
Terms for subject Economy containing 通 常的 | all forms | in specified order only
一切争端通常遵照互谅互让的原则加以处理Disputes are usually to be disposed of in accordance with the principle of mutual understanding and accommodation
保证货币的正常流通ensure normal money circulation
合营公司的董事通常由股东们任命Directors of the joint company are generally appointed by shareholders
定期召开通常的股东大会The ordinary general meeting of shareholders is held regularly
常年通车的公路all-weather highways accounted
我们非常抱歉地通知贵方,由于不可避免的意外事故,我方无法履行合同We are very sorry to inform you that we can not perform the contract due to inevitable accident
政府控制目前的通货膨胀是非常重要的It is very important for the government to curb the current inflation
这个季节通常是我们产品的疲软期It is usually the lethargic period of our product at this season
这种型号通常的折扣是15%,但若现金付款则另加5%The usual discount of this model is 15%, but we would like to offer an extra 5% for cash settlement
通常普通短量ordinary shortage
通常全价票是成人旅行用的,而半价票只卖给儿童Usually a full fare ticket is for a journey by an adult, while a half fare ticket is for a child
通常我方不接受任何可撤销的信用证As a rule, we do not accept any revocable letter of credit
通常是败诉的一方应付给由于执行诉讼而产生的费用或支出Usually it is the party losing the suit that should pay the costs or expenses arising from the prosecution of such suit
通常的审计手续normal auditing procedure
通常陆上运输可达的地点overland common point
那批货质量不合我们通常的要求,我们拒收Since the quality of those goods is not up to that of our usual requirements, we refuse to accept them