
Terms for subject Technology containing 重 载荷 | all forms
上部重的荷载top-heavy load
主要荷载承重结构main load-bearing structure
交变重复荷载alternating repeated loading
在无外荷载时重力对构件产生的应力gravity prestress
塑性荷载的承重结构plastic load-carrying structure
塑性荷载的承重结构plastic load bearing structure
多次重复荷载multiple repeated load
容许载重容许荷载permissible load
最大荷载重maximum loading
最大荷载重maximum load
最大起重荷载maximum starting load
最重车轮荷载heaviest wheel load
有效荷载与车辆总重比payload-to-vehicle weight ratio
有效荷载重量payload weight
满重荷载full weight load
特重荷载extra-heavy loading
荷载重loading weight
荷载重分布redistribution of load
荷载重分布load redistribution
荷载重复作用次数number of load repetitions
荷载重复的周期load cycle
荷载重量loading weight
荷重增载incremental application of load
起重机荷载crane load
起重运输机械荷载crane and transporter load
超重有效荷载overweight payload
轻质屋面三向荷载承重lightweight roofing three-dimensional load bearing
载重汽车荷载truck loading
重力活荷载live gravity load
重力荷载gravity loading
重复荷载repetitive loading
重复荷载repeating loading
重复荷载疲劳强度fatigue strength of cyclic load
重复荷载耐久试验life cycle test
重复荷载试验repeated test
重复荷载试验repeated loading test
重复荷载试验repetitive loading test
重复荷载试验repeated load test
重复荷载试验recycling loading test
重复荷载试验机peated vesting machine
重荷载heavy weight load
重轴荷载heavy axle load
重间歇荷载heavy intermittent duty