
Terms for subject Technology containing 部]件 | all forms | in specified order only
一种新型的传感器部件已开发出来,它是有活动芯的微型线圈A new sensor component—micro coil with a movable core—was developed
一级光学部件top-class optical component
一级光学部件top-class optic component
三维部件three-dimensional element
三角形部件triangular element
上轧規组合部件top-roll assembly
上部框架构件top frame member
上釉部件glazing unit
下弦杆部件lower boom member
不利外部条件external diseconomies
不受压部件non-pressure parts
不可修部件non-repairable component
不可分的约会部件session quarantine unit
不可更换的部件non-replaceable unit
不合格部件rejected parts
专业标准部件speciality packet
专用自主部件dedicated autonomous unit
专门全套部件speciality packet
中间部件centre piece
中间处理部件intermediate processing element
部件string unit
串行运算部件serial arithmetic unit
部件master unit
部件mass unit
部件总成更换major unit assembly replacement
主动部件active component
主应力承重部件principal stress-carrying part
主控制部件main control unit
主要部件main parts
主要部件参考表master parts reference list
主要受力部件principal stress-carrying part
主要承重部件principal load-carrying parts
主轴部件spindle unit
事件存储与分配部件event storage and distribution unit
互换部件interchangeable parts
仓库门部件stock door element
优先控制部件priority control unit
传动部件driving part
传动部件component transmission
低频部件low-frequency head
作业处理部件job processing unit
供暖部件heating element
供水部件water supply fittings
侧面部件side part
便器陶瓷部件closet bowl
偏置部件offset unit
储存器部件storage block
部件损坏element failure
充气护舷部件pneumatic fender unit
充气护舷部件air-block fender unit
光学部件optical parts
光学部件optic parts
光学部件optic component
光学部件的装配mounting of optics
全同部件identity unit
全套部件integral unit
全套设备部件零件表equipment component list
全尺寸部件full-size component
全部附件保持供给full compliment of accessories
公用部件global facility
公用控制部件common control unit
六角形部件hexagonal element
关闭部件shut-off block
其他部件miscellaneous parts
内衬部件lining component
内部几何条件internal geometry
内部文件house document
内部文件关系interfile relationship
内部条件internal condition
内部软件延迟built-in software delay
内部配件internal fittings
内部零件internal unit
内部零件inner body
冲击部件impact piece
部件估算造价法component method
部件模铸的混凝土构件piece mould process
部件模铸的混凝土构件piece mold process
切土部件ground penetrating blade
刨床部件planer parts
制冷部件refrigeration component
制造部件清单manufacturing parts list
功能部件functional device
功能部件functional name
功能部件耗时functional unit time
加热部件heating element
加热部件heater block
加荷面上的部件element of a loaded area
加重的内部零件heavy internal
动力电源部件power unit
包交换部件packet switching unit
化工设备零部件chemical equipment parts
半下沉的部件half-recessed element
半中型部件semi-intermediate section
半产品部件semi-finished parts
半凹部件half-recessed element
半缩进的部件half-recessed element
半装配部件subassembled part
单轴部件single-axle unit
单轴行走部件single-axle undercarriage
单轴行走部件single-axle travelling gear
单轴行走部件single-axle traveling gear
卡片馈送部件card feed
卸成部件take to piece
压力保持部件pressure-retaining member
参考部件reference member
双稳态部件bistable unit
双阻塞部件double block
反向应力部件reversal-stress member
反撞部件backlash unit
反馈部件feedback element
发动机部件engine components
发动机中的钢部件steel engine parts
发散部件divergent component
受切接合部件shear connector
受力部件supporting parts
受压部件pressure-containing parts
受磨部件wearing parts
各种各样的部件miscellaneous parts
部件总成rear unit assembly
后部直拉杆件hip vertical
吸声组装部件absorptive building unit
售主部件一览表vendor parts list
售主部件vendor parts number
售主部件更改vendor parts modification
售主部件索引vendor parts index
噪声维护部件noise maintenance component
塑料部件plastic section
塑料部件plastic component
部件corner element
处理部件processing parts
处理部件disposal element
处理机部件processor element
备品修理用部件service parts
备用部件spare unit
备用部件spare parts
外设部件互联总线peripheral component interconnect bus
外部有利条件external economics
外部不利条件external diseconomies
外部介质条件environmental factor
外部条件external condition
外部条件exterior condition
外部构件external member
外部薄壳构件exterior shell member
外部薄壳构件exterior shell component
外部配件outside appurtenances
外露带电部件exposed live part
部件体系结构multicomponent architecture
部件结构multicomponent structure
部件计算机multiunit machine
多功能部件处理机multifunction processor
多操作部件处理机multifunction processor
多路转接器终端部件multiplexor terminal unit
大型砌块部件large-block unit
大型零部件large parts
头部附件head attachment
夹接部件clip-on unit
套管部件casing part
存储部件storage section
存储部件storage device
存储部件接口memory package interface
存储器和外设控制部件memory and device control unit
存储器控制部件memory control unit
存储器访问控制部件storage access control unit
存取法控制部件access method control block
安装部件mounting unit
安装部件mounting block
定型部件bought-out component
定型部件fashion parts
定型部件bought component
定期检修的部件time change component
实部条件real-part condition
密实部件compact unit
密实部件compact part
密闭部件hermetic unit
射频部件radio-frequency unit
小件轧制部件small rolled parts
小的锻造部件small forged parts
局部场地条件local site condition
屋顶装饰部件roof decorative feature
布尔部件Boolean unit
带有加热表面的部件extended surface elements
带电部件live part
常数部件coefficient unit
常数系数部件constant-multiplier coefficient unit
平面部件surfacing unit
平顶部件ceiling element
应答部件response unit
底部条件bottom condition
房屋构架的底部构件abutment piece
底部配件bottom fitting
开关部件switch block
弹性体部件elastomeric unit
弹性体护舷部件elastomeric fender unit
总线控制部件bus control unit
恢复控制部件recovery control unit
悬吊部件suspension member
悬挂部件sprung parts
成像部件image-forming block
成套备用零部件set of spare units
成对部件duplex parts
成批首部文件batch-header document
房屋部件和设备的折旧component depreciation
执行部件power unit
扫描部件sweep unit
承重部件supporting parts
抗震部件earthquake resistant component
抹灰以后安装的部件second fixing
抽屉式部件slide-in chassis
拒收的部件或零件rejected parts
拒波部件rejector unit
部件询问inquire by unit
挖土机磨损部件excavator wearing part
挠性接头部件flexible extension
挤压成形的肋形建筑部件extruded rib unit
损耗维护部件loss maintenance component
探测部件exploring block
接口数据部件interface data unit
接地部件grounded parts
控制部件control module
控制部件control part
控制部件control portion
控制部件function unit
控制部件valve block
控制部件operating part
控制部件control block
控制台部件console package
提升部件lifting piece
插人部件plug-in unit
插入部件plug-in assembly
插换部件jack in unit
操作部件operating part
操作部件operational part
操作部件manipulate unit
操纵部件operating part
操纵部件function unit
支承部件supporting parts
放大器部件amplifier unit
故障部件trouble unit
敏感部件sensing unit
数字式功能部件digital function
数据发送部件data unit
数据处理部件data-processing unit
部件new parts
旋转部件turning unit
旋转部件rotating member
旋转部件支承装置supporting device for slewing part
易熔部件fusible member
显示适配部件display adapting unit
显示适配部件display adapter
最大部件重量maximum part weight
有利外部条件external economics
有电live part
末端部件terminal member
机器部件engine section
机械部件mechanical unit
机械部件engineering component
机械部件清单engineering component list
条件内部函数condition built-in function
极化部件polarizing unit
柏油罩面部件tar-coated unit
标准部件standardized component
标准部件standardized parts
标准部件normal component
标准部件制成的计数器building block counter
标准基本部件standard basic unit
标准承压部件standard pressure parts
标准起重机部件standard crane pieces
标量处理部件scalar processor unit
样机部件prototyping component
格构部件lattice member
框架外部构件outside lining
桥下建筑部件knocked down building comp on ents
楔形夹层部件interfingering member
模压部件moulded part
模压部件molded part
模拟部件simulated part
模拟显示部件analogue -display unit
模拟显示部件analog -display unit
模拟运算部件analogue operational unit
模拟运算部件analog operational unit
模数化部件modular element
模数化部件modular component
模板部件shuttering element
模板部件form work element
橡胶部件rubber unit
正面不带电的部件dead front
比较部件comparing unit
气动逻辑部件pneumatic logic members
气密部件air sealing parts
水工管道部件hydraulic conduit sections
水暖电设备的装配部件mechanical unit
油封件的唇部oil seal lip
油罐内部零件internal accessories of tank
沾湿部件wetted parts
活性部件active component
部件stream unit
流体操纵部件fluid operated devices
流水线功能部件pipelined functional unit
流程图部件flowchart package
浇制的建筑部件cast architectural component
测角部件angle unit
测量部件measurement component
浮动板部件float plate assembly
浮点功能部件floating-point feature
润湿部件wetted parts
液压管道部件hydraulic conduit sections
部件source block
滑车部件parts of a block
激光头部件laser head block
激光阵列源部件laser array source package
焊接部件welding sub assembly
焊接部件welding assembly
现场可更换部件field-replaceable unit
球状部件pellet part
部件装配的built-in sections
电光部件electrooptical block
电光部件electrooptic block
电力部件electrical element
电力部件electric element
电动机部件block motor
电子光学部件electron optic component
电子光学部件electron optical component
电子光学部件electronic optics component
电机放大器控制部件amplidyne control unit
电源部件supply unit
电源部件power supply unit
电键部件key unit
硬件部件hardware subassembly
确信数据接收部件data assurance unit
程序及数据管理部件programme and data management unit
程序及数据管理部件program and data management unit
程序员逻辑部件programmer logical unit
程序控制部件programme controlling element
程序控制部件program controlling element
空运部件air parts
部件window parts
窗的部件window component
立轴部件spindle assembly
竖直升降机部件vertical cantilever element
符号部件symbolic unit
管道部件piping parts
箱装部件pack unit
精密光学部件precision optics
线绕部件wire-wound component
线路接口部件line interface unit
组合部件subassemblage (建筑框架)
组装部件assembling parts
终端配线部件distributing terminal assembly
结合部件bonded block
结构部件structure member
结构部件structural parts
结构部件construction element
结构分配部件configuration assignment unit
缓冲部件buffer unit
网络物理部件network physical unit
耐磨部件wear segment
耐磨部件wear parts
脆弱部件vulnerable component
脉冲部件pulse unit
蒸汽缸部件steam-cylinder assembly
补偿部件compensating unit
表头部件meter unit
被动部件passive component
被测部件unit under test
装配部件assembled part
装配成部件大修assembly or unit overhaul
装配玻璃的部件glazing shape
规定功能部件specify feature
角跟踪部件angle tracking unit
角部加劲件corner stiffener
角部加固件corner stiffener
计数部件counter block
计时部件timing piece
记忆部件连续检查试验crippled leapfrog test
设备部件equipment component
设备部件零件表equipment component list
设备类型逻辑部件device type logical unit
设计的内部条件internal conditions for design
设计的外部条件external conditions for design
起动部件starting unit
起重机部件crane piece
起重用部件lifting fitting
起重臂部件jib component
踢脚板部件wash boa rd unit
踢脚板部件sanitary cove member
轧机部件内的摩擦mill friction
轨道部件track components
转动部件rotating part
转动部件rotatable parts
软件标准部件software package
轻金属结构部件light-metal construction section
载流部件current-carrying part
辅助部件auxiliary block
辅助部件ancillary block
辅助逻辑部件secondary logical unit
输入部件input block
输出部件output unit
输出部件output block
边缘部件boundary element
过流部件表面water passage surface
运算部件computation unit
运算部件arithmetical unit
运算部件arithmetical facility
运算控制部件arithmetical control unit
运算控制部件arithmetic control unit
运算放大器部件operational amplifier block
运算逻辑部件arithmetical and logical unit
运算逻辑部件arithmetic logic unit
运算逻辑部件arithmetical logic unit
运算逻辑部件arithmetic and logic unit
运转中的部件live part
选择部件alternative pack
透平旋转部件running turbine components
透平静止部件stationary turbine components
透镜部件lenticular unit
透镜部件lens component
通信转接部件communication switching unit
通用函数发生器部件universal function generating unit
通电部件energized part
通风部件ventilating piece
速换发动机部件quick-change engine unit
速率随动部件rate follow-up unit
逻辑部件logical block
逻辑部件logic block
逻辑部件连接测试logical unit connection test
逻辑部件连接测试logic unit connection test
配件细部图reinforcement detail drawing
配套样机部件prototyping kit
重要部件vital part
钉齿耙部件parts of toothed harrow
部件steel unit
钢散热器部件steel radiator section
钢暖气片部件steel radiator section
钢板部件steel plate member
钢板压制的部件pressed steel section
钢楼板部件steel floor element
钢筋混凝土建筑部件reinforced concrete compound unit
钢零部件steel fitting
钻具部件parts of drilling tool
钻塔的金属部件derrick irons (天车、游动滑车、钩环、螺栓、锻件等)
钻机部件drill member
钻机部件components of drill rig
锅炉部件组成boiler composition
镶玻璃部件glazing unit
阴极部件cathode assembly
阻抗部件impedance part
阻抗部件impedance component
附件部分accessories section
随机逻辑部件random logic device
集中处理部件central processing unit
雕刻形式装饰部件sculptural type block
雕刻装饰部件sculptural block
静区部件dead zone unit
非公用控制部件non-shared control unit
非共享控制部件non-shared control unit
非承压部件attachment of non-pressure parts
非振动零部件non-vibration parts
非故障安全部件non-fail-safe unit
非结构部件non-structural component
非轴对称部件non-axisymmetrical element
非轴对称部件non-axisymmetric element
顶端部件apex piece
顶部构件crown member
预制部件ready-made unit
预制部件prefabricated subassembly
预制部件构成房屋sectional building
预制部件装配式建筑system building
预制部件装配式建筑industrialized building
饰面混凝土房屋正面部件fair-faced concrete facade building unit
馈电部件feeding pack
首环功能部件first loop feature
马赛克部件mosaic piece
马达的主要部件vitals of a motor
驱动部件driver element
驱动部件drive part
高强度部件high-strength parts
高性能部件high performance unit
高级部件合格品quality part
高频部件high-frequency unit
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