million is currently under construction. 一组年生产能力为200万短吨,耗资逾4亿美元的薄板坯连铸机一带钢热轧机联合机组正在建设中。)
met.薄板坯连铸结晶器continuous casting thin slab mold
met.薄板坯连铸连轧CC-DR of thin slab
met.薄板坯连铸连轧thin-slab casting and direct rolling (【技】由薄板坯连铸机生产出来的无缺陷薄板坯,本身具有较高温度,因此只需短时均热和保温,无需清理和加热便可直接进人轧机轧制成材。这种将连铸和轧制直接连成一体的生产流程称之为薄板坯连铸连轧。)
met.薄板坯连铸连轧thin-slab CC-DR
met.薄板坯连铸连轧in-line strip production
met.薄板坯连铸连轧设备thin-slab casting and direct rolling plant
met.薄板坯连铸连轧设备thin-slab casting and direct rolling equipment
met.薄板坯铸轧thin slab casting and rolling
met.薄板坯铸轧thin-slab casting and rolling
met.薄板坯铸轧casting and rolling of thin slab
met.薄板坯铸轧工艺TSCR process
met.薄板坯铸轧工艺thin slab cast-rolling process
met.薄板坯铸轧技术thin slab cast-rolling technology
met.薄板坯铸轧技术TSCR technology
met.CSP 薄板坯铸轧技术CSP thin slab casting and rolling technology
met.薄板坯铸轧技术thin-slab casting and rolling technology (【技】薄板坯在连铸机内边铸造成形,边对其进行轧制的技术。采用该技术可使铸坯更加变薄、更加接近最终产品的形状。如薄板坯刚出结晶器时厚度为 60mm。 在连铸过程中首先对其进行带液芯轻压下,凝固后再进行大压下量压下。在离开连铸机时,铸坯厚度可减薄至15 mm。)
met.薄板坯铸轧技术thin-slab casting-rolling technology
met.薄板坯铸轧技术casting and rolling technology for thin slab
met.薄板坯铸轧机组thin-slab casting-rolling complex
met.薄板坯铸轧设备TSCR plant
met.薄板坯铸轧设备thin-slab cast-rolling equipment
met.CSP 薄板坯铸轧设备CSP thin slab casting and rolling plant
met.薄板坯高速连铸high-speed continuous casting of thin slab
met.表面无缺陷的连铸板坯continuously cast slab without surface defects
met.计算机化的薄板坯连铸computerized thin slab CC
met.负速铸坯negative strip
met.超低头板坯连铸机super low head continuous slab caster (【技】该型连铸机是把小半径多点矫直的弧形连铸机和板坯连铸技术相结合的一种连铸机机型。由于起始半径(结晶器的圆弧半径和二冷区上段半径)小,连铸机总高度低,适宜于建设在高度低的厂房内。该机型与纯净钢水的生产技术相结合,能生产达到热送和直接轧制质量要求的无缺陷铸坯。该型连铸机的建设投资明显低于通常的弧形连铸机。)
met.超低头连铸机拉坯速度casting speed of super low head continuous caster
met.超高效板坯连铸机ultra-high efficiency slab caster
met.超高效板坯连铸机superefficient slab caster
met.超高效薄板坯连铸机super-high-efficient thin slab caster
met.转炉-薄板坯连铸连轧流程converter, thin slab casting and direct rolling route
met.轮带式小方坯连铸机wheel and belt billet caster
met.铸坯cast product
met.铸坯continuously cast product
met.铸坯continuously cast semifinished products
met.铸坯continuously cast semis
met.铸坯product obtained by continuous casting
met.铸坯semi-finished product
met.铸坯strand of cast metal (The strand of cast metal continues traveling along the discharge rollers to a gas torch cut-off station. 连铸坯继续沿出坯辊道向气体切割站运动。)
met.铸坯caster product
steel.铸坯continuously cast bloom
met.铸坯上表面upper surface of strand
met.铸坯上表面upper surface of continuously cast semis
met.铸坯下表面lower surface of strand
met.铸坯下表面lower surface of continuously cast semifinished product
met.铸坯中心偏析center segregation of continuously cast product (【技】连铸坯中心偏析是由于在铸坯的后期凝固过程中,富集偏析元素的钢水流动引起的。防止连铸坯中心偏析可采取的措施包括:低过热度浇注、电磁搅拌、控制钢水中的易偏析元素、在铸坯的末端采用轻压下技术等。)
met.铸坯中心疏松center porosity of continuously cast product (【技】连铸坯在凝固过程中,两边的柱状晶向中心生长,形成搭桥,从而阻止了钢水在铸坯中心部位自由流动,使钢水不能对因凝固收缩而形成的许多微孔进行补充。在钢水完全凝固后,这些空隙便在连铸坯中心部位形成中心疏松。在连铸过程中根据钢种选择适当的钢水过热度和拉坯速度以及采用合适的二次冷却强度和电磁搅拌技术,可以促进铸坯的柱状晶向等轴晶结构转变,减轻铸坯的中心疏松。)
met.铸坯中心缺陷centerline defect of continuously cast product (【技】从铸坯横向或纵向切取试样,经酸浸或硫印后,在铸坯中心附近观察到的连铸坯缺陷,例如中心线裂纹、中心疏松或缩孔、中心偏析和 V 形偏析等。)
met.铸坯传热数学模型mathematic model for heat transfer of strand
met.铸坯低倍组织 结构macrostructure of continuously cast product (【技】从连铸坯上切取试样,用硫印或酸浸法显示出的铸坯横断面或纵断面上的内部组织结构。)
met.铸坯低倍结构microstructure of continuously cast product (【技】从连铸坯上切取试样,用硫印或酸浸法显示出的铸坯横断面或纵断面上的内部组织结构。连铸坯低倍结构由三个区组成,即表面细小等轴晶区、柱状晶区和中心等轴晶区。在连铸坯凝固过程中,抑制柱状晶生长而扩大中心等轴晶区,是改善连铸坯质量的一个重要任务。常用的技术措施包括:①控制钢水温度;②采用电磁搅拌;③在结晶器内加人形核剂,增加结晶核心的数目,扩大等轴晶区;④在结晶器内加人铁粉或薄钢带等微型冷却剂,消除钢水的过热度,使其在液相线温度凝固,以增加等轴晶; 、⑤在结晶器内喷吹不同尺寸的金属粉末,或从中间罐内的塞棒加人金属丝,以减小过热度和提供结晶核心,增加等轴晶区,改善产品质量;⑥适当控制二冷区冷却水量,降低柱状晶区,扩大等轴晶区。)
met.铸坯全动态导向系统fully dynamic strand guide system
steel.铸坯分段剪CC shear
met.铸坯切割cutting strand
met.铸坯切割cut strand (【技】通常情况下,一炉钢水浇铸出的铸坯长度为十几米到几十米;当采用多炉连浇时,浇注出的铸坯会更长。为便于运输、储存和轧制加工等后续工序的进行,必需对生产出的铸坯按要求进行切割。连铸坯的切割方法有两种,即火焰切割和机械切割。火焰切割具有设备投资少、重量轻、便于维护,不受铸坯断面尺寸和温度限制,切口平整等优点。但切口有烧损,金属收得率较低。机械切割的优点是剪切速度快,没有金属烧损,操作安全可靠。小方坯连铸机多采用机械切割;板坯、大方坯及圆坯几乎都采用火焰切割。)
met.铸坯切割设备cutting equipment of strand
met.铸坯剖检dissection inspection of strand
met.铸坯剖检continuously cast semifinished product dissection inspection
met.铸坯在线切割on-line cutting of strand
met.铸坯外弧面outer curved surface of strand
met.铸坯支撑辊strand supporting roll
met.铸坯氢氧火焰切割工艺oxyhydrogen flame cutting process for strand
met.铸坯氢氧火焰切割工艺oxyhydrogen flame cutting process for continuously cast semis
met.铸坯温度梯度temperature gradient in strand
met.铸坯温度梯度temperature gradient in continuously cast product
met.铸坯电磁搅拌electromagnetic stirring for strand (【技】连铸坯在连铸机内的运动过程中,通过外界电磁场时感应产生的电磁力使铸坯内未凝固的钢水产生搅拌运动,以改善凝固过程、提高连铸坯质量的技术。)
met.铸坯缺陷defect of continuously cast product
met.铸坯缺陷诊断专家系统defect diagnostics expert system for strand
met.铸坯缺陷诊断专家系统continuously cast semis defect diagnostics expert system
met.铸坯质量quality of continuously cast products
met.铸坯质量product quality
met.铸坯质量quality of cast product
met.铸坯质量continuously cast semis quality
met.铸坯质量cast product quality
met.铸坯质量控制continuously cast semis quality control
met.铸坯质量改善quality improvement of continuously cast products
met.铸坯质量检测continuously cast semis quality detection
met.铸坯质量预报系统quality prediction system for continuously cast product
met.铸坯非金属夹杂物nonmetallic inclusions in continuously cast product
met.铸坯非金属夹杂物来源source of nonmetallic inclusions in continuously cast product
met.铸坯鼓肚strand bulging
met.连续式薄板坯铸轧工艺conroll process
met.连续铸钢坯硫印sulphur print of continuously cast semifinished product
tech.连铸铸坯导架strand guide
met.连铸圆坯continuously cast round semis
met.连铸圆坯continuously cast rounds
met.连铸复合钢板坯continuously cast clad steel slab
met.连铸大方坯continuously cast square bloom
met.连铸大方坯continuously cast bloom
met.连铸小方坯continuously cast square billet
steel.连铸小方坯continuously cast billet
met.连铸小方坯内裂纹internal crack in continuously cast square billet
met.连铸小方坯脱方rhomboidity of continuously cast billet
met.连铸小方坯脱方off-squareness of continuously cast square billet
met.连铸机切坯设备cutoff equipment of caster
steel.连铸板坯continuous cast slab
met.速冷连铸板坯裂纹slab crack by rapid cooling during continuous casting
met.速冷连铸板坯裂纹continuously cast slab crack due to rapid cooling
met.配小方坯连铸的钢水精炼设备liquid steel refining equipment for matching continuous casting of billet
met.重型工字形坯连铸机heavy section beam blank caster
met.金属包套铸坯canned billet
tech.铸坯casting blank
shipb.铸造毛坯casting blank
tech.陶器铸坯pottery casting
tech.陶瓷器铸坯pottery casting
met.非对称板坯连铸结晶器asymmetric slab casting mold
met.非连铸生产的板坯slab not continuously cast (Of the slabs not continuously cast, 74 percent is not produced with continuous casting process because of limits in finished plate thickness and weight, and 22 percent is because of limits in casting excessively small lot sizes. 在非连铸生产的板坯中,由于受成品板材厚度和重量限制而不能用连铸方法生产的占74%,由于受连铸批量太小限制而不能用连铸方法生产的占22%。)
met.非连铸生产的板坯not continuously cast slab
met.顶弯铸坯bend strand
met.预留板坯连铸机位置future location for continuous slab caster
met.高产能小方坯连铸机high-capacity billet caster
met.高产能小方坯连铸机billet caster with high production capacity
met.高效小方坯连铸机effective continuous billet caster
met.高温连铸坯high-temperature continuously cast semifinished product
met.高生产率小方坯连铸机high productivity billet caster
met.高速中厚板坯连铸机high-speed medium thickness slab caster
met.高速板坯连铸high-speed continuous casting of slab
met.高速板坯连铸机high casting speed slab caster
met.高速连铸小方坯结晶器high speed billet casting mould
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