
Terms for subject Commerce containing 部分 | all forms | in specified order only
事业分部制division al system
公司事业分部制divisional system
事业分部制division system
企业可以留存一部分外汇A portion of foreign exchange may be retained by enterprises
你方订货仅制造出一部分The manufacture of your order is only partially finished
供参考的划线部分underlined parts for reference
分期付款购买部分付现pay down
即企业缴入资本部分而非列入股本capital surplus
向企业让与部分权力与利益relinquish part of the power and profits to enterprises
否则大部分多余小麦就必须出口到世界市场上去Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder
国际货币基金会员国超黄金缴存额信贷部分super gold tranche
指合同在下一部分中,在下文中later in the same contract, etc.
指合同在前一部分,在上文中in a preceding part of the same contract, etc.
外购部分outside procured part
工业部门分类classification of industrial groups
部分缴款股份partly-paid share
按全部材料和人力投入量的百分比计量的附加费用percentage surcharge on total material and manpower inputs
按工业部门分类classification by industrial groups
按比例部分proportional part
最终需求部分final demand sector
有气泡的和有部分气泡的葡萄酒sparkling and semi-sparkling grape wine
损益计算书盈余部分surplus section
国际货币基金组织第一档信贷部分贷款First Credit Tranche
分部损益计算书管理部分administrative section
箱内一部分货物丢失了Several boxes were tampered with and a part of the contents was missing
系其组成部分之一temporary importation voucher
组成部分constituent part
经济组成部分sector of the economy
自担部分运费freight absorption (卖方按交货价格 (delivered price) 售货时,所收运费少于实际运费)
超产部分extra production
部分产品partial product
部分付现partly cash
部分代替partial substitution
部分偿付后对部分押品质权解除partial release
部分分期付款part installment
部分分配方法partial allocation method
部分可变成本partly variable cost
部分partial sum
部分委付partial abandonment
部分抵偿partial compensation (补偿贸易 (compensation trade) 的一种)
部分损失partial loss (与全部损失 (total loss) 相对, 指共同海损 (general average)、单独海损 (particular average))
部分支付partial payment (与全部支付 (full payment) 相对)
部分救援成功partial success
部分模型partial model
部分租船partial charter (航次租船 (voyage charter) 的一种)
部分租船契约partial charter party
部分partial product
部分联营part pooling
部分调整模式partial adjustment model
部分调查partial survey
部分转让partial transfer
银行要求借款人对一部分借款提供抵押The bank asks that the borrower collateralizes some of their loans
保险限额下部分不赔条件partial limitation
需要专门操作技术的部分sophisticated categories
预付部分货款partial cash in advance (指定金 (down payment))