
Terms for subject International trade containing 铁路 | all forms | in specified order only
一级铁路class 1 railroad
促进铁路货运过境的国际公约1952年的铁路货物过境公约,1952 年 1 月10 日International Convention to Facilitate the Crossing of Frontiers for Goods Carried by Rail TIF Convention 1952
的股票加拿大太平洋铁路股票Canadian Pacific RaHway Co.
北太平洋铁路Northern Pacific Railroad
发送铁路forwarding railway
国际铁路系统公约Convention on the International Regime of Railways
国际铁路联运international railway through-transport
国际铁路联运international railway through transportation
国际铁路货物运输公约International Convention for the Transport of Goods by Rail
国际铁路货物运输公约International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail
国际铁路货物运输协定agreement concerning the international carriage of goods by rail
国际铁路运输公司International convention on the Transport of Goods by Rail
国际铁路运输公约Convention Internationale de Transports Merchandises par Chemin de fer
墨西哥国家铁路公司National Mexican Railways
巴尔的摩-俄亥俄铁路公司Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
泛美铁路联合会Pan American Railway Congress Association
津巴布韦全国铁路公司National Railways Corporation of Zimbabwe
港口铁路harbour railroad
铁路per rail
铁路交货delivered on rail
铁路运货remit goods by railway
终点铁路railway of destination
铁路运过边界交货by rail over frontier
航空和铁路联运托运单air-rail consignment
转动铁路forwarding railway
铁路交货free on rail... named departure point
铁路交货on rail
铁路交货franc gare
铁路轮船公司common carrier
铁路公司股票railroad stock
铁路出口提单railway export bill of lading
铁路客货运量railway transportation
铁路客运railway transport of passengers
铁路平车运输piggyback service
铁路托运单railway consignment note
铁路承运人rail carrier
铁路提单railway bill of lading
铁路支线合约railway sidetrack agreement
铁路旁交货价ex rail
铁路枢纽railroad junction
铁路标准化协定法railway standardization agreement act
铁路联运货物interline freight
铁路货车goods train
铁路货运公约1933年11月23 日International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail
铁路费率railway rates
铁路运价railway rate
铁路运单railway bill of lading
铁路运单railway bill
铁路运费率railway tariff
铁路运输carriage by rail
铁路运输rail freight
铁路运输railway transportation
铁路运输及卡车运输rail and truck
铁路运输及水运rail and water
铁路运输及海运rail and ocean
铁路运输及空运rail and air
铁路运输服务组railway transport service division
铁路运输量car loading
铁路邮政代办处railway post office