
Terms containing 铁 路货运 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.交铁路运输货物consign goods by rail
interntl.trade.促进铁路货运过境的国际公约1952年的铁路货物过境公约,1952 年 1 月10 日International Convention to Facilitate the Crossing of Frontiers for Goods Carried by Rail TIF Convention 1952
logist.国际铁路货运协定这是法语的缩写cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
org.name.《国际铁路危险品货物运输规定》International Regulations for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail
interntl.trade.国际铁路货物运输公约International Convention for the Transport of Goods by Rail
interntl.trade.国际铁路货物运输公约International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail
interntl.trade.国际铁路货物运输协定agreement concerning the international carriage of goods by rail
org.name.《国际铁路货物运送公约》简称《国际货约》International Convention on the Transport of Goods by Railway
commer.国际铁路货物运送公约International Convention Concerning the Carriage of Goods By Rail
UN, law, transp.国际铁路运输危险货物条例Regulations concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail
UN, law, transp.国际铁路运输危险货物条例安全委员会和危险货物运输工作组联席会议Joint Meeting of the RID Safety Committee and the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
econ.将货物交铁路运输consign goods by rail
tech.底卸式铁路货运hopper bottom rail car
railw.瑞典货运铁路公司Green Cargo AB
railw.瑞士私营铁路货物运输公司BLS Cargo
interntl.trade.由铁路运货remit goods by railway
busin.经铁路运至边界交货by rail over frontier
interntl.trade.经铁路运过边界交货by rail over frontier
tech.货物交由铁路运送consign goods by rail
commer.货物已交铁路托运The goods have been consigned by rail
commer.货物已交铁路运送the goods have been consigned by rail
tech.货运铁路goods traffic railway
tech.货运铁路freight railway
tech.货运铁路freight railroad
tech.货运铁路网freight-oriented railway network
econ.这批货先由铁路发送至上海,再用船运抵洛杉矶The goods will be sent by rail to Shanghai and then by ship to Los Angeles
busin.铁路免费运货railroad free delivery
tech.铁路客货车辆运用统计statistics of railway wagon and coach operation
tech.铁路客货运容量railway accommodation
interntl.trade.铁路客货运量railway transportation
interntl.trade.铁路联运货物interline freight
econ.铁路联运货运interline freight
tech.铁路货物运价railway freight price
tech.铁路货物运价体系railway freight transport tariff system
tech.铁路货物运价率表list of railway goods tariff rate
tech.铁路货物运价规则rules relating to railway goods tariff
busin.铁路货物运输rail freight
tech.铁路货物运输railway goods transport
tech.铁路货物运输产品product of railway goods transport
tech.铁路货物运输统计railway freight transport statistics
textile铁路货运railway freight
textile铁路货运railroad freight
exhib.铁路货运rail freight
busin.铁路货运railway carriage
interntl.trade.铁路货运公约1933年11月23 日International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail
textile铁路货运railroad bill of lading
busin.铁路货运单副本duplicate of waybill
tech.铁路货运railroad freight yard
busin.铁路货运提单railroad bill of ladings
textile铁路货运提单railway bill of lading
econ.铁路货运提单a railroad bill of lading
tech.铁路货运提单railroad bill of lading
tech.铁路货运积载量car loadings
textile铁路货运railroad freight charge
tech.铁路货运railroad freight charges
manag.铁路货运railroad freight car
textile铁路货运volume of rail freight
met.铁路货运volume of railway freight
commer.铁路货运volume of goods moved by rail
econ.铁路运货railroad activity
logist.铁路运货单rail waybill
busin.铁路运货车railroad freight car
manag.铁路运输货箱railroad box car
textile铁路运输货车railroad boxcar