
Terms for subject United Nations containing 退出 | all forms
世界人为土壤退化图World Map of Human-induced Soil Degradation
严重退化土地的恢复recovery of highly degraded lands
-击退疟疾全球战略计划 2005-2015Roll Back Malaria Global Strategic Plan 2005-2015
制止环境退化counteract environmental degradation
土地退化land degradation
土地退化、脆弱性和恢复land degradation, vulnerability and rehabilitation
土地退化融资信息搜索引擎Financial Information Engine on Land Degradation
土地退化评估和绘图技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund on Land Degradation Assessment and Mapping
土壤退化.soil degradation
土壤退化全球评估global assessment of soil degradation
干地土地退化评估Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands
强制性退休mandatory retirement
恢复退化土地rehabilitation of degraded land
撤退驻军协定Unmanning Agreement of 1989
旱地土地退化评估Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands
旱地退化情况评估Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands
森林退化forest decay
森林退化forest degradation
灵活的退休办法flexible retirement
环境基金有关土地退化的重点领域focal area on land degradation, GEF
退休年龄retirement or pension age
退化控制erosion control
退化林地的荒漠化和再造林问题专家会议Expert meeting on desertification and reforestation of degraded forest lands
退役condemnation of equipment
陆源污染及沿海地区活动引起海洋环境退化问题专家会议Meeting of Experts on the Degradation of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Sources of Pollution and Activities in Coastal Areas