
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一个月资one month money
一次清偿权利upfront premium payment
一般准备general reserve
一般资general fund
三年期外汇基债券期货three-year exchange fund note futures
三级融结构制three-tier financial structure
上市融工具listed instrument
上市交易基publicly trade fund
上市公司参股融机构listed companies taking stakes in financial institution
上市公司总成交listed companies' total turnover
上市开放式基listed open-end fund
上市证券投资基listed securities investment fund
上海黄交易所中国Shanghai Gold Exchange
上规模的融机构substantial financial institution
上证基指数SSE fund index
上证基指数Fund Index
不偿还本债券irredeemable debenture
不偿还本债券irredeemable bond
不分为单位的成分基non-unitized constituent fund
不动产基real estate fund
不动产基监管制度REIT regime
不动产/房地产投资共同基real estate pool
不包括奖ex bonus
不变的周转资permanent working capital
不实的现余额distorted cash balance
不收保证free margin
不收费基non-load fund
不用抽佣no load
不稳定资volatile capital flows
不能兑换银的纸币fiat money
不能收回本的证券unredeemable security
不能汇出的资unremittable fund
不足现资助协议cash deficiency agreement
不适于流动资放贷unsuitability for working capital lending
与现等值cash equivalent value
与计划有关联的资funds linked to a scheme
与黄挂钩的货币gold-pegged currency
专业市场基niche fund
专业投资人基professional investor fund
专用储备earmarked reserves
专用基special purpose fund
专用基restricted fund
专用基存款deposits of specific fund
专用现账户special cash account
专用资earmarked money
专门保证specific deposit
专门准备specific reserve
专门用途的资earmarked fund
专项基集中投资于某一行业或特定地理区域的共同基金specialty fund
专项基fund for special use
专项投资基specialized investment fund
专项资special purpose fund
世界融体系world financial system
世界基global fund
世界性融公司/机构global financial firm/institution
业主资owner's funds
业务单一的融公司只经营股票保证金融资业务stand-alone finance company share margin financing
业绩基performance fund
业绩奖励incentive performance bonus
业绩酬fulcrum fee
东京国际融期货交易所Tokyo International Financial Future Exchange
两方佣each way (经纪人从交易买卖双方都收取佣金)
两用资dual purpose fund
两类资分离理论two-fund separation theorem
两面收取佣each way
个人融顾问协会National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
个人管理的资账号individually managed fund account
企业business finance
企业债发行amount issued of enterprise bond
企业可支配资funds at the disposal of enterprise
企业固定资来源enterprise fixed funds source
企业开发基enterprise development fund
企业开发资enterprise development fund
企业所有股票总amount of total stocks of a firm
企业流出的自由现free cash flow from firm
企业自有资funds under enterprise control
企业自有资funds owned by enterprise
企业自有资funds at the disposal of enterprise
企业自筹资enterprise self-raised funds
企业资来源enterprise funds source
企业重组基corporate restructure fund
优先股回收基preference sinking fund
优先股基preferred stock fund
优先股收回基preferred stock shrinking fund
优先股股利保证preferential dividend coverage
优先股赎回基preferred stock inking fund
优惠ex gratia payment
优惠利率基prime rate fund
优等股票基quantity stock fund
会计科目资capital of account
传统的国际融市场经营货币借贷、外汇买卖、证券交易、黄金买卖等传统的国际金融业务的场所traditional international financial market
伦敦融区City of London
伦敦融时报指数London Financial Time Index
伦敦商业融圈Square Mile
伦敦国际融期货与期权交易所London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
字塔法随股价上涨,抛售股票总量开始逐步增多reverse pyramiding
借人准备净额net borrowed reserve
借人资borrowed funds/money
分享佣split commission
分包承销佣sub-underwriting commission
分去部分资rake off
分散化普通股基diversified common stock fund
分散化的投资基diversified fund
分期偿还固定本式抵押贷款constant amortization mortgage
分期偿还本式抵押贷款constant amortization mortgage
分离式基split fund
分配奖红利distribute bonus
划拨准备transfer savings
划拨资allotted fund
创业基risk fund
创业基start-up fund
创业基risk capital
创业基risk based capital
创业投资基venture capital fund
创业现配置initial cash allocation
创业资setup cost
创业资initial fund
创业资市场venture capital market
创业资投人initial funding
创业起步流动资initial working capital
创新型的融产品innovative financial products
创新性融工具innovative financing tools
初始保证规定initial margin requirement
初期总initial lump sum
初期经营资initial working capital
初级资junior capital pool
利差保证spread margin
利润分配准备profit sharing reserve
利率对准备的比率interest reserve ratio
利率现调整interest rate cash adjustment
利用顾客资买空卖空的对敲罪行bucketing offence
匈牙利融监督管理局Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority
北京融街Beijing Financial Street
合伙人奖bonus to partners
合伙基pool fund
合伙的资partnership money
合同定earnest on contract
合同成交turnover of contract
合并偿债基consolidated sinking fund
合并现流量表consolidated cash flow statement
合并股东资consolidated shareholders funds
合成指数基synthetic index fund
合格基qualifying fund
合资基管理公司joint venture fund management firm
吉尼美共同基Ginnie Mae mutual fund
吉隆坡期权和融期货交易所马来西亚Kuala Lumpur Options & Financial Futures Exchange
吉隆坡期权和融期货交易所Kuala Lumpur Options & Financial Futures Exchange
同日资替代same-day substitution
同日资结算same day funds settlement
同期准备会计contemporaneous reserve accounting
同步向市场注人资synchronising injections of funds into markets
同步现synchronizing cash flow
同等保证equal coverage
名义notional sum
名义上的本nominal principal
名义本nominal principal amount
名义酬token remuneration
后备资monetary holding
后端收费基back-end load fund
后续保证保存subsequent margin deposit
融中介人发放许可证licensing financial intermediary
在上证所占有席位的机构和基管理公司SSE-seat institutions and fund management companies
在线现认购online cash subscription
在途资funds in float
处置资disposition of funds
备用外汇资reserve foreign currency
备用现till cash
备用现stock in the till
备用现cash in till
备用资backup funding
备用辅助reserved supplementary grant
复杂的融产品sophisticated financial products
外国融市场foreign banking market
外国债券基foreign bond fund
外国流动资foreign liquid assets
外方承诺的投资committed amount of foreign investment
外来资external resources flows
外汇基债券计划exchange fund notes programme
外汇基债务工具exchange fund debt instrument
外汇基债务证明exchange fund debt certificate
外汇基条例exchange fund ordinance
外汇基票据foreign exchange fund bill
外汇基票据计划exchange fund bills programme
外汇清算资funds for foreign exchange settlement
外汇稳定基exchange stability fund
外汇经营资fund for operation of foreign exchange
外汇结算资fund for foreign exchange settlement
外汇资foreign currency funds
外汇资证券foreign exchange assets
外汇资本账户foreign exchange capital account
外资融机构foreign-funded financial institution
外部资outside funds
多个发行人资multiple issuer pools
多付款项/amount overpaid
多余现spare cash
多余现excess cash flow
多余资吸收absorption of surplus funds
多样化普通股基diversified common stock fund
多样化的投资基diversified fund
多种发行人资组合multiple issuer pools
多边融机构multilateral financial institution
大众认可的基public authorized fund
大公司拥有的融公司captive finance company
大写额拼写有误amount in words wrongly spelt
大型融机构substantial financial institution
大宗资real green
支票或其他财务文件中大小写额不符words and figures differ
大盘价值基large cap value
大盘增长基large-cap growth
大盘混合基一种共同基金large-cap blend
大盘股基一种共同基large-cap fund
大规模融救援行动massive financial rescue operation
大量流动资high liquidity
大量资投人substantial contribution
封存资blocked funds
封闭型投资信托基closed-end investment trusts
封闭式 ETF 基closed-end ETF
封闭式基closed-end fund
封闭式基同 closed-end mutual fundclose fund
封闭式投资基close securities investment fund
封闭式财产基closed-end property fund
private coffer
额交易cabinet trade
小公司价值基small-cap value fund
小公司成长基small company growth fund
小公司混合基small-cap blend fund
小型专业融公司boutique financial company
小型基管理公司small money management firms
小资本基microcap fund
小额市值基small capitalization fund
小额现出纳账册petty cash book
少数的现支出petty cash
少量保证thin margin
尚未清偿的名义本notional principal outstanding
市价与现流比率price-cash flow ratio
市价保证market difference margin
市场中性基market neutral fund
市场基market fund
市场稳定基market stabilization fund
市政公债基municipal bond fund
带息票的融债券coupon bank debenture
带有保证的基fund with guarantees
开发式指数基open-end index fund
开户现opening cash
开户现opening cash flow
开放基open fund
开放式共同基open end mutual fund
开放式基open end fund
开放式基净资产价值net asset value of open-end fund
开放式投资企业基open-ended investment companies fund
开放式证券投资基open securities investment fund
引人资outside funds
引人资induction capital
引诱他人投资资的民事责任civil liability for inducing others to invest money
意外事件准备contingent reserve
意大利融期货市场Italian financial futures market
成交record turnover
成交dollar volume
证券成交数量和成交trading volume and value
成分基constituent fund
成员银行准备指美国联邦储备系统的成员银行的准备金member-bank reserve
成本关联租cost-related rent
成长型基管理人growth manager
成长型基经理growth fund manager
成长基go-go fund
或有准备账户contingency account
战争资为支援战争而筹集的资金war chest
持有的资monetary holding
持有黄gold holding
持股shareholding position
挂钩融工具pegging financial instrument
指定交易所交易基designated exchange-traded fund
指定用途的准备earmarked reserves
指定用途的资earmarked fund
指定用途资earmarked money
指数偿债基债券index sinking fund debenture
指数关联融产品index-linked product
指数关联边证券index-linked gilts
指数化证券投资资index fund
指数基tracker fund
指数基/盯住指数indexing / index funds
指数追踪基index tracking fund
按交易额比较最活跃的股票most active stocks by value
按价/从价保证ad valorem deposit
按投资的资额来分享收人sharing profits in proportion to the amount of investment
按比例分摊偿债基pro rata sinking fund
按绝对现数值in absolute cash terms
按股本额计算票数one-dollar one-vote
按要求可变的流动资variable required liquid capital
挤占挪用资unwarranted diversion of financial resources (from designated uses)
挥霍浪费国家资squander state fund
挪威融监管委员会Norway Finanstilsynet
挪用公司资misappropriate company funds
挪用沉淀基raid the sinking fund
搁置资lock-up capital
搁置资dormant capital
最低minimum amount
最低保证minimum margin
最低保证minimum maintenance
最低保证要求margin minimum requirement
最低保证规定minimum margin requirement
最低保证规定margin minimum requirement
最低投人资minimum contribution
最低押minimum margin
最低现持有量规定minimum cash requirement
最低认购minimum subscription level
最低负债minimum debt amount
最低资本要求net capital requirement
最高贷款maximum loan value
额追索权with full recourse
有偿付能力的基solvency fund
有关恐怖主义活动资的行政命令Terrorism Finance United States Executive Order
有息融工具interest-bearing instrument
有限合伙资成本cost of limited partner capital
期望值为正的资管理good bets in money management
期望值为零的资管理fair bets in money management
期末closing balance
期权保证option margin
期权共同基option mutual fund
期权收益基option income fund
期货与期权基futures and options fund
期货与期权杠杆基geared futures and options fund
期货佣futures commission merchants
期货佣经纪人futures commission broker
期货保证marge a terme
期货保证监控中心futures margin monitoring center
期货和期权式基futures and options fund
期货和期权杠杆基geared futures and options fund
期货基futures fund
期货基future fund
期货基经理commodity pool operator
期货基经营商futures pool operator
期货的现等值futures cash equivalent
期货账户规定的保证存款deposits required for futures accounts
期货资future fund
期货赔偿基委员会香港证监会Futures Compensation Fund Committee
未交割现余额fail float
未人保险的基non-insured fund
未付款balance of payment
未付清的保证贷款margin loans outstanding
未偿付基累积funding of reserves
未偿还amount outstanding
未分配的资undistributed money
未到位的承诺资capital commitment outstanding
未到期风险准备reserve for unexpired risk
未到账资uncollected funds
未实现资产增值准备reserve for unrealized increment in assets value
未披露的准备undisclosed reserves
未担保的资结算账户unsecured capital settlement account
未拨资outstanding allocation
未收到的资uncollected funds
未收现项目uncollected cash items
未来现流的证券化securitization of future cash flows
未来现流证券化future cash flow securitization
未来资总额future sum
未被认可的基unauthorized fund
未被认可的对冲基unauthorized hedge fund
principal, interest, taxes, and insurance
principal money
使用权可动用信托资产本金满足信托受益人之需invasion power
PAC 本债券PAC PO principal-only bond (仅需支付本金)
利息总计compound amount
、利息、税金和保险principal, interest, taxes and insurance
安全性safety of principal
总额gross principal value
损失loss of principal
政府债券corpus treasury receipt (政府债券的本金为收益来源的零息债券)
数量债券的面值或贷款的账面值principal amount
整笔偿付capital sum
汇率关联证券principal exchange-rate-linked securities
的最初交换initial exchange of principal
的最终交换final exchange of principal
金额principal sum
本地融界local financial circle
本息分售国库券本Treasury principal strips
标准交易standard amount
标准资产组合风险分析保证SPAR 是 Standardized Portfolio Analysis of Risk 的缩写SPAR margin
标普500指数基S&P 500 index fund
标的amount of subject
次日可用资next day funds
次日资next day funds
次级基second-tier fund
次级资mezzanine funds
次级资mezzanine money
次级银行准备secondary bank reserve
次要债务本偿还principal payments on junior debt
欧洲融分析师协会学会European Federation of Financial Analyst Societies
欧洲基及资产管理协会European Fund and Asset Management Association
民间流动资private flow
清理剩余资mop up
清理基clean-up fund
清算余额资funds for clearing balance
清算所资clearing house funds
清算机构基clearing house funds
漏斗沉淀基funnel sinking fund
理论指标性保证体系theoretical indicative margin system
理顺融体制rationalize financial regime
生产留成资funds retained for production
生产经营所产生的流动资working capital generated by operations
生息存款amount at interest (以赚取利息为目的的本金存款)
融创新去规避financial innovation to avoid
用于对冲基估值的分析工具analytical tools for evaluation of hedge fund
用于抵押的资money out on mortgage
用于证券交易的保证存款marginal deposit for security
用于贿赂官员的资slush fund
用保证方式运作的账户margined account
用押购买margin buying
用来交保证的证券margined security
用现付款ready up
用赔偿基支付payment out of the compensation fund
税收管理共同基tax-managed mutual fund
符合规定的保证eligible margin
紧密的全球融交易关系seamless global financial trading
紧急事件储备emergency fund
紧急事件基emergency fund
缓冲押buffer margin
缩减保证融资额margin cut
营运资operating funds
营运资fund for operation
营运资放款working capital loan
蔓延的融崩溃widespread financial meltdown
指标Chaikin indicator
离散指标又称"佳金变异率指数",测量价格平均值的幅度变化来反映价格的离散程度Chaikin volatility
货币流量Chaikin money flow
震荡器股票分析工具Chaikin oscillator
震荡指标Chaikin oscillator
蜘蛛基复制标普500指数,追踪几乎涵盖美国股市总市值2/3的标普500 指数Spider, Standard & Poofs depository receipt
蜘蛛基复制标普500指数,它追踪几乎涵盖美国股市总市值2/3的标普500指数Spider SPDR
调动资disposition of funds
调拨amounts transferred
调拨现至其他账户divert cash to another account
贝塔等式基Beta equation funds
负债amount of indebtedness
负债准备liability reserve
负现流动negative cash flow
负现流量negative cash flow
负的现流量cash flow negative
财产保证maintenance of property
财产基property fund
财产税收投资信托基estate duties investment trust
财务/融分析员financial analyst
财务代理机构的现存在财务代理机构的资金,用于归还到期债券的本金和利息cash with fiscal agent
财务罚financial penalty
财务资financial principal
财团法人基incorporated foundation
责任额减少条款dip-down clause
账上现项目cash items
账上的资funds on account
账户value in account
账面par amount
账面允许减记writing down allowance
账面准备book reserve
账面本nominal principal
账面现book cash
货币融管理monetary management
货币amount of money
货币准备money reserve funds
货币基money fund
货币基currency fund
货币市场共同基money market mutual fund
货币市场共同基股份/份额monetary market mutual fund shares
货币市场基自动转账money market fund sweep
货币市场资保有量money market position
货币资bank roll
退出/进人基的权利exit/ entry privilege
退职redundancy payment
退还保证return of securities
退还全部投人资full return of contributions
适合列为本的项目items applicable to principal (or to income)
选择性基discretionary fund
选择现认购optional cash purchase
通知追加保证calling the margin
通货准备monetary reserve
速动资持有量liquidity position
销售佣优惠点breakpoint sale
销售收人比流动资净值sales to net working capital
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