
Terms for subject Technology containing 通路 | all forms | in specified order only
一阶通路one-level channel
通路循环器three-terminal circulator
三阶通路three-level channel
通行道路impassable road
不中断通路non-blocking access
不通行机动车的小路drove road
不通车铁路non-operated railway
不通车铁路non-operated railroad
业务通信电路service circuit
严重伤人的道路交通事故serious-injury road accident
中央通信线路central communication line
临时性通路temporary pass
临时道路通行权temporary wayleaves
临界通路critical path
临界通路时间critical path time
临界通路测试产生法critical path test generation
通路main path
通路main channel
主正向通路main forward path
主空气通路primary air duct
主要通路major avenue of approach
主要交通路major weaving section
主要交通路线principal traffic route
主要通信路由principal traffic route
二叉树的通路长度path-length of binary tree
互通电路mutual circuit
井下通路transportation road under shaft
通路traffic marker
通路traffic sign
通路线traffic way
通路线traffic route
通路线图traffic pattern
通路traffic button
交通分流道路系统distributor system
交通单元线路容量transit unit line capacity
交通密集路traffic-compacted road
交通对路面的揉搓作用kneading action of traffic
交通指路牌traffic direction block
交通狭窄路段traffic bottleneck
交通繁忙的公路heavy-duty highway
交通繁忙的公路heavily trafficked highway
交通繁忙的道路heavily travelled road
交通繁忙的道路heavily traveled road
交通繁忙路段heavily travelled road
交通繁忙路段heavily traveled road
交通繁重的道路heavily travelled road
交通繁重的道路heavily traveled road
交通繁重的道路busy road
交通线路line of traffic
交通线路生产率transit line productivity
交通频繁道路traffic-bound road
人行交通道路pedestrian traffic way
优先级通信多路传输器priority communication multiplexer
优先通行路preferential road
优先通行路在交叉口可以直通穿过,无须停车preference road
优先通行路major road
优先通行路preference road
传播通路propagation path
传热的通路heat passage
传真通路channel of facsimile
传输程序通路programme channel
传输程序通路program channel
传递通路transmission path
低交通量公路low-volume highway
低交通量道路low-volume road
低交通量道路light traffic road
低压通信回路low-voltage communication circuit
低通电路low-pass circuit
低阻通路low-impedance path
供料通路feeder channel
偶数通路even channel
偷渡通路sneak path
通路optical pass
通路optic pass
光信号通路photosignal channel
光学通信线路optical communication link
光学通信线路optic communication link
光纤维通信线路fibre link
通路离心泵full-way centrifugal pump
全天候通车路面year-round surface
全路通用会计核算及管理信息系统railway general accounting and management information system
公共交通线路public transport line
公共交通线路布局public transport line network distribution
公共交通线路网public transport network
公共交通线路网密度road net density of public transportation
公共交通线路设施public transport line facility
公共交通线路重复系数recurrence factor of public transport line
公共通话电路omnibus speaker circuit
公路下立体交叉牲畜通道cattle pass
公路交通motorway traffic
公路交通highway communication
公路交通信号highway traffic signal
公路交通噪声highway traffic noise
公路交通图highway map
公路交通安全highway traffic safety
公路交通工程highway traffic engineering
公路交通控制road traffic control
公路交通控制highway traffic control
公路交通标志motorway traffic sign
公路交通标志highway traffic sign
公路交通法highway traffic law (规)
公路交通用燃料road traffic fuel
公路交通用燃料highway traffic fuel
公路交通管制road traffic control
公路交通管制highway traffic control
公路交通管理road traffic control
公路交通管理highway traffic control
公路交通观测road traffic survey
公路交通观测highway traffic survey
公路交通调度highway dispatch
公路交通费road use toll
公路交通车道motorway traffic lane
公路应急通信系统motorway emergency communication system
公路通行能力trafficability of highway
公路通行能力capacity of highway
公路通行能力手册highway capacity manual
公路通过能力highway capability
内部通信电路intercommunication circuit
内部通信线路intercommunicating line
再收敛扇出通路reconverging fan-out path
分散交通的道路subsidiary road
分散交通的道路minor road
分散交通的道路secondary road
分散交通道路distribution road
分时多路转接器通道time-sharing multiplexer channel
分时多路通信time division multiplex communication
切屑排出通路passage of chip
前轮制动管路三通接头front brake tube T-union
动态通路分配dynamical route allocation
动态通路分配dynamic route allocation
十字路口的交通指挥装置silent cop
通路方式half circuit
半连续通路semi-continuous channel
通路卫星single access satellite
单向交通道路single-way road
单向交通道路one-way road
单向通行道路one-way street
单路串列通风series ventilation
单路通信single-channel communication
卫星通信线路satellite communication link
去路通畅all clear
合并通路merge way
同步通路synchronizing channel
同步无线电通路synchronous radio telegraph channel
后门对外交通路rear-entry access road
启闭式双流通路start-stop double-current channel
喷口调节通路throttle channel
喷油通路oil jet path
喷管通路面积nozzle area
噪声通路noise channel
英国城市道路网中的地区级交通分流路distict distributor
地区级分流交通道路district distributor
场选通电路field gating circuit
备用通路stand-by channel
备用通路spare channel
备用通路backup path
通路multi pass
通路分类multipass sort
通路multichannel system
通路方式multiport system
多路通路multiplexer channel
多路微波通信设备multichannel microwave telecommunication equipment
多路电缆进线通道multiple way cable duct
多路语言通信multiplexed voice communications
多路转换通路multiplexer channel
多路转接通道multiplexer channel
多路载波通路multichannel carrier path
多路通信multiple telecommunication
多路通信multipath communication
多路通信multichannel communication
多路通信解调器multiplex demodulator
多路通信调制器multiplex modulator
多路通道multiplex link
多路高频通信设备multichannel HF communication equipment
奇数通路odd channel
安全通路escape way
安全通路protected shaft
安全通路safety pathway
安全通路relief passageway
安全通路exit passageway
安全通路safety walkway
安全通路escape corridor
实际线路通过能力actual track capacity
宽频带通路broadband path
嵌入控制通路embedded control channel
嵌条通路slug pathway
市内疏散通路inner relief road
带通电路bandpass circuit
带通电路acceptor circuit
常年通行公路road usable all year round
常年通车路all-weather road
常开选通电路normally open rate
常闭选通电路normal closed gate
干路交通arterial traffic
平均自由通路mean free path
平直通路放大器flat-channel amplifier
平行通路paralleled path
平通管路flat passage
并联通路parallel channel
并联通路alternate path
并联通路打印机parallel channel printer
应力通路stress path
应急通路emergency route
通路线open line
开路通风式电机machine with open circuit ventilation
引上通路drawing channel
引上通路connecting canal
H形通路H-shaped forehearth
彩色选通电路colour gate
彩色选通电路color gate
循环通路peripheral passage
微波无线电通信线路radio communication line of centimetric wave
打通道路drive roadway
承担繁重交通的公路heavy-duty highway
承载通路连接bearer channel connection
指令通路instruction path
指定替代通路alternate routing
振幅选通电路amplitude gate
排气通路exhaust passage
接通电路make contact
救火通路fire road
散热器通气管路radiator vent line
数据通路交换系统data message switching system
数据通路模型data way model
数据信息通路data highway
数据通信线路data communication link
数据高速通路data highway
斯通电路Stone circuit
施工通路working gallery
施工通路construction access road
施工交通路线construction access road
旁路三通by-pass tee
普通多支电路general purpose branch circuit
普通水泥路面Portland cement pavement
晴天通车道路fair weather road
晴雨通车路all-weather road
最后通路final common path
最大线路通过能力maximum track capacity
最大线路通过能力maximum line capacity
最小线路通过能力minimum track capacity
最小线路通过能力minimum line capacity
最小跳步通路minimum hop path
最短通路算法minimum path-length algorithm
有线通信线路wire communication line
极轻量交通道路very-low-traffic roadway
架空通信线路overhead communication line
桥上交通线路bridged traffic route
橡锥形交通路rubber traffic cone
通路secondary path
正向传信通路forward signalling path
正向传信通路forward signaling path
正常的通风线路regular ventilating circuit
“此路不通“标志road closed sign
气流通路current path
水路交通图shipping-line map
污水通气管路venting loop
油脂通路grease passage
通路线flow route
润滑油通路oil passage
液流通路flow channel
港区铁路装卸线通过能力port trafficability of loading/unloading siding
湿通路moisture entry
溢水通路overflow passage
溢流通路overflow passage
演播室摄像机通路studio camera chain
激光通信线路laser communication link
激光通话线路laser voice link
火焰通路trace flue
火焰通路flame path
火焰通路flame pass
点间通信线路point-to-point circuit
环路通气circuit vent
环路通气loop vent
环路通气口circuit vent
环路通气管circuit vent pipe
环路通气管circuit vent
电流通路passage of current
电路接通circuit closing
电路接通按钮close button
电路通畅指示器traffic clearance indicator
电路通道circuit path
电铃式通路试验bell test
真空通路vacuum passage
破坏路面的交通mutilative traffic
通路线flux path
禁止通行道路prohibited road
穿孔通路punch path
窄带通路narrow band path
窄带通信线路narrow band link
窄选通电路narrow gate circuit
第二通路alternate path
简单通路simple path
管路户线通道service duct
管道通路tube lane
繁密交通道路heavily travelled road
繁密交通道路heavy traffic road
繁密交通道路heavily traveled road
繁忙交通道路heavy traffic road
繁忙交通道路heavily travelled road
繁忙交通道路heavily traveled road
繁重交通道路heavily trafficked road
红外线通信线路infrared communication link
红外线通信链路infrared communication link
线路通路line access point
线路不通service interrupt
线路开通releasing track
线路开通line clear
线路最大通过能力maximum line capacity
线路最小通过能力minimum line capacity
线路最终通过能力resultant line capacity
线路流通量line flow
线路理论通过能力theoretic track capacity
线路理论通过能力theoretical track capacity
线路理论通过能力theoretical line capacity
线路理论通过能力theoretic line capacity
线路选通监视器line strobe monitor
线路通过能力【铁】rail capacity
线路通过能力road capacity
线路通过能力【铁】track capacity
线路通过能力line carrying capacity
线路通过能力【铁】carrying capacity of track
线路通过能力【铁】capacity of track
线路通过能力【铁line throughput capacity
线路通量line flux
编码选通电路coding gate
网络通路network path
网络运行者维护通路network operators maintenance channel
群路带通滤波器group bandpass filter
联络通话电路talk-back circuit
脉冲多路通信制impulse time division system
通路virtual path
计数通路counting channel
记录信息通路recording trunk
调节通路conditioner channel
货车通路wagon road
贯通城市的铁路直径线through railway diameter
贯通电线路through line
轨道交通路metro network
转换通路translated channel
轻便架空通信线路air line
轻轨交通量道路light traffic road
辅助通风管路auxiliary vent piping
输电及通信线路图plan of power transmission and telecommunication
选择运销通路selection of channel
选通电路strobe circuit
选通电路selective gate
选通线路gating line
选通触发电路gated filp-flop
completed circuit
通信信息转移通路communication bus
通信多路传输机communication multiplex
通信电路载频channel carrier frequency
通信线路interchange circuit
通信线路communication circuit
通信线路保密link encryption
通信线路处理机communication link handler
通信线路折旧费communication line depreciation expenses
通信线路控制信息link control message
通信线路绝缘子telephone insulator
通信线路绝缘子communication line insulator
通信线路连接器communication adapter
通勤铁路commuter transit
通向后街的道路short cut way
通大气管路atmospheric pipe
通往桥的道路approach of bridge
通用塞绳电路universal cord circuit
通用多支电路general purpose branch circuit
通用数据话音多路复用universal data voice multiplexing
通用线路universal link
通航水路navigable waterway
通航水路navigable watercourse
通行路面traffic surface
通行过路费road toll
通话电路talking circuit
通话电路talk channel
通路passageway (走廊)
进港的通路road access
通路circulation space
通路close circuit
通路path of travel
通路entry way
通路access merit
通路下游端downstream end of forehearth
通路位置connected position
通路位置close position
通路入口砖forehearth entrance block
通路净损失持恒度channel net loss stability
通路净衰耗持恒度channel net loss stability
通路分支forehearth limb
通路分支forehearth branch
通路分类way sort
通路压缩path compression
通路access port
通路circuit closer
通路器与断路器circuit closer and breaker
通路固有噪声channel idle noise
通路固有杂音background noise of channel
通路地址port address
通路增益系数path-gain factor
通路access port
通路宽度duct width
通路开关channel selector
通路形成法path generation method
通路振幅特性channel amplitude characteristic
通路敏化path sensitization
通路敏化法path sensitizing
通路旋塞passage cock
通路有效传输频带effective transmission band of channel
通路easement of way
通路forehearth side rail
通路forehearth section
通路流槽砖flow block
通路特性characteristics of channel
玻璃池窑的通路channel block
通路channel block
通路forehearth arch
通路canal arch
通路稳定度channel stability
通路线圈closed coil
通路连接砖forehearth connection block
通路追迹法path tracing method
通路非线性失真系数channel distortion coefficient
通路面积passage area
通路面积area of passage
通车道路traffic road
通过按钮电路through button circuit
通过进路through route
通过铁路transit railway
通过铁路transfer railway
通道多路复用器channel multiplexor
通道多路调制器channel multiplexor
通道多路转换器channel multiplexor
通风循环线路ventilation circuit
通风吸入管路ventilation supply line
通风回路ventilation circuit
通风干路ventilating trunk
通风排气管路ventilation exhaust line
通风管路air canal
通风线路ventilation circuit
通风网路ventilating network
通风网路模拟装置ventilation network simulator
通鱼路fish ladder
逻辑数据通路logic data path
逻辑连接通路logic link path
道路不能通行标志road closed sign
道路交通road traffic
道路交通事故road traffic accident
道路交通事故评估数据evaluating road accident data
道路交通信号road traffic sign
道路交通工程road traffic engineering
道路交通拥挤road congestion
道路交通标志road traffic sign
道路交通标线road traffic marking
道路交通规划traffic planning
道路交通量road traffic volume
道路交通量计算单位road vehicle unit
道路基本通行能力basic capacity
道路基本通车能力basic road way capacity
道路连接点交通流量分配率node-link relationship
道路连通区path component
道路通行权right of way
道路通行能力roadway capacity
道路通行能力capacity of road
道路通车量road capacity
邮政总局通信线路General Post Office line
铁路区段通信系统railway division communication system
铁路通勤railway commutation
铁路通讯railway commutation
铁路通车里程rail mileage open to traffic
铁路通车长度length of line in operation
铁路通过能力rail capacity
铁路通过能力railway carrying capacity
铁路通过能力carrying capacity of railway
锥形交通路traffic cone
长线路通信工程long lines engineering
长途通信电路intercity circuit
防辐射无线电通信线路hardened links
限制通过能力的道路limited road
限流通路flow-limiting passage
难以通行的道路heavy-going road
非通行道路no road
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