
Terms containing 采矿 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.三平巷房柱采矿triple-heading room-and-pillar mining
tech.三进路房柱式采矿triple-entry room-and-pillar mining
tech.上向采矿upward mining
tech.上向分层采矿upward slicing
tech.下向倾斜分层崩落采矿top-slicing with inclined slices
tech.下向分层崩落采矿top-slicing mining
tech.下向分层崩落采矿radial top-slicing
tech.下向水平分层崩落采矿top slicing combined with ore caving
tech.下向水平分层崩落采矿top slicing and caving
tech.下向水平分层顶板崩落采矿top slicing cover caving
tech.下行分层崩落采矿top slicing
earth.sc.世界采矿大会World Mining Congress
earth.sc.世界采矿设备World Mining Equipment
tradem.世界采矿设备World Mining Equipment
earth.sc.中央采矿研究所印度central mining research station
gen.中央采矿研究站Central Mining Research Station
tech.中矿采样middling sampling
earth.sc.中部地区采矿工程师学会Midland Institute of Mining Engineers
tech.人字形矿房采矿herringbone method
earth.sc.伦敦采矿和冶金学会Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
earth.sc.伦敦-罗得西亚采矿和地产公司London-Rhodesia Mining and Land Co., Ltd.
tech.采矿stopping mining area
tech.充填采矿filling method
tech.全断面掘进采矿mole mining
tech.全矿层回采full-seam mining
tech.全面采矿breast stopping
tech.兰尼石油采矿系统Ranney oil-mining system
tech.冲积矿床开采alluvial mining
tech.分段采矿sublevel stopping
tech.分段崩落采矿sublevel caving
tech.分段崩落采矿mining block method
gen.加拿大采矿与冶金学通报CIM Bulletin The Canadian Mining & Metallurgical Bulletin
geol.加拿大采矿和冶金学会Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
gen.加拿大采矿杂志Canadian Mining Journal
tech.化学采矿chemical mining
chem.化学采矿chemical mining method
earth.sc.北方采矿研究所Institute of Mining of the North
earth.sc.北碧勘探和采矿公司Kanchanahuri Exploration and Mining Co.
gen.北英格兰采矿与机械工程师协会North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
earth.sc.北英格兰采矿和机械工程师学会North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
gen.南非化学冶金采矿学会Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa
geol.印度地质采矿与冶金协会Geological Mining and Metallurgical Society of India
gen.印度地质采矿冶金学会Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India
China, law危险方法进行采矿作业dangerous mining methods
tech.双臂采矿台车two-boom stope-jumbo
tech.采矿prospective ore
desert.采矿minable stratum
tech.采矿payable ground
tech.采矿床的最小厚度mining width
construct.采矿prospective ore
tech.采矿exploitable mine pay
tech.采矿石的最低品位minimum grade of ore
tech.采矿workable reserves
tech.可地下采矿workable by underground mining
desert.可开采矿workable deposit
tech.可露天采矿workable by open-cast mining
tech.台阶采矿bank method of attack
China, law吊销其采矿许可证rescission of its mining permit
tech.后退式回采矿drawing-back of pillars
tech.向上回采矿石法overhead stopping
tech.含金属采矿metalliferous mining
tech.采矿量保有期限period of retention extraction reserves
tech.采矿量变动variation of extraction reserves
gen.国际采矿与矿物International Mining & Minerals
tech.地下采矿subsurface mining
tech.地下采矿drift mining
tech.地下采矿drift mine
gen.地下采矿设备制造业公会Council of Underground Mining Machinery Manufacturers
tech.地下放矿漏斗开采法underground milling
tech.地下放矿漏斗开采法underground glory-hole method
tech.地下无轨采矿underground trackless mining
tech.地下矿开采mine quarrying
geol.地质与采矿研究所Institute of Geological and Mining Research
tech.地面采矿法分类surface mining methods
tech.采矿extraction reserves
earth.sc.大洋洲采矿与冶金学会准会员Associate Member of Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
gen.大洋洲采矿与冶金学会通报及会报AusIMM Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Bulletin with"Proceedings"
geol.大洋洲采矿、冶金研究所Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
earth.sc.大洋洲采矿和冶金协会Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
tech.天然支护采矿self-supported opening
gen.它们产品主要用于采矿、炼钢和石油炼制工业They're mainly used in mining, steel production and oil refining
earth.sc.小型采矿small scale mining
geol.尼日利亚采矿与地学学会Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society
tech.尾矿采样tailing sampling
tech.山坡露天采矿opencast of mountain slope
tech.岩矿鉴定采样sampling for mineralogical and petrological determination
tech.岩矿鉴定采样sampling for mineralogic and petrologic determination
tech.崩落采矿caving stopping method
gen.工程采矿杂志Engineering and Mining Journal
gen.工程与采矿杂志Engineering & Mining Journal
gen.工程与采矿杂志英国杂志名Engineering and Mining Journal
earth.sc.帕那萨斯山铝土矿采矿公司希腊Bauxites Parnasse Mining Co.
gen.应用地学 — 采矿与冶金学会汇刊 B 辑Applied Earth Science Section B of the Transactions of the Institution of Mining & Metallurgy
tech.采矿developed ore
tech.采矿lode mining
tech.开采的矿块intervening block
busin.开采金矿gold mining
life.sc.微生物采矿microbial mining
earth.sc.怀俄明州采矿和矿产资源研究所Wyoming Mining and Mineral Resource Research Institute
tech.房柱采矿breast and pillar method
tech.房柱式采矿stoop and-room mining
tech.房柱式采矿pillar-and-stall method
tech.手工采矿hand-mined face
tech.支柱采矿timbered stopping method
tech.支柱采矿timber mining
tech.支柱采矿set mining method
tech.敞开进路式矿柱回采法open-end method
tech.斜井开采矿slope mine
gen.新墨西哥采矿与技术学会New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
gen.新斯科舍采矿学会Mining Society of Nova Scotia
tech.无轨采矿trackless mining
tech.有价值开采的矿层pay formation
tech.有开采价值的矿层commercial bed
busin.有开采价值的矿石pay dirt
tech.有开采价值的矿藏promising deposit
tech.木支护的水平分层充填采矿timbered-horizontal cut and fill stoping
tech.采矿virgin field
tech.采矿maiden field
tech.未开采矿maiden field
tech.本年度开采矿ore mined in this year
tech.柱廊巷道采矿stoop and-room
tech.柱式采矿pillar-and-panel work
tech.柱式采矿pillar system
tech.柱式采矿pillar method of working
tech.柱式采矿pillar method of stoping
tech.柱式采矿pillar method of mining
tech.柱式采矿pillar method
tech.正台阶采矿heading and bench method
tech.水下采矿underwater mining ship
tech.水下采矿submerged mining ship
tech.水力采矿hydraulic mine
tech.水力采矿hydraulic mining
tech.水力采矿hydromechanical mining method
tech.水平分层充填采矿horizontal cut and fill stoping
tech.水平分层方框支架采矿horizontal square-set system
tech.水平方框支架采矿horizontal square-set method
agric., chem.水溶采矿solution mining
tech.河床采矿river mining
tech.河滩金砂矿开采法bar mining
geol.泛美采矿工程与地质学会Pan-American Institute of Mining Engineering and Geology
tech.海域采矿seashore drilling
tech.海底采矿ocean-floor mining
tech.海底采矿marine mining
tech.海底采矿offshore mining
tech.海底采矿sea-bottom mining
tech.海底采矿undersea mining
tech.海底采矿seabed mining
ecol.海底采矿submarine mining
tech.海底采矿技术undersea mining technology
nautic., tech.海底矿物采集船seabed mining ship
tech.海洋采矿ocean mining
tech.海洋采矿oceanic mining
tech.海洋采矿marine mining
tech.海洋矿物资源采矿技术研究mining technology for marine mineral resources
tech.海滩采矿beach mining
tech.海滩开采砂矿beach combing
tech.深孔梯段采矿long hole benching
gen.深海采矿公司Deep Ocean Mining Co.
tech.深海采矿环境研究deep ocean mining environment study
tech.深海采矿deep-sea mining ship
tech.深海拖斗采矿deep-sea drag dredger
tech.深海拖斗采矿deep-sea drag dredge
tech.溶浸法开采矿solution mine
geol.溶蚀采矿研究所Solution Mining Research Institute
tech.溶解采矿solution mining
tech.漂浮式采矿装置floating mining plant
gen.澳大利亚采矿Australian Mining
geol.煤炭和采矿coal and mining
tech.煤矿回采stope of coal mines
tech.煤矿开采coal mining
tech.煤矿开采和加工废水coal mining and processing wastes
tech.煤矿机采型mechanized coal mining
tech.煤矿水采hydraulic coal mining
China, law煤矿采区范围内within coal mining areas
tech.煤矿采空区coal mine working-out section
tech.煤矿露天开采opencast coal mining
tech.煤矿非机采型non-mechanized coal mining
tech.留矿采矿shrinkage stope
tech.留矿采矿工作面shrinkage stope
tech.留矿采矿shrinkage stoping method
tech.留矿开采法工作面shrinkage stope face
tech.留矿法开采shrinkage mining
tech.留矿法采区shrinkage area
tech.白云母采矿muscovite mining
tech.石棉采矿asbestos quarry
tech.石棉矿开采asbestos mining
busin.石油矿区开采权使用费oil royalty
tech.矿产开采基地mining base regions
tech.矿体可采界限assay walls
tech.矿体可采边界线workable boundary line of ore body
tech.矿体难采边界线unworkable boundary of ore body
tech.矿山占用或采掘税mine occupation or severance tax
tech.矿山可采期age of mine
tech.矿山开采ore mining
China, law矿山开采exploitation of mine
tech.矿山开采quarry operation
tech.矿山开采ore getting
gen.矿山开采特许lnining concession
tech.矿山开采区域mining region
tech.矿山开采年限mine life
tech.矿山采剥比overburden ratio of mine (黑色冶金)
tech.矿山采掘计划mining plans
tech.矿山采石mine quarry
tech.矿床回采mineral deposit stoping
tech.矿床开采技术条件mining technological condition of mineral deposits
tech.矿床开采技术条件mining technologic condition of mineral deposits
tech.矿床开采程序ore deposit mining programme
tech.矿床开采程序ore deposit mining program
tech.矿床采准mineral deposit prepared
tech.矿心采取率percentage recovery of ore core
tech.矿柱回采robbing pillars
tech.矿柱回采pillar extraction
tech.矿泥浆开采法slurry mining
gen.矿物加工与提炼冶金 — 采矿与冶金学会汇刊C辑Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Section C of the Transactions of the Institution of Mining & Metallurgy
tech.矿物采样mineral sampling
tech.矿物采运mineral winning
tech.矿石堆采样ore-dump sampling
tech.矿石的露天开采ore open pit mining
tech.矿石采出率ore extraction
tech.矿石采样ore sampling
desert.砂矿淘采placer mining
tech.砂矿采样placer sampling
tech.砾石采矿与制备gravel extraction and preparation
tech.确定采矿技术definition mining technique
tech.确定采矿方法definition mining method
geol.美国科罗拉多采矿协会Colorado Mining Association
tech.空场采矿open stope mining method
tech.空场采矿open stopping
tech.空场采矿open stope method
tech.竖井采矿shaft mining
tech.管状矿采取器pipe ore sampler
tech.精矿采样concentrate sampling
comp.name.美国采矿、冶金、石油工程师学会American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers
gen.美国采矿冶金石油工程师联合会American Institute of Mining Engineers
gen.美国采矿冶金石油工程师联合会American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Incorporated
gen.美国采矿协会American Mining Congress
gen.美国采矿工程师协会American Institute of Mining Engineers
tech.联合采矿continuous miner
tech.自然支撑采矿natural propping
gen.英国采矿协会Mining Association of Great Britain
gen.英国皇家采矿学校Royal School of Mines
gen.英格兰中部各郡采矿工程师协会Midlands Institute of Mining Engineers
tech.菱形钻采矿diamond mining
tech.近海钻探和采矿offshore drilling and mining
gen.这矿没有〔大有〕 开采前途the mine prospects well
gen.这矿没有〔大有〕 开采前途the mine prospects ill
gen.这矿现在已不开采了the mine is no longer being worked
China, law违法采矿行为illegal mining activities
tech.连续平巷采矿continuous gallery machine
tech.选别采矿resuing method
tech.选别采矿resue method of mining
earth.sc.通用近海采矿系统multi-purpose offshore mining system
tech.采准矿量prepared reserves
tech.采准矿量保有期限period of retention prepared reserves
tech.采准矿量变动variation of prepared reserves
tech.采场矿柱stope pillar
tech.采场矿量变动variation of mining stope ore reserves
tech.采样矿柱stope pillar
tech.采盐矿salt mining
gen.采矿work a mine
tech.采矿ore mining
tech.采矿mineral extraction
gen.采矿与机械工程师协会Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
agric.采矿working of mines
tech.采矿mining industry
tech.采矿井场mining shaft and open pit
tech.采矿会计mining accounting
tech.采矿作业quarry operation
tech.采矿作业mining operation
tech.采矿作业mine working
geol.美国采矿、冶金和勘探学会Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
busin.采矿制造业生产mining and manufacturing production
tech.采矿动力mining power
tech.采矿mining district
tech.采矿mining area
tech.采矿gravel extraction plant
gen.采矿及采石工程mine and quarry engineering
busin.采矿合伙企业mining partnership
gen.采矿周刊Mining Journal
comp.name.印度采矿和采矿机械公司Mining and Allied Machinery Corporation
ecol.采矿品位grade of mined ore
tech.采矿回收率ore recovery ratio
tech.采矿回收率mining recovery
agric.采矿地开垦reclamation of mining land
tech.采矿地球物理学mining geophysics
tech.采矿地质mining geology (学)
geol.印度采矿、地质与冶金学会Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute
tech.采矿地质师mining geologist
tech.采矿地质报告geological report for mining
tech.采矿地质报告geologic report for mining
tech.采矿mining field
tech.采矿mining area
tech.采矿场充填stope filling
tech.采矿场凿岩台stope board
tech.采矿型挖掘机quarry shovel
tech.采矿安全mining safety
tech.采矿实践mining practice
tech.采矿尾料mine waste sand
tech.采矿尾砂mine waste
gen.采矿学士bachelor of science of mining engineering
tech.采矿工业场地mine compound
tech.采矿工业污水ore industry sewage
tech.采矿工作mining work
tech.采矿工作中的齿轮传动装置gearing for mining duties
tech.采矿工作面stope face
tech.采矿工作面heading stope
tech.采矿工作面mille face
tech.采矿工作面high wall
tech.采矿工用油driver's oil
tech.采矿工程mining activity
tech.采矿工程mining engineering (学)
tech.采矿工程mineral engineering
gen.采矿工程mining engineering
busin.采矿工程学学士Bachelor of Mining Engineering
busin.采矿工程师engineer of mining
geol.采矿工程师与机械工程师协会Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
gen.采矿工程师协会Society of Mining Engineers (of AIME, AIME 所属的)
gen.采矿工程师协会Institute of Mining Engineers
gen.采矿工程师协会会员Member of the Institution of Mining Engineers
gen.采矿工程师协会副会员Associate Member of the Institution of Mining Engineers
gen.采矿工程师协会副会员Associate of the Institution of Mining Engineers
tech.采矿工程师学会Institute of Mining Engineers
tech.采矿工艺学mining technology
tech.采矿工艺学mining art
tech.采矿mining waste
ecol.采矿废水mining waste
ecol.采矿废水mining waste water
desert.采矿废物mining wastes
tech.采矿废石sterile rock
ecol.采矿废石mining waste rock
busin.采矿康拜因cutting and loading machine
tech.采矿康拜因cutting loading machine
tech.采矿康拜因立截盘cutter loader shearing jib
tech.采矿康拜因立截盘cutter loader shearer
tech.采矿成本mining cost
tech.采矿技术mining technique
tech.采矿技术监督mine technical inspection
tech.采矿技术监督mine supervision
tech.采矿技术经济指标index of mining technique economics
tech.采矿挖掘机mining excavator
tech.采矿损失mining loss
tech.采矿损失率mining losses ratio
tech.采矿方法quarry method
tech.采矿方法mining method
tech.采矿mining machine
tech.采矿stopping machine
gen.采矿采掘mining machine
construct.采矿机身管mining core tube
gen.采矿杂志Mining Magazine
busin.采矿mining right
busin.采矿right of mining
busin.采矿mining concession
tech.采矿mine rights
China, law采矿权主体subject of the mining right
tech.采矿污染mining contamination
desert.采矿污染mining pollution
tech.采矿Mining Act
tech.采矿法规mining code
tech.采矿活动mining activity
tech.采矿环境mining environment
tech.采矿用地面积allocation area
tech.采矿用水mining water use
tech.采矿用镐mining pick
tech.采矿电铲mining shovel
tech.采矿矿船placer dredger
tech.采矿矿船placer dredge
avia.采矿系统mining system
tech.采矿联合企业mining complex
tech.采矿联合机combination cutting and loading machine
tech.采矿能力mining capacity
tech.采矿mine dredger
tech.采矿mining dredge
tech.采矿mining dredger
tech.采矿dredge boat
tech.采矿mine dredge
nautic., tech.采矿dredger
tech.采矿规程mining regulation
tech.采矿规范mining code
tech.采矿许可证mineral mining permit
busin.采矿许可证mining permit
ecol.采矿许可证mining license
tech.采矿设备winning equipment
tech.采矿贫化率mining dilution ratio
gen.采矿资格审查委员会Mining Qualification Board
tech.采矿mining quantity
tech.采矿mining amount
tech.采矿quarry-mine shovel
tech.采矿露头lode apex
shipb.采矿mining barge
tech.采砂矿船placer dredger
tech.采砂矿船placer dredge
tech.采集的矿物collected mineral
tech.金矿开采gold mining
tech.钻井采矿borehole mining
tech.铀矿开采uranium mining
tech.铁矿露天采矿iron-ore stripe mine
busin.长壁采矿long-wall working
tech.长壁采矿longwall working
tech.阶梯式长壁采矿hitch and step
tech.露天矿坑采石法glory-hole method of quarrying
desert.露天采矿open cut working
agric., chem.露天采矿open-pit mining
agric., chem.露天采矿opencast mining
busin.露天采矿open-cut mining
tech.露天采矿open pit mining
desert.露天采矿open cut mining
gen.露天采矿促进处Office of Surface Mining and Enforcement
tech.露天采矿bare ground
tech.露天采矿open pit
tech.露天采矿pit quarry
tech.露天采矿班组stripping gang
tech.露天采矿班组stripping party
tech.露天采矿班组stripping team
tech.露天采矿班组stripping crew
tech.露天采矿边界boundary of open pit
tech.露天开采的褐煤矿brown coal opencast mine
tech.露天溜井采矿glory-hole mining
tech.露天漏斗采矿glory-hole mining
tech.露天矿剥采比overburden ratio of open pit
tech.露天矿开采development of open pit
tech.露天矿开采境界open pit mining limit
tech.露天矿未开采工作面high wall
tech.露天矿漏斗开采法open cut glory-hole mining
tech.露天矿采场境界图map of open pit limit
tech.露天矿采掘工作opencast getting
tech.露天采煤矿coal opening pit mining
busin.非法占有他人采矿权及所有权者claim jumper
tech.高矿房回采high roof mining system
tech.鲱骨式采矿herringbone stoping
tech.黏土采矿clay mining
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