
Terms containing 铁心 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.三心柱铁芯three-legs core
tech.三心柱铁芯three-legs type core (变压器)
tech.中心位置调整磁铁centering magnet
tech.中心铁center iron
gen.低频铁心里感low-frequency iron core inductance
met.体心立方晶型铁素体body centred ferrite
met.体心立方铁素体body centred ferrite
met.体心立方铁素体body centred cubic ferrite
met.剖切铁心Ccut core
met.剖切铁心cut core
met.C 剖切铁心C core
met.剩余铁心损失residual core loss
met.励磁铁心field core
met.变压器铁心transformer core
met.叠片铁心laminated core
auto.叠片铁心laminated iron core
auto.电器叠片铁心laminated core
auto.叠片式铁心multi-plate iron core
auto.叠片式磁极铁心laminated pole core
auto.电器叠片电枢铁心laminated armature core
el.mach.叠片磁铁心laminated magnetic core
tech.古铜色轴心铁方铰链antique-copper iron square hinge loose pin
expl.同情心虽说是人类的特有情感、但铁石心肠的人不具有这种情感Sympathy, which is a feeling characteristic of mankind, is not found in those with marble hearts
tech.国际铁路运输中心事务所The Central Office for International Rail Trans port
comp.name.国际铁路运输中心办公室OCTI Central Office for International Railway Transport
met.增量铁心损失incremental core loss
auto.电动机定子铁心stator stacking
auto.电动机定子铁心stator core
avia.实心铁心solid core
tech.实心铁solid iron core (芯)
el.mach.实心铁芯solid iron core
el.实心铁芯solid iron core
tech.实心铁芯solid core
el.mach.实心铁芯电机solid iron machine
shipb.对开式铁心waffle iron
wind.带剩磁铁心remanent core
met.带绕铁心tape-wound core
met.带绕铁心tape core
gen.当心!地铁车门是自动开关的Be careful! Tube doors open and close automatically
gen.当心铁丝网ware wire
met.E 形铁心冲片E-stamping
met.T 形铁心冲片T-stamping
met.铁心损失total core loss
auto.铁心air core
auto.铁心仪表air core gauge
shipb.铁心感应炉coreless type induction furnace
tech.机械接头铸铁偏心大小头mechanical joint cast-iron eccentric reducer
tech.机械接头铸铁同心大小头mechanical joint cast-iron concentrical reducer
tech.机械接头铸铁同心大小头mechanical joint cast-iron concentric reducer
CNC模压铁心moulded core
telecom.永久磁铁调节中心permanent magnet centering
gen.活动铁心式变压器movable core transformer
shipb.滤波器用铁心filter core
telecom.环形铁心toroidal ring
telecom.环形铁心toroidal core
telecom.环形铁心变压器toroid transformer
tech.电极铁心pole core
auto.电枢铁心armature core
auto.电枢铁心叠片armature-core disk
auto.电枢铁心叠片armature-core disc
el.mach.电枢铁心磁密flux density in armature core
el.mach.电枢铁心磁密armature core density
auto.电磁铁心electromagnet core
steel.电磁铁铁心limb of electromagnet
auto.白心可锻铸铁white-heart malleable-iron
met.白心可锻铸铁European malleable iron
met.白心可锻铸铁white heart malleable cast iron (【技】通过将白口铸铁在氧化介质中密封退火,降低含碳量,使其组织和含碳量与钢相接近,断口呈白色,即可获得白心可锻铸铁。由于其塑性和韧性较差,工业上较少使用。)
met.白心可锻铸铁whiteheart malleable iron (Whiteheart malleable iron is produced by packing the castings in iron boxes with iron oxide and heating them for two days at 900 ~ 950°C. 白心可锻铸铁是通过将铸件装人盛有铁氧化物的铁箱中在 900 ~ 950°C 的温度下加热两天制得的6)
met.白心可锻铸铁white heart malleable cast iron
agric.白心可锻铸铁white heart malleable cast iron
met.白心可锻铸铁退火法white-heart process
auto.白心可锻铸铁退火过程white-heart process
tech.石棉心铁丝网asbestos center gauze
el.mach.铁心magnetic core
met.铁心magnetic core
auto.滤清器铁心magnetic plug
wind.磁场铁心field core
tech.磁性铁粉心magnetic dust core
dril.磁板铁心pole core
oil磁极铁心pole core
met.磁饱和铁心saturated core
tech.离心法砂模制铸铁管centrifugally cast-iron pipe in sand moulds
tech.离心法金属模制铸铁管centrifugally cast-iron pipe in metal moulds
tech.离心法铸铁管centrifugal cast iron pipe
tech.离心法铸铁管centrifugal cast-iron pipe
ecol.离心法铸铁管centrifugally cast-iron pipe
met.离心浇铸球墨铸铁管centrifugally cast pipe of ductile iron
met.离心浇铸球墨铸铁管centrifugally cast ductile iron pipe
auto.离心浇铸的铸铁缸套centrifugally cast-iron liner
tech.离心精炼铁spun-refined iron
met.离心铸造复合球墨铸铁轧辊centrifugally cast clad nodular cast iron roll
met.离心铸造复合球墨铸铁轧辊centrifugally cast clad ductile cast iron roll
tech.离心铸铁压力管spun cast-iron pressure pipe
tech.离心铸铁管centrifugally cast pipe
oil离心铸铁管centrifugal casting pipe
tech.离心铸铁管spun cast-iron pipe
tech.离心铸铁管spun-iron pipe
tech.离心铸铁管centrifugally cast-iron pipe
met.空心电极炼铁电炉hollow electrode ironmaking furnace
met.空心磁铁air-core magnet
tech.空心衔铁coreless armature
tech.空心铁杆steel spar
el.mach.空心铁芯hollow core
tech.空心铸铁柱hollow cast-iron column
met.粉末铁心powder iron core
oil纸卷铁粉心线圈ferrocart coil
auto.线圈铁心coil slug
shipb.线圈铁心coil core
shipb.绕组铁心变压器winding core type transformator
telecom.罐形铁心pot core
tech.英国达比铁路中心British Rail
auto.薄片铁心sheet core
el.赛门铁克反病毒行动中心Symantec Anti-Virus Response Center
wind.转子铁心rotor core
auto.电机转子铁心rotor stacking
auto.铁心soft-iron core
tech.达比铁路中心Derby Railway Technical Centre (英国)
met.铁口中心线centerline of taphole
auto.电器铁心iron core
biophys.磁铁 铁心core
automat.铁心iron core
met.C铁心Ccut core
met.C铁心cut core
met.C铁心C core
archit.铁心上的符号core mark
hydroel.st.铁心及机座振动stator core and frame vibration
met.铁心变压器iron-core transformer
auto.电器铁心叠片core lamination
auto.铁心塑料锤dead-blow hammer
telecom.铁心式变压器core type transformer
met.铁心感应core induction
met.铁心感应电炉core-type induction furnace
met.铁心感应电炉cored induction furnace
met.铁心扼流圈iron-core reactor
met.铁心损失比specific core loss
met.铁心损失率specific core loss
wind.铁心损耗core loss
auto.电气铁心损耗iron loss
hydroel.st.铁心故障core fault
hydroel.st.铁心故障探测stator core fault detection
met.铁心材料core material
hydroel.st.铁心松弛core loosening
agric.铁心橡胶轮steel-core tire
met.铁心涂漆core plating
wind.铁心电感core inductance
met.铁心电阻core resistance
auto.起动机铁心电枢移动式shuttle armature type
met.铁心绕组cored winding
electric.铁心绝缘core insulation
telecom.铁心调整core tuning
oil铁心调谐slug tuning
compr.铁心residual stop
auto.电器铁心风道通风槽core duct
met.铁心磁性饱和core saturation
radio.amat.铁氧体心变压器ferrite core transformer
radio.amat.铁氧体心线圈ferrite core coil
met.铁氧体磁心oxide core
met.铁氧体磁心ferrite core
IT铁氧体磁心存储器ferrite-core memory
space铁氧体磁心存储器magnetic ferrite core memory
met.铁氧体磁心存储器ferrite core memory
shipb.铁氧体磁心线圈ferrite core coil
met.铁淦氧磁心ferrite core
gen.铁石心肠as hard as a flint
life.sc.铁硫中心iron-sulfur center
telecom.铁粉心dust core
telecom.铁粉心iron dust core
tech.模制,磁性铁粉心dust core
oil铁粉心线圈powdered-iron coil
pharm.铁质美心力SimilacWith Iron (蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、亚油酸、氨基乙磺酸、矿物质、铁及维生素所制散剂商品名;婴儿营养药)
bridg.constr.铁路 中心距distance between centre-lines of tracks
tech.铁路中心railway center
tech.铁路中心线railway centerline
tech.铁路中心线centre line of track
railw.铁路物流中心railway logistics center
tech.铁路运输数据处理中心railway data-processing center
tech.铁路运输自动化控制中心automatic railway control center
tech.铁路运输自动化管理中心automatic railway management center
tech.铁道部运输指挥中心Ministry of Railways Traffic Management Center
tech.镀青铜抽心铁方铰链bronze-plated iron square hinge
tech.镀黄铜抽心铁方铰链brass-plated iron square hinge
met.闭合铁心closed core
oil饱和铁心saturated core
met.饱和铁心saturated core
tech.高压韧性离心球墨铸铁管centrifugal ductile iron pipe
met.高频铁心high frequency core
met.黑心可锻铸铁black heart malleable iron (① The form of graphite in blackheart malleable iron consists of nodules of a fuzzier type than those of S.G. iron. 黑心可锻铸铁中的石墨形状呈球形,但比起球墨铸铁中的球状石墨有些模糊。② Pearlitic malleable iron is harder and stronger than the blackheart malleable iron; consequently most of its present uses are for parts which were originally produced in steel. 珠光体可锻铸铁与黑心可锻铸铁相比,硬度更高、强度更大。因此现在使用它制造的大部分零件,在过去都是用钢制造的。)
met.黑心可锻铸铁black cored malleable cast iron (【技】在非氧化气氛中进行可锻化退火,使铸件中渗碳体发生分解,形成絮状石墨,其断口心部呈暗黑色,周边脱碳呈灰白色,黑心可锻铸铁由此得名。)
met.黑心可锻铸铁black heart malleable cast iron
met.黑心可锻铸铁black heart malleable cast iron
auto.黑心可锻铸铁black-heart malleable cast iron
met.黑心可锻铸铁件black heart malleable castings
met.黑心铸铁black heart cast iron
met.黑心铸铁black heart