
Terms for subject Compressors containing 通报 | all forms
三通接头tee joint
三通接头tee coupling
三通旋塞cock three-way
三通管接头union tee
三通阀triple tee valve
二通阀two-way valve
人机通信man-computer communication
公称通径nominal diameter
双通阀two-way valve
双通顺序阀two-way sequencing valve
吸气通道suction way
四通旋塞cock four-way
四通管接头union cross
四通阀four-way valve
封闭通风型电动机enclosed ventilated motor
异径三通street tee
异径三通管reduced tee
L 形三通L-pattern three way
快动三通阀quick triple valve
手动旁通阀manual bypass valve
手动旁通阀hand by-pass valve
排气通道discharge way
排气通道discharge passage
旁通free flowing
旁通孔bypass hole
旁通柱塞bypass piston
旁通调节bypass regulation
旁通阀shunt valve
普通垫圈plain washer
普通平板conventional plate
普通式plain type
普通油conventional oil
普通滑动轴承plain bearing
普通的general purpose
普通级配合class normal
普通金属阀片conventional metal valve plate
曲轴箱通气管crankcase breather
气缸通道cylinder port
气阀通流面积valve flow area
泄漏通道宽度leakage path width
法兰三通管flanged tee
流通直径flow diameter
滑阀旁通孔口面积slide valve bypass port area
环形通道annular channel
直通开关globe cock
直通式油杯straight-through oil cup
直通接头straight fitting
直通接头straight coupling
直通路through path
直通连接straight-through joint
直通连接feed-through connection
直通阀through valve
穿通容积passing volume
穿通容积passage volume
衬里三通旋塞阀lining T-cock valve
衬里二通lining cock
起动-卸荷旁通阀starting-unloading bypass valve
进气歧管通风孔intake manifold vent
通气帽vent cap
通气管breather pipe
通气阀breather valve
通气风扇draft fan
通流分析器through-flow analyzer
通流加热器through-flow heater
通流窥视孔through-flow sighting hole
通流窥视孔through-flow peephole
通流部分flow passage
通用压缩机all-purpose compressor
通用喷嘴all-purpose nozzle
通用机械general purpose machinery
通用机械all-purpose machinery
通用标准working standard
通用润滑脂general-purpose grease
通用的general purpose
通用磨床universal grinding machine
通用试验台universal test bench
通路接点circuit-closing contacts
通道面积passage area
通项general term
通风机draft fan
通风管道ventilation shaft
通风管道ventilating duct
通风量ventilation volume
部分负荷旁通口partial duty port
采暖通风heating and ventilation
长直通管接头bulkhead fitting
阀座通道宽度the width of holes in valve seat
阀座通道面积valve opening area
阀座通道面积the area of holes in valve seat
阀通流面积valve flow area
阀隙通道面积valve opening area