
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 适期 | all forms | in specified order only
不适宜时期指生长unsuitable period
不适应期阶段inadaptive phase
光[周]期适应photoperiodic adaptation
合适插秧期correct date of transplanting rice
合适播种期correct seeding time
适期作业annual seasonable operation rate
期栽培的适应性adaptability for post season culture
适期optimal season
最适收获期optimum harvesting time
最适灌溉间期optimum interirrigation
最适生育期optimum duration of growth
短期诱导适应short-lasting induced adaptation
适宜时期指生长suitable period
适宜生长期proper growth stage
适当的时期at the right moment
适期施用包括撒药,施肥timely application
适期施用撒药,施肥等proper timing for application
适期早播rational early sowing
适用期寿命shelf life
果蔬适食期table stage
采收适期proper stage of picking
采收适期proper time of picking
预期适应prospective adaptation
预期适应preadaptation (praeadaptio)
食用适期table stage