
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
一揽子融援助计划financial armor plating
一揽子融援助计划loan package
一揽子融援助计划shield package
一揽子融援助计划financial shield
一级准备primary reserves banking, USA
一级准备primary reserve assets
不使用基组织信贷的非正式规划shadow program
不涉及基组织贷款的第四条磋商报告stand alone Article IV reports
不记名的融工具bearer paper
不记名的融工具bearer security
不记名的融工具bearer instrument
不设基的养老金制度unfunded system
不设基的养老金制度unfunded retirement scheme
不设基的养老金制度unfunded pension plan Balance of Payments Manual - 5th edition
不设基的养老金制度pay-as-you-go system
与基组织有关的业务IMF-related operation
与基组织有关的账户Fund-related accounts
与基组织有关的资产Fund-related assets
专款set-aside s
专款set-aside amount
专项基special funds
专题信托基topical trust fund
《世界经济与融概览》World Economic and Financial Surveys
世界银行和基组织之间的协作Bank-Fund collaboration
世界银行和基组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Development Committee
世界银行和基组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Development Committee
世界银行和基组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
世界银行和基组织理事会年会事宜联合特别委员会Joint Ad Hoc Committee of Arrangements for the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund
世界银行/基组织会务办公室Bank/Fund Conferences Office
世界银行-基组织联合图书馆Joint Bank Library
世界银行-基组织联合图书馆Joint Bank-Fund Library
世界银行-基组织金融部门联络委员会Bank-Fund Financial Sector Liaison Committee
东南部非洲宏观经济和融管理学院Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute
东南部非洲宏观经济和融管理学院Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa
个人退休账户individual retirement account
中东和北非融行动工作组Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force
中国-国际货币基组织联合培训项目Joint China-IMF Training Program
中央银行黄协议Washington Agreement on Gold
中央银行黄协议Central Bank Gold Agreement
主权财富基sovereign wealth fund
主权财富基公认原则与做法Santiago principles
主权财富基公认原则与做法Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Sovereign Wealth Funds
主权财富基国际工作组International Working Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds
互助与贷款担保基Mutual Aid and Loan Guarantee Fund of the Entente Council Council of the Entente
亚洲开发基Asian Development Fund
人口字塔age pyramid
人口字塔population pyramid
伊拉克发展基Development Fund for Iraq
伊斯兰融服务委员会Islamic Financial Services Board
伊斯兰融机构Islamic financial institution
伊斯兰融机构会计和审计组织Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions
优惠资concessional resources
优惠资流入concessionary flow
优惠资流入concessional flow
伦敦国际融期货交易所London International Financial Futures Exchange
低回报资barren money
低回报资idle money
使用信托基的资金回流use of Trust Fund reflows
使用基组织信贷use of IMF credit
使用基组织信贷use of Fund credit
使用基组织信贷余额outstanding use of Fund credit
使用基组织信贷余额outstanding Fund credit
使用基组织资金use of Fund resources
使用基组织资金use of IMF resources
借入资borrowed resources
借入资loan resources
借入资暂记账户Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts
借记某一额于某一账户debit an amount to an account
借记某一额于某一账户debit an account with an amount
债券共同基bond mutual fund
偿债基sinking fund
全球融体系委员会Committee on the Global Financial System
全球融安全网global financial safety net
全球融稳定处Global Financial Stability Division
《全球融稳定报告》Global Financial Stability Report
全球一体化的融市场globally integrated financial markets
全球减灾和灾后恢复基Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR un.org 'More)
全球基础设施基Global Infrastructure Facility World Bank
全球环境信托基Global Environment Trust Fund World Bank
全球环境基信托基金Global Environment Facility Trust Fund
全球经济与融展望global economic and financial outlook
公共融机构public financial institution
公积provident fund
共同基mutual fund
共同基open-end investment company
共同基unit trust
共同基open-end investment fund
共同基open-end investment trust
共同基open-end mutual fund
关于使用基组织资金的保障措施safeguards on the use of Fund resources
关于离岸融中心的工作组Working Group on Offshore Financial Centers
具有全球系统重要性的融机构global systemically important financial institutions
具有系统重要性的融体系systemically important financial system
养老基pension scheme
养老基pension plan
冲突后重建基Post-Conflict Reconstruction Fund
加勒比融行动工作组Caribbean Financial Action Task Force money laundering
加速专款额的购回accelerated set-aside amounts repurchase
加速专款额的购回repurchase of accelerated set-aside amounts IMF debt reduction scheme
区域性融机构regional financial institution
协调的融交易税coordinated financial transactions tax
南苏丹专题信托基South Sudan Topical Trust Fund
印度-基组织联合培训项目India Training Center
印度-基组织联合培训项目Joint India-IMF Training Program
名义notional amount
名义notional amount of a financial derivative contract
名义本notional amount
名义本notional principal
向国际组织认缴的股本capital subscriptions to international organizations
商品基commodity fund
商品指数基commodity index fund
商品黄commodity gold
《国际融统计》International Financial Statistics
《国际融统计中的货币与银行统计指南》A Guide to Money and Banking Statistics in International Financial Statistics
《国际融统计年鉴》IFS Yearbook
《国际融统计年鉴》International Financial Statistics Yearbook
《国际货币基组织决议及文件汇编》Selected Decisions of the International Monetary Fund and Selected Documents
《国际货币基组织的财务安排和运作》Financial Organization and Operations of the IMF
在交易所买卖的基exchange-traded fund
在全球范围内融合的融市场globally integrated financial markets
在基组织的份额quota in the Fund
在基组织的份额membership quota
在基组织的份额IMF quota
在基组织的份额Fund quota
在基组织的债权人头寸reserve position in the Fund
在基组织的债权人头寸reserve position in the IMF
在基组织的债权人头寸creditor position in the IMF
在基组织的储备头寸reserve position in the IMF
在基组织的储备头寸reserve position in the Fund
在基组织的储备头寸creditor position in the IMF
在途资float banking
场外交易的融衍生产品OTC financial derivative
场外交易的融衍生产品over-the-counter financial derivative
垄断租monopoly rent
《基组织备忘录》IMF Memorandum
《基组织概览》IMF Survey
《基组织概览》编辑"IMF Survey" Editor
《基组织附则和规章》By-Laws, Rules and Regulations
增加的资augmented Fund resources
增加的资augmented resources
增加资augmentation of resources
处境困难的融机构troubled financial institution
备付excess reserves
外汇平准基equalization fund
外汇平准基foreign exchange equalization fund
外汇平准基currency stabilization fund
外汇平准基exchange stabilization fund
外汇平准基equalization of burden fund
外逃资flight money
外逃资hot money
外部资external resource envelope
多元化的融市场broad financial market
多边投资基Multilateral Investment Fund
多边担保基Multilateral Guarantee Fund
大型复杂融机构large complex financial institutions
大规模使用基组织资金very high access to the Fund's resources
大规模使用基组织资金large-scale access to the Fund's resources
大量使用基组织的贷款very large use of Fund resources
太平洋融共同体Pacific Financial Community
套利基hedge fund
套利基absolute return fund
存款保险基deposit insurance scheme
存款保险基Deposit Insurance Fund
宏观融稳定macrofinancial stability
官方资流量official financial flows
官方资流量official flows
官方资流量official capital flows
实施基组织规划的国家program country
封存的黄或美元blocked gold or dollars
封闭型投资基investment trust
封闭型投资基closed-end investment company
封闭型投资基closed-end investment fund
封闭型投资基closed-end investment trust
就基组织治理改革问题与基金组织开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with civil society on IMF Governance Reform
就基组织治理改革问题与基金组织开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar consultations
就基组织治理改革问题与基金组织开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with the Fund on Reform of IMF Governance
就基组织治理改革问题与民间社会开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with civil society on IMF Governance Reform
就基组织治理改革问题与民间社会开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar consultations
就基组织治理改革问题与民间社会开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with the Fund on Reform of IMF Governance
布鲁斯学会Brookings Institution
平准基equalization fund
平准基stabilization fund
平准基equalization of burden fund
平衡补助equalization grant public finance
债券annuity bond
债券nonredeemable bond
债券nonmaturing bond
债券perpetual bond
库存现cash in vault
库存现cash in hand
库存现cash on hand
库存现vault cash
应急基contingency reserve
应计养老的工资pensionable wage
应计养老的工资pensionable salary
开放型共同基unit trust
开放型共同基open-end investment trust
开放型共同基open-end investment fund
开放型共同基open-end investment company
开放型共同基mutual fund
开放型共同基open-end mutual fund
开放型投资基open-end investment trust
开放型投资基open-end investment fund
开放型投资基unit trust
开放型投资基open-end investment company
开放型投资基mutual fund
开放型投资基open-end mutual fund
强制性准备存款compulsory reserve deposit
成员国在基组织的头寸net Fund position
成员国在基组织的头寸Fund position
成员国在基组织的头寸position in the Fund
战乱后重建基Post-Conflict Reconstruction Fund
扩大使用基组织的资金enlarged access to Fund resources
扩大使用基组织的资金enlarged access to the Fund's resources
扩大使用基组织资金的政策enlarged access policy
扩大使用基组织资金的政策policy on enlarged access to the Fund's resources
扩大的贷款资enlarged access resources
批发融服务wholesale financial services
承诺资committed resources
持续的资外流sustained capital outflow
捐赠基子账户Endowment Subaccount
改革和加强融部门倡议FIRST Initiative
改革和加强融部门倡议Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening Initiative
放松融管制financial deregulation
新注入的商业银行资new commercial bank money
新注入的资fresh money
新注入的资new credit
新注入的资new money London Club
普惠financial inclusion
普惠融联盟Alliance for Financial Inclusion
普通资ordinary resources
基金组织的普通资general resources
普通资和特别提款权政策处General Resources and SDR Policy Division
普通资账户General Resources Account
最低准备比率legal reserve ratio
最低准备比率minimum reserve ratio
最低准备比率reserve requirement
最低准备比率reserve ratio
最低准备比率required reserve ratio
最低现要求minimum cash requirement
最低现要求cash ratio requirement
有关洗钱问题的融行动工作组Financial Action Task Force
有关洗钱问题的融行动工作组Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering
有深度的融市场deep financial market
有组织的融衍生产品交易所organized exchange
有组织的融衍生产品交易所organized financial derivatives exchange
有足额资支持的养老金计划funded pension plan
有足额资支持的养老金计划fully funded system
有足额资支持的养老金计划funded system
有足额资支持的养老金计划fully funded plan corporations
有足额资支持的养老金计划fully funded pension plan corporations
未承诺的资uncommitted resources
未设基的福利unfunded benefits
未设基的福利unfunded social benefits
未设基的福利unfunded employee social benefits
未设基的雇员社会福利unfunded benefits
未设基的雇员社会福利unfunded social benefits
未设基的雇员社会福利unfunded employee social benefits
机构间经济与融统计小组Inter-Agency Group on Economic and Financial Statistics
杂项现账户sundry cash accounts
核心基core fund Global Environment Facility, WB
欧发基European Development Fund
欧洲融市场协会Association for Financial Markets in Europe
欧洲融监管者系统European System of Financial Supervisors
欧洲融稳定基金European Financial Stability Facility
欧洲融稳定机制European Financial Stabilization Mechanism
欧洲开发基European Development Fund
欧洲援救基European bailout fund
欧洲社会基European Social Fund
欧洲货币合作基European Monetary Cooperation Fund
没有资支持的职责unfunded mandate
流通中现currency in circulation
美国消费者融保护局Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
灾难后减债信托基Post-Catastrophe Debt Relief Trust Fund
环球银行融电信协会Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
产品cash items
余额cash balance
保证金cash margin
债券cash bond
凭证cash voucher
回购cash buyback debt
头寸cash position
存款primary deposit
支付cash payment
支持cash relief
支持cash flow relief
收付制cash basis accounting
收付制cash accounting
收付制cash based
收付制on a cash basis
收付制报告cash basis reporting
收入净值net cash income
来源和使用表statement of sources and uses of cash
比率absolute liquid ratio
比率quick asset ratio
比率cash ratio corporations
比率quick ratio
比率acid-test ratio
比率要求minimum cash requirement
比率要求cash ratio requirement
流量cash flow
流量支持cash relief
流量支持cash flow relief
盈余cash surplus
等价物cash equivalent
管理cash management
经济cash-based economy
经济cash economy
结算cash settlement
账户cash account
贷款financial loan
贷款cash loan
贷款拨付cash loan disbursement
赤字cash deficit
预算cash plan
预算cash budget
预算cash flow budget
现有现cash on hand
现有现cash in hand
用于强化合作解决债务的官方资enhancement money debt restructuring
电子资转账系统electronic funds transfer
百分之百准备要求的银行制度narrow banking
百分之百准备要求的银行制度100 percent reserve banking
研究基组织可持续的长期融资问题名人委员会Committee of Eminent Persons
研究基组织可持续的长期融资问题名人委员会Crockett Committee
研究基组织可持续的长期融资问题名人委员会Committee to Study Sustainable Long-Term Financing of the IMF
研究基组织可持续的长期融资问题名人委员会Committee of Eminent Persons to Study Sustainable Long-Term Financing of the IMF
社会保障基social security funds
离岸融中心offshore financial center
离岸融中心评估报告OFC assessment report
离岸融中心评估报告offshore financial center assessment report
离岸融市场offshore financial market
离岸基offshore fund
稀缺品的租hotelling rent
稀缺品的租scarcity rent
等效租owners' equivalent rent
fine gold
的金衡盎司金衡制fine ounce
的金衡盎司金衡制fine troy ounce
的金衡盎司金衡制troy ounce of fine gold
纯经济租pure economic rent
联储在途资Federal Reserve float
联合国人口活动基United Nations Fund for Population Activities
联合国儿童基United Nations Children's Fund
联合国货币与融会议Bretton Woods Conference
联合国货币与融会议United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
联手提供的新资concerted new money
联邦基federal funds
联邦基利率federal funds rate
联邦基利率federal funds interest rate
联邦基市场federal funds market
获得融服务的渠道能力financial access
级别wage scale
级别pay scale
级别pay table
级别pay schedule
级别wage schedule
级别salary schedule
级别salary scale general
衍生融工具交易的执行exercise of a financial derivative
衍生融工具:1993年《国际收支手册》第五版补编Financial Derivatives: A Supplement to the Fifth Edition 1993 of the Balance of Payments Manual
补交保证的通知margin call
补交保证的通知maintenance call stock exchange
补充基组织的货币持有额replenish the Fund's holdings of currencies
补充基组织资金replenishment of Fund resources
补贴资subsidy resources
计提准备establishment of provisions
计提准备provisioning BPM5, Debt Guide, 1993, FSIG
设有基的制度fully funded system
设有基的制度funded pension plan
设有基的制度funded system
设有基的制度fully funded pension plan corporations
调整为现收付制adjustment to cash
调整为现收付制adjustment to cash basis
财政资筹措办法ways and means
财政部的基组织账户TIMF account
财政部的基组织账户Treasury-IMF account
货币与融政策透明度良好做法准则MFP Transparency Code
货币与融政策透明度良好做法准则MFP Code
货币与融政策透明度良好做法准则Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Monetary and Financial Policies: Declaration of Principles
货币与融政策透明度良好做法准则宣言MFP Transparency Code
货币与融政策透明度良好做法准则宣言MFP Code
货币与融政策透明度良好做法准则宣言Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Monetary and Financial Policies: Declaration of Principles
《货币与融统计手册》Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual
货币市场共同基的份额MMMF shares
货币市场共同基的份额money market mutual fund shares
货币市场基money market fund
货币市场基money market mutual fund
货币平准基exchange stabilization fund
货币平准基currency stabilization fund
货币平准基foreign exchange equalization fund
货币黄monetary gold
质押黄pledged gold
贷款损失准备loan loss reserve
贷款损失准备allowance for loan losses
贷款损失准备loan loss provision
贷款损失准备计提loan provisioning
贷款损失准备计提loan loss provisioning
贷款资loanable funds
贷款资lending funds
贷记某一额于某一账户credit an amount to an account
贷记某一额于某一账户credit an account with an amount
上的挤出效应financial crowding out
与支出resources and expenditures
交易计划transactions plan
交易计划financial transactions plan
外逃flight of funds
外逃capital flight
总库安排pooling arrangement
流量flow of funds
流量表flow of funds table
的循环性revolving character of resources
的扩充enhancement of resources
统筹安排financial pooling
统筹安排financial pooling arrangement
缺口resource gap
资本,不包括储备capital, excluding reserves
资本,不包括储备capital, excluding reserve assets
资本与融账户capital and financial account
资本市场发展/融基础设施处Capital Market Development and Financial Infrastructure Division
起始保证initial margin
超额准备excess reserves
超额黄分档super gold tranche
边际存款准备marginal reserve requirement
退休委员会Pension Committee
退休平价调整制度pension parity adjustment system
退休计划pension scheme
退休计划pension plan
退休储蓄基provident fund
退休准备账户Retirement Reserve Account
退还黄restitution of gold
rate of remuneration
系数remuneration coefficient
融与发展》Finance & Development
融与发展》编辑Editor-in-Chief as appears in publication
融与发展》编辑"Finance & Development" Editor
融稳健指标编制指南》Compilation Guide on Financial Soundness Indicators
阿布扎比阿拉伯经济发展基Abu Dhabi Fund for Arab Economic Development
阿拉伯经济社会发展基Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
阿拉伯经社发展基Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
阿拉伯货币基组织Arab Monetary Fund
隔夜资overnight loan
隔夜资overnight funds
隔夜资overnight money
隔夜资overnight credit
融公共部门nonfinancial public sector
融公司与准公司企业部门nonfinancial corporate and quasi-corporate enterprise sector
融无形资产nonfinancial intangibles
融无形资产nonfinancial intangible assets
非优惠性资nonconcessional flow
非优惠性资nonconcessionary flow
非债务性资流入non-debt-creating flow
非债务性资流入nondebt flow
非债务性资流入non-debt-generating flow
非债务性资流出non-debt-creating flow
非债务性资流出nondebt flow
非债务性资流出non-debt-generating flow
非机构性的融部门informal financial sector
非机构性的融部门noninstitutional financial sector
非正式的融部门informal financial sector
非正式的融部门noninstitutional financial sector
非洲融共同体African Financial Community
非洲开发基African Development Fund
非现交易noncash transactions
政府债券的非现发行noncash issuance of government securities
非现经济noncash economy
非生产、非融资产的处置disposal of nonproduced, nonfinancial assets
非生产、非融资产的购置acquisition of non-produced, nonfinancial assets
非股本资流动nonequity financial flow
非自主养老基nonautonomous pension fund
非货币融机构nonmonetary financial institution
非货币化的黄demonetization of gold
非货币黄nonmonetary gold
非银行融机构nonbank financial corporation
非银行融机构nonbank financial institution
非黄储备nongold reserves
预付定down payment
预算外资extrabudgetary fund
预算外资extrabudgetary account
预算资budgeted funds
预缴押import deposit
预缴押advance deposit
香港融管理局Hong Kong Monetary Authority
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