
Terms for subject Finances containing 退 | all forms
不可避免的衰退inescapable recession
不能退保的保险单non-cancellable policy
世界性经济衰退world-wide depression
世界性经济衰退world depression
二度经济衰退double dip recession
人寿保险的现金退保值cash surrender value of life insurance
仍处于衰退之中be still in recession
从衰退中复苏recover from recession
令全球经济陷人"平衡的衰退"plunge the global economy into a "balanced recession"
以收入为基础的退休金制度system of income-based retirement benefits
企业退休人员基本养老金basic pensions of enterprise retirees
保险单的退保值surrender value
全球经济持续衰退prolonged global recession
全球经济深度衰退steep global downturn
全球衰退global recession
全额退保金full surrender value
再次陷人衰退slip back into recession
减税退税准备reserve for abatement of taxes
出口退税率export rebate rate
分期退还担保installment refund guarantee
劳工退休基金监理委员会Labor Retirement Supervisory Committee
卖不出去不合用可以退on sale or return
双底衰退double-dip recession
合伙人之退伙或死亡retirement or death of a partner
周期性衰退cyclical downturn
回升到衰退前的峰值水平recover to pre-recession peak
因住房危机触发的经济衰退housing-triggered recession
固定资产退retirement of fixed assets
多付金额退refund of amount overpaid
大衰退Great Recession (该词条必须大写,特指2008年秋开始发生于美国的经济大衰退)
退休基金的分摊pension fund contribution
将世界推回衰退push the world back into recession
将经济推人衰退push the economy into a recession
市场衰退market recession
希腊退出单一货币exit by Greece from the single currency
平衡的衰退balanced recession
退增值税recoverable VAT
急剧衰退steep recession
抵消财政紧缩带来的衰退影响offset the recessionary impact of the fiscal tightening
拨款退appropriation refund
提前退保金值early surrender value
支出退refund of expenses
支出费用吟退refund of expenses
最严重的衰退worst recession
未销寄销货物的退returns of unsold consigned
止损退stopped out
深度经济衰退deep recessions
温和衰退mild recession
物价指数化退休金indexed pension
税损退tax-loss carryback
经济二次衰退second economic downturn
经济刺激政策退exit from the stimulus packages
经济衰退economic downturns
经济衰退economic declining
职工退休基金employee pension fund
职工退休金基金employee pension fund
股权退withdrawal of equity capital
自行管理退休金self-administration pension
退后经济体post-recession economies
触发衰退trigger a recession
认可职业退休计划recognized occupational retirement scheme
货币政策的退monetary policy exit
购货退货簿purchase return book
购货退还及折让purchase returns and allowance
购货退还及折让日记帐purchase returns and allowance journal
赋税亏损退tax-loss carryback
进货退出帐户returned purchases account
进货退回通知单credit memo for purchase return
退休与利润分享基金pension and profit-sharing funds
退休优惠retirement privilege
退休养老金retirement annuity
退休基金retirement fund (pension fund)
退休年金保险personal pension annuities
退休所得保险retirement income insurance
退休收人保险retirement income policy
退休曲线retirement curve
退休条例retirement plan
退休费pension cost
退休金retirement pay
退休金, 退休退职retirement
退休金保单retirement income policy
退休金计算基础salary basis for pension purpose
退休金请领年龄pensionable age
退休金资金缺口pension shortfall
退伙人股份结算settlement with retiring partner
退保现金价值cash surrender value
退保费用surrender charge
退保金surrender value (cash surrender value)
退出合伙人移权之偿付settlement with retiring partner
退出宽松货币政策retreat from easy monetary policy
退出宽松货币政策exit from easy monetary policy
退出投资策略exit strategy
退出政策exit policies
退出计划费withdrawal fee
退出货币宽松政策withdrawal of monetary accommodation
退出费exit fee
退回债券back bond
退回多余的金额return of amount overpaid
退回支票return checks
退回材料return material
退回银票return bill
退回预付款restitution of advance payment
退岀宽松货币政策back away from easy monetary policy
退废损失loss on retirement
退废政策指折旧,退休政策retirement policy
退役金discharge pay
退interest-rate rebate
退stores returned
退料单returned material report (credit memo for purchase returns)
退料单material credit ship
退款保函guarantee for refund of advance payment
退notes dishonoured
退note dishonoured
退dishonored bill
退check returned
退票通知note of dishonour
退票通知书notice of dishonour
退back duty
退税办法tax reimbursement scheme
退职津贴公积金reserve for retirement allowance
退职金retirement benefit
退职金专款帐户reserve for retirement plan a/c
退withdrawn share
退returned purchase (purchase returns)
退货减帐credit for returned goods
退货单据returned purchase (credit memo for purchase returns)
退货及折让returns and allowance
退货及销售折让日记帐sales returns and allowances journal
退货报告书returned material report (credit memo for purchase returns)
退货记录簿sales returns book
退费手续procedures for refund
退费手续procedure for refund
退还基金retired funds
逐步添加的退休金accrued retirement benefit
遏止全球衰退stave off a global recession
遭遇严重的双底衰退suffer a serious double dip
避免将世界拖人衰退泥潭avoid plunging the world into a recession
重新陷人衰退back into recession
金融体系衰退decay of financial system
金融机构市场退出机制market exit mechanism for financial institutions
销售退回报告单returned sales report
销货退回与销货总额之比ratio of returns to gross sales
销货退回帐户returned sales account
销货退回的现金折扣discount on returned sales
防范库存周期结束所引发的双底衰退prevent a double dip resulting from an end to the alone inventory cycle
陷人衰退be in recession