
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一次总付租租船lump-sum charter
一次总缴税lump-sum tax
一般普通general cash
一般现簿general cashbook
一般营业基general operating fund
一般薪general salary
一般补助general grant
一般财政基general treasury funds
上缴基建结余资remitted remaining balance of capital construction fund
上至总up to an aggregate amount of
不偿还本的证券irredeemable security
不分担退休办法non-contributory pension plan
不动用基non-expendable fund
不可兑换黄的美元本位dollar only standard
不可分配准备undistributable reserve
不可划拨基nontransferable fund
不可追溯的资供应与 retroactive back 对称back financing
不生息之资dead capital
不真实现余额distorted cash balance
不能划拨资non-transferable funds
不能收回的资non-recoverable funds
不能汇岀的资unremittable fund
不计佣free of commission
不计养恤的服务时间non-pensionable services
不计养恤的服务期uncredited service
不锈noncorrosive metal
不须偿还的基non-reimbursable fund
专用信托基special purpose trust fund
专用基specific purpose funds
专用基specialized fund
专用基earmarking of fund
限定用途的专用基restricted fund
专用基存款specific fund deposit
专用基存款bank deposit on specified fund
专用基报告书funded statement
专用基拨款appropriation for special fund
专用基未完工程uncompleted projects of specific fund
专用基物资physical assets under specific fund
专用基计划special fund plan
专用拨款基special appropriation funds
专用补助specific grand
专用资fund for special use
专用资及专用拨款表statement of specific fund sources and specific appropriation
专用黄为外国政府代保管的黄金earmark gold
专项储备special reserve
专项基账户segregated account
世界融市场world money market
业务准备operational reserves
两种dual gold price
两面取佣each way
丧失劳动能力抚恤incapacity pension
丧失工作能力养恤invalidity pension
丧葬补助death grant
企业借入流动资circulating funds borrowed by enterprises
企业准备与发展基金的增加increase of reserve fund and expansion fund
企业分类资账制classified funds account system of enterprise
企业发展基expansion funds of the venture
企业固定基enterprise fixed fund source
企业基enterprise funds
企业基enterprise fund source
企业基计算表statement of enterprise fund sources
企业定额备用制度imprest fund system
企业流动资占用率coefficient of employed enterprises circulating funds
企业自有资self-owned fund of enterprise
企业自有资enterprise self-raised fund
企业自有资enterprise's own resources
企业自筹资self-raised fund by enterprise
企业自筹资能力business enterprises ability of self-financing
企业货币资monetary funds of enterprise
企业资收支状况fund position of business
企业资无偿供给制system of supplying the enterprises with funds free of charge
企业资管理management of funds in enterprise
企业资管理management of enterprise funds
优先股偿债基preferred stock sinking fund
优先资融通票据preferential bill
优厚佣liberal commission
优厚的佣liberal commission
优厚薪good pay
优惠性援助资concessionary assistance finance
优质high-duty metal
会员基membership fund
会计人员保证deposit of accounting officer
伦敦黄总库London Gold Pool
字塔结构inverted pyramid structure
借入order people's money
借入amount due to
借入amount due to (sb.)
借入资borrowing funds
借入资fresh money
借方sum of debits
借方额栏debit amount column
借款偿还基fund for repayment of borrowing
分保佣手续费reinsurance commission
分保保证责任准备金reinsurance reserve
分保险reinsurance money
保险分出amount ceded
分开基separate fund
分担退休contributory pension
分担退休contributor pension
分担退休基办法contributory pension plan
分摊养老apportioned annuity
分摊年apportioned annuity
分摊资allocating funds
分散的资scattered fund
分期付款中最后一笔数目较大的付款balloon payment
分期付款和保证购买installment and margin purchase
分期付款本principal installment
分期付款销售的资融通financing of instalment sales
分期偿付本principal installment
分期偿还年installment refund annuity
分期偿还的年债券serial annuity bond
分期拨付退休retirement by installment
分期支付退休retirement by instalment
分期资融通installment financing
分期还债基amortization fund
分期销售资融通financing of installment sales
分类资classified funds account
分红基sharing fund
分级佣graded commission
分配前减除的税tax deducted before distribution
分项信托基subtrust fund
划分资来源及用途segregation of the sources and utilization of funds
创利基performance fund
创办基seed money
创始基资金seed money
创建准备create reserve
初始保证opening margin
初期薪initial salary
cover with gold leaf
filled gold
各种基应付债票合并明细表combined schedule of bonds payable by funds
各种基应收税款滞纳数合并明细表combined schedule of delinquent taxes receivable by fund
硬币clad coins
合伙人薪partner's salary
合作型专业融机构cooperative-type specialized financial institution
合作资便利cooperative financial facility
合同amount of the contract
合同保证deposit of securities on contracts
合同规定的准备contractual reserve
合并公积amalgamation surplus
合并资产负债表所有基combined balance sheet-all fund
合并运用基consolidated working fund
合理化基fund for rationalization
同一笔账编制的复式现收入单据multiple cash receipts document prepared in one writing
同业资划拨interbank transfer of funds
同步现流转synchronizing cash flow
名义租pepper-corn rent
向后弯曲的资供给曲线backward bending supply curve of funds
土地租leasehold ground rent
备付工人退休基金fund workers' pensions
备用stand-by money
备用基stand-by fund
出纳员备用现till money
备用现stand-by cash
备用现即企业零用金imprest cash
备用资inactive money
备用资inactive funds
复写式现销货传票duplicate cash-sale slip
外单位投资基investment fund source from outside units
外国foreign gold coins
外国现贷款foreign cash loan
外币储备external reserve
外币储备foreign currency reserve
外币资foreign currency fund
外币资foreign currency finance
外币资情况表statement showing status of foreign funds
外币资本折算translation of exchange capital funds
外来资来源external sources
外汇融机构financial institutions for foreign exchange
外汇佣exchange commission
外汇佣支出commission paid on foreign exchange
外汇佣收入commission received on foreign exchange
外汇周转基foreign exchange operation funds
外汇国际融机构international financial institution for foreign exchange
外汇基证券foreign exchange fund bill
外汇平准基Fonds de stabilization des changes
外汇平准基exchange equalization fund
外汇平准基equalization fund of exchange
外汇折合的人民币amount of RMB converted from foreign currency
外汇稳定基foreign exchange stabilization fund
外汇经纪人佣exchange brokerage
外汇结算基fund for foreign exchange settlement
外汇资foreign exchange fund
外汇资证券foreign exchange fund bill
外贸的资供应financing of foreign trade
外贸资融通foreign-trade financing
外资银行与融机构foreign banks and financial institutions
外逃资refugee funds
外逃资funk money
外部筹措资external financing
多付amount overpaid
多栏式现出纳簿tabular cash book
多栏式现支岀日记账columnar cash payment journal
多栏式现收入日记账columnar cash receipt journal
多栏式现日记簿columnar cash book
多栏式现日记账columnar cash journal
多用途特别基Multi-Purpose Special Fund
多算amount overcharged
多边融机构multilateral finance agency
多边—双边资供应安排multi-bilateral funding arrangement
多雇主养老计划multiemployer pension plan
融中心major financial centres
大修基capital repairs fund
大修基capital repair fund
大修基银行存款bank deposit on major repair fund
大修理基major overhaul fund
大修理基overhaul fund
大修理基overhaul fund source
大修理基allocations for major overhauls
大修理基提存率overhaul amortization rate
大小写额不一致words and figures differ
"大小写额不符""Amounts Differ"
大小写额不符amount differ
大小写额不符指票据上大写金额与小写金额不同而拒付,并加注amount differ
大批备用现large sum in ready money
大量pretty penny
大量king's ransom
随身携带大量现flush with money
大额资mass funds
封存基blocked fund
封闭式共同基closed-end mutual fund
铸成货币monetize gold
将资由一国转移另一国funk money
小额备用petty imprest fund
小额押保证金petty deposit
小额现偿还reimbursement of petty cash
小额酬hat money
少收amount undercollected
少算amount undercharged
municipal treasury
市场差价保证market difference margin
市场资周转financing of the marketing programme
市建基municipal construction funds
市政改良准备local improvement reserve
布面烫cloth gilt
布鲁斯季度经济计量模式Brookings quarterly econometric model
森定律Parkinson's laws
带罚偿还repayment with penalty
开办资promotion money
开发exploit a discovery of gold
开发融公司development finance companies
开发基放款lending of development fund
开发投资基development investment fund
开发担保基development security facility
开发研究基fund for development research
开立信用证保证margin money
开采gold mining
引进资canalization of fund
怃恤年death annuity
急需资much-needed funds
意外事故准备contingent reserve
意外事故准备账户contingency account
意外开支准备contingency fund
意外损失准备contingency reserve
成品流动资current fund for finished product
成品资finished goods funds
成品资分析analysis of finished product funds
成本加费用加固定酬合同cost-plus fixed fee contract
成本加费用另加固定酬成本加费用合同所定条款之一cost-plus fixed fee
成本、运费加佣价格cost, freight and commission
成本运费加佣价格cost, freight and commission
我们一般是不给佣We don't give any commission in general
我们公司想从中国进口一批橡胶波纹管,但我们缺少流动资We plan to import rubber bellows from China, but we are short of working capital
我们需要 30%的预付定We ask for a 30 percent down payment
我希望以发票额的110%为商品投保I'd like to have the insurance of the goods covered at 110% of the invoice amount
我方已收到贵方2013年9月1日开出的额为50万美元购买橡胶踏板的信用证了We have received your L/C dated November 1, 2013 for 500,000 dollars on the rubber pedals
或有佣contingent commission
或有年contingency annuity
或有损失应急基contingent fund
或有租contingent rent
战争遗族抚恤pension for war-bereaved families
指定国内保证designated domestic deposit
指定用于支付工资的基fund destined for the payment of wages
指定联合经营融信托designated joint operating money trust
指定资用途earmarking of fund
指导性融政策guidance financial policy
指数化证券投资基index fund
按产量提取的更新改造基renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
按人计算的补助capitation grant
按利润发奖distribute bonuses out of profit
按发票现付款方式on a cash-on-invoice-basis
按合同付款保证guarantee money paid on contract
按合同支付的保证caution money paid on contract
按合约支付的保证caution money paid on contract
按商业条件提供资financing on commercial terms
按工薪支付额分摊费用payroll-related basis of allocation
按年提取的预算资permanent annual charge
按现付款方式on a cash-on-invoice basis
按股权额计算票数one-dollar one-vote yardstick
按键式现出纳机press-down-key cash register
按键式现出纳机"press-down-key" cash register
挤占资diversion of fund
如土者high roller
挥霍lamb down
搞活invigorating finance
最低额付款协议through-put agreement
最低保证minimum deposit
最低保证要求maintenance marginal requirement
最低准备minimum reserve
最低可收费minimum charge collectable
最低基标准minimum funding standard
最低年付款minimum annuity payment
最低租minimum lease payment
最低计费minimum charge collectable
最低黄储备额minimum ratio of gold reserve
最低黄准备额比率minimum ratio of gold reserve
最初养老initial pension
最后健在者遗族last-survivor annuity
最后现清算final cash settlements
最后现款偿付final cash settlement
最后结final balance
最小维持保证minimum maintenance margin
最小限度年minimum number of annuity payment
最高maximum amount
最高资需要额maximum financial requirements
月均租average monthly rent
月末资month-end function
有保证的年或养老金guaranteed annuity
有效本位effective gold standard
有效amount in force
有效保险amount of insurance in force
有期限的年terminable annuity
有权收回融投资option to withdraw portfolio
有组织的融市场如证券交易所organized financial market
有色non-ferrous metals
有资in fund
有资格领取养老的年龄age qualifying for an old-age pension
有限本位limited gold standard
服务人员奖励forces and services bounty
服务年限养恤length of service pension
服务年限养老length of serve pension
服务年限退休service pension
期初佣initial commission
期初保证initial marginal requirement
现金预备金期初开支cash float
期待融缓和expectation of monetary relaxation
期末奖terminal bonus
期货佣指接受期货和期权合约买卖指令,为客户进行交易,并收取客户的费用的个人或公司futures commission merchant
欠交折旧基depreciation fund pending remittance
欠款即过期未付amount in arrear
欧文奖制度Rowan premium system
欧洲地区发展基European Regional Development Fund
欧洲货币融市场Euro-money banking market
欧洲货币融市场Euro-currency banking market
欧洲货币合作基European Monetary Co-operation Fund
欧洲货币基European Fund
民事意外事故基civil contingencies fund
民间资流动private flow
清偿准备liquidation reserves
清算税liquidation tax
液体货物漏损补贴leakage allowance
理算酬adjustment fee
甘特工作奖Gantt task and bonus
甘特课题与奖制度Gantt task and bonus system
本位制international gold bullion standard
silver bullion
生产中资fund employed during production
生产准备productive reserve
生产占用的流动资current fund employed during production
生产发展基来源production development fund source
生产奖production bonus
生产性基础设施基fund for basic productive facilities
生产流动资current fund for production
生产流动资定额current fund norm for production
生产率奖productivity bonus
生产费用资production expenses fund
生产费用资来源production expenses fund source
生产资分析analysis of production funds
生存年survivorship annuity
生活基subsistence fund
生活资living fund
true gold
码头租dock rent
研究基research found
稀有minor metals
amount of tax
在内价格price including tax
在内的工资指税金未在工资额中扣除wage including tax
存单tax deposit certificate
已付tax paid
平准账户tax equalization account
开支expenses of taxation
扣款tax withholdings
税前现流量cash flow before taxes
税后现流量after-tax cash inflow
税收押duty deposit
税款滞纳fine for tax overdue
符号与现流程图notation and cash flow diagram
紧急准备emergency reserve
紧缩性融政策tight financing policy
紧缩的融市场tight money market
缓付本billed principal
缓冲储备资Buffer Stock Financing (IMF)
缓冲库存基buffer stock fund
缓冲库存预付资prefinancing of buffer stock
编制基计算书的工作表work sheet for statement of fund
编制现分配计划preparation of cash distribution plan
耐热合heat resistance alloy
耐蚀noncorrosive metal
耐高温合high temperature alloy
耗尽资exhaust the fund
营业保证security of business
营业准备operation reserve
营业准备operational reserves
营业基performance fund
营业所得现cash from operation
营业所得运用资working capital provided by operation
营业所得运用资working capital from operation
营业现working cash
营业现internal cash generation
营业资operating funds
营运准备operating reserve
营销占用的流动资current fund employed during marketing
营销流动资current fund for marketing
营销现收入cash provided by operation
调整后请求adjusted claim
调整后账面现余额adjusted book balance of cash
调整后银行现余额adjusted bank balance of cash
调整基的业务funding operation
调整年退休金,补助金adjusted pension
调整资余缺balancing surplus and shortages of funds
负债准备liability reserve fund
负债准备liability reserves
财务代理佣factoring commission
财政融变量数据data concerning monetary and financial variables
财政融政策搭配fiscal-monetary mix
财政融综合政策fiscal-monetary mix
财政融部门monetary and financial sector
财政与融政策协调harmony of fiscal and monetary policies
财政储备fiscal reserve
财政基treasury fund
财政基financial fund
财政支持基financial support fund
账单所列amount billed
账外资fund not on book
货币化黄monetized gold
货币含carat in specie
货币含gold content
货币含量贬值depreciation of monetary standard
货币资市场market of monetary funds
货币资市场monetary funds market
货币资市场market for monetary funds
退休retirement payments
退休retirement benefit
退休old age pensions
退休抚恤金准备reserve for pensions
退休分摊额pension contribution
退休储蓄基provident funds
退休准备基provident fund
退休后收入养老retirement income endowment
退休基retirement fund
退休基扣款pension fund deduction
退休年养老金retirement annuity
退休年pension annuity
退休年taxation on retirement annuity
退回预付restitution of advance payment
固定资产退废基retirement fund
退职severance compensation
退职福利severance benefit
退还refundable amount
退还准备保证金deposit released
退还多付return of amount overpaid
退还溢付refund of the amount overpaid
退还的保证refundable deposit
适度的黄外汇储备adequate gold and foreign exchange reserve
适度黄外汇储备adequate gold and foreign exchange reserve
适当租adequate rent
逃避资funk money
选择性养老selective pension
递减额法declining amounts method
递延存储deferred saving
递延年annuity deferred
递延抚恤deferred benefit
递延税贷项或借项deferred tax credit or debit
递延退休deferred retirement benefit
通融票据资供应的金融业务financing of accommodation bill
通货准备monetary reserves
融时代》 工业普通股票指数Third-Share Index
融时报》 保险统计学会综合股票指数Financial Time-Actuaries Share Indexes
融时报》世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Price
融时报》世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Time Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
融时报》工业普通股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
融时报》工业普通股票价格指数根据30种最佳股票编制的价格指数Financial Time Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
融时报》物价指数Financial Times Index
融时报》物价指数Financial Time Index
融时报》股票价格指数Financial Times Stock Indices
融时报》股票价格指数Financial Time Stock Indices
销售佣手续费sale commission
销售现sale dollar
销售百元商品占用流动资circulating fund for every hundred yuan worth of commodity sales
销货sales proceeds
销货佣手续费sales commissions
销货成本换算为现支出额conversion of cost of sales to cash disbursement
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