
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 连 接 | all forms | in specified order only
悬架上连杆连接upper hitch pin
悬架下连杆连接lower hitch pin
悬架下连杆铰接点hitch point
不可拆连接dead joint
不可拆的连接permanent connection
不密封不紧密,有泄漏连接leaky connection
不密封不紧密,有泄漏连接leak-off connection
不良松动连接loose connection
不良的连接poor connection
与车架连接connect to ground
与车架连接connect to frame
与车架连接connect to chassis
电气中性连接neutral junction
中间连接螺母interconnecting nut
主销枢轴连接pivot joint
主销枢轴连接pivotal joint
伸缩连接telescopic joint
伸缩连接slip jointplunging joint
伺服连接servo connection
伺服连接servo coupling
空调低压连接low-pressure linepipe
空调低压连接low-pressure pipe
作用在连接装置上的静负荷static load on coupling device
保险杠连接jointing plates of bumper
信号消除连接erase signal connector
信道连接channel link
倒钩式barb fitting (barb connector)
倒钩式barb connector
倒锥式连接管子接头螺母inverted flared nut
儿童座椅连接装置child seat attachment
充电连接装置connection set for charging
连接inner mounting face
连接直接固定到轮毂的制动盘部分inner attachment face
分路连接branching box
分路连接branch boxconnector
刚性连接positive joint
刚性连接联轴器solid coupling
刚性连接fixed coupling
刚性连接牵引装置direct hitch
货车刚性车轴连接rigid drive-through
货车刚性车轴连接rigid axle connection
制动器连接挂车与牵引车间制动软管接头brake gladhand
挂车制动器连接brake couplercoupling
气压制动系统制动器连接器接头brake-coupling head
制动软管连接牵引车与挂车间用brake hose coupler
剪切销式连接shear-pin clutchcoupling
功能控制连接functional control connection box
电路图功能系统连接function system connection
加速装置连接杆件accelerator link
加速踏板连接连接踏板与节气门accel link
半挂车连接coupling gear
蓄电池半组极板连接group connector
传动系统半轴连接万向节接头halfshaft joint
单格电池间连接cell-to-cell connector
单格电池间连接cell connectorconnecting bar, bridge, strip
占用连接occupied connection
卡口连接bayonet joint
卷压见 JASO D805-2000 中 2101crimped connector
电缆压接式连接pressure connection
压缩连接这是一种非扩口式管接头。当拧紧接头挤压螺母时,带锥边的衬套夹紧管子而产生密封作用compression connection
压配合连接press-fit connection
叉式二重连接Siamese connection
叉式铰接连接yoke joint
电气双路连接two-way connection
电气双路连接double way connection
变速器连接装置使不同型号、年代的变速器能用螺栓连接到原装的发动机上transmission adapter
叠片钢板弹簧连接laminated-spring coupling
可分离式连接breakaway connector
可拆连接separable joint
可拆分解连接releasable connection
可拆连接detachable joint
牵引装置可换的连接装置mounting bracket
可靠的电气连接reliable electrical connection
同极性极板组间的连接group connector
同步连接机构synchronizing linkage
连接软顶篷后端与后厢的固定或铰接杆rear tack strip
后轮转向后悬架与车架连接部分suspension member insulator
和牵引车动力输出轴相连接的挂车power take-off trailer
喇叭管连接flare connection
四通连接接头four-way fitting
刮水器回动连接功能reverse-linked function
固定连接captive joint
固定连接captive fastener
电子技术固定连接安装在硬质板面上的连接器fixed connector
固定连接在连接器盒中提供一种不断连接short pin
电器圆柱形cylindrical connector
垫片连接gasketed attachment
夹式连接clip-type connector
夹紧连接clamped joint
夹紧连接clamp joint
夹紧连接clamped connection
夹紧连接clamp connection
夹装式连接clip-on connector
套圈压缩式连接带金属密封套和接管螺母的接头ferrule-type compression joint
套筒连接接合spigot joint
不同尺寸套筒接头的套筒连接装置socket drive adapter
定距连接distance link
导电连接conductive connection
导线连接cable attachment
连接头管子socketed pipe
带卡夹的连接clip-type connector
带卡簧连接链节spring clip connecting link
带垫平连接车轮螺母wheel-nut with pressure head
带孔连接cottered connecting pin
带槽连接销轴spring clip connecting pin
带调平机构的连接挂钩load-leveling hitch
干盘式连接dry disk joint
液压系统软管平衡式自密封连接balanced self-sealing coupling
弹性连接联轴器resilient coupling
弹簧连接接头spring joint
X 形连接拉条,支撑X-bracing
电气Y 连接wye-connection
管路T 形连接T connector
U 形连接U-link
彼此连接的裂缝conjugated fracture
无级变速器微弹性连接flexible miniature link band
快速连接接头quick-connect fitting
快速连接结合装置fast hitch mechanism
快速干道连接部分expressway connection
成型无间隙连接form-closed joint
扩口连接接头flared joint
扩口连接接头expanded joint
扭杆式连接联轴器torsion-bar coupling
折叠车连接folding-top fitting
拆开和连接disconnect & connect
拖挂连接机构coupling hitch
挂车灯线束连接trailer light coupling
挂车电线束连接trailer adapter
连接rubber doughnut (coupling)
连接rubber coupler
连接rubber coupling
挠性连接接头flexible joint
挠性连接圆盘flexible disc
挠性连接圆盘传动flexible disk drive
排气系统排气连接跨越exhaust crossover pipe
排气连接exhaust transfer pipe
排气连接exhaust connecting pipe
插入连接式半轴plunge jointed semi-shaft
插入连接式半轴jointed semi-shaft
电系插塞式连接plug connection
电线插塞式连接quick coupler
插头和插座式连接plug and socket connector
电系插针式插头插座连接插接器pin-type plug and socket connector
电系插针式插头插座连接插接器pin-type plug and socket contact
电系插针式插头插座连接插接器pin-type plug and socket connection
搭扣式快速连接snap-on fastener
搭扣式快速连接snap-on connector
摩擦连接friction joint
数据传输线连接data line connector
数据库连接database pool
数据通信链路故障诊断连接data link connector
旋转转动连接rotary connection
旋转连接rotary joint
无缝连接seamless joint
无缝连接seamless connection
无螺栓连接件结构boltless construction
无键连接keyless joint
易拆装的连接管接头knock off coupler
暗榫定缝钉连接dowel joint
曲柄用连杆连接crank connecting link
有间隙的松动连接loose coupling
连接no connection
机械连接装置mechanical connection
机械连接管件mechanical fitting
油缸活塞杆端连接rod yoke
杆系连接结合linkage binding
蓄电池极板连接plate bridge
蓄电池极板连接plate strap
蓄电池极板连接plate connection bus
极板连接connector bar
牵引车/挂车柱销式连接shackle-type towing device
牵引车/挂车柱销式连接shackle-type hitch
电气桥式连接bridge connection
检查连接check connector
连接groove joint
悬架横向连接strut tower bar
空调压缩机橡胶连接驱动型rubber coupled driver
喷油泵正时装置连接套筒timing-device hub
正极连接线positive connection
气制动管连接pneumatic braking connection
气制动软管连接glad hand
气压制动系统/挂车气压制动连接air brake gladhand
气压制动系统/挂车气压制动器连接air brake coupling
气压制动系统/挂车气压制动器连接air brake coupler
制动系统气压制动器连接器接头air brake coupling head
牵引车/挂车汽车列车连接装置trailer coupling device
汽车挂车电线连接car-trailer connector
沿元件轴线滑动的连接plunging coupling
法兰凸缘连接接头,联轴器flanged joint
法兰式连接结合face plate coupling
连接接头pump connection
活节连接联轴器articulated coupling
液压连接软管flexible hydraulic pipe
挂车液压制动系统液压制动管连接接头hydraulic-brake couplercoupling
滑动连接slip joint (telescoping joint)
滑动连接接头sliding joint (slip joint)
滑动连接接头slide joint
滑动连接套筒sliding sleeve
瀚德连接装置瑞典 Haldex 公司的 Haldex AWD 系统Haldex coupling
热压连接接装,焊,焊接thermocompression bonding
焊接连接接头soldered joint
牙嵌式常啮合中间轴变速器牙嵌离合器连接接合dog-clutch engagement
牵引连接tow coupling
牵引连接装置hitching device
半挂车列车牵引座连接fifth wheel coupling
半挂牵引车牵引座连接器负荷荷载fifth wheel pressure
半挂列车牵引座连接器负荷fifth wheel load
半挂车牵引座连接fifth wheel kingpin
半挂车牵引座连接fifth wheel coupling pin
货车牵引杆连接tow-rod coupling
货车牵引杆连接器钩tow-bar coupling
牵引杆连接drawbar pin
独立连接independent connection
环形连接banjo connection
球形连接spherical connection
牵引车/挂车球形连接ball coupling device
球形连接ball-type hitch
球形连接ball hitch
球铰连接globe joint
用万向节连接universally pointed
用法兰连接flange attachment
用螺栓连接bolted-on attachment
用螺栓连接的底盘screwed chassis
用螺栓连接的翼子板bolt-on mudguardwing
用螺栓连接的翼子板bolt-on fender
车辆底盘用螺栓连接的车架screwed frame
连接electrical connection
电气连接electrical connect
电气连接插接器electrical connector
牵引车/挂车电气线路连接插头jumper head
电源与地线连接power & ground connection
电源与地线连接power and ground connection
电线electro tap
电线连接wire-to-board connectorcoupler
电线与电线连接wire-to-wire connection
电缆连接分接,接点junction of conductors
电缆连接接头,插头cable coupler
电缆连接cable coupling box
电系电缆线快速连接quick coupler for cable
电路电阻连接jointing way of resistance
连接plate coupling
盘簧式连接在转向盘转动时,用来保证转向盘上的线束与转向柱上导线的连通clockspring contact
排气分析直接连续取样法direct continuous sampling method
真空连接管接头vacuum connection
检修短路连接用端子short coupler
稳定杆连接anti-roll bar link
竜缆连接接头cable junction
数据处理端口与连接ports and connections
端头连接end junction
端子连接terminal connector
电池端子连接terminal connector
简形连接sleeve coupling
连接接头line connector
高压油管管端连接见 GB/T 10826.4-2004 中 3.4end-connection
管路管道连接配,附rail fitting
箱榫式连接boxing tenon
空调离合器簧片连接驱动器spring-coupled driver
粘胶连接adhesive-bonded joint
连接内卡钳firm join inside calipers
连接外卡钳firm join outside calipers
紧密密封连接tight connection
纵横梁连接支架连接与加固纵梁、横梁的零件cross joiner
电缆线夹接线端子连接clamped connection
电缆线夹接线端子连接clamp connection
线束连接wiring socket
线路line connector
线路连接cabling diagram
细齿锯齿形连接serrated joint
细齿花键连接serrated coupling
织物挠性连接fabric joint
电气绝缘连接non-conductive connection
绝缘连接non-conducting connection
维修连接service connector
联结两个铰接头的连杆link rod
肋形连接夹钳夹钳上相互咬合的拱肋,可以使夹钳在很宽的工作范围内调整rib joint pliers
自动连接automatic engagement
自动连接automatic hitch
自动连接automatic hitching device
牵引车/挂车自动连接拖钩automatic coupling
自测试连接self-test connector
蓄电池连接battery connector
螺栓连接bolting strip
螺栓连接的组件bolt-on kit
螺纹连接screwed connection
螺纹套连接nipple connection
螺钉连接screw connection
货车货厢连接corner connection
诊断系统诊断连接链路diagnostic link
超级多路连接super multiplex junction
超级多路连接supper multiplex junction
跨接连接线jumper connector
气压制动系统跨接软管连接jumper hose connection
车篷连接装配convertible-top fitting
车速表连接speedometer head
转向系统转向连接连轴节steering coupling
安全气囊/转向盘转向盘内卷形连接指螺旋状电缆束及其连接器steering roll connector
转接连接adapter connector
车轮轮毂连接hub face
车轮轮毂连接面直径hub-face diameter
车轮轮毂连接面直径hub attachment face diameter
软管连接接头hose coupler
软管连接接头hose coupling
软管连接hose connection
悬架车桥连接半径臂axle tie rod
悬架车桥连杆铰接头axle-link joint
牵引装置辅助连接auxiliary coupling
摩托车边斗连接sidecar connection
进入连接管接头inlet connection
CONN/conn.= connector
器壳connector housing
法兰butt flange
连接JUNC= junction
连接CONN/conn.= connection
连接cut in
连接connect up
连接connecting element
连接connecting joint
连接固定attachment part
连接紧固attaching part
连接元件coupling element
连接元件attaching hardware
连接link fork
连接link yoke
连接coupling yoke
发动机连接和驱动装置安装空调压缩机和离合器的必要附件、带及带轮;其他任何一种在发动机上由发动机驱动的总成mount and drive
连接connection stem
连接JUNC= junction
连接adaptor union
连接器上的锁止销locking finger
连接器代码connector code
连接器位置保证connector position assurance
连接器定位器connector position assurance
连接器对connector pair
连接器接头coupling head
电器连接器的一半connector half
连接联轴器的任一半coupling half
连接型式type of connection
气动装置软管连接coupling head
连接splice clip
连接筒,管connecting sleeve
连接接合子splicing sleeve
连接adapter sleeve
连接套筒coupling bush
连接套筒connecting bushing
连接套管joint sleeve
连接套管connector bushing
连接穿connecting bore
连接密封joint seal
绘图连接结合尺寸fitting dimension
连接尺寸mounted dimension
连接配合尺寸connection dimension
连接结合尺寸companion dimension
连接接缝工艺技术joining technique
连接工艺connecting process
连接connector strip
连接板,条connecting strip
连接弯管bridge piece
连接拉索钢丝,导线connecting wire
连接挂钩coupling hook
连接插座如牵引车上的挂车电线束插座coupling socket
连接插座级别coupling socket level
插接器连接插销管脚terminal pin
连接支管分路器,三通连接支线connecting branch
连接曲线full curve
连接机构coupling mechanism
连接connection shaft
连接connector bar
连接joint lever
连接link bar
连接两端均为活连接的杆pipe link
转向系统连接relay rod
连接杆叉tie-rod yoke
蓄电池单格电池间连接线intercell connector
蓄电池单格电池间连接线intercell link
蓄电池单格电池间连接线intercell connection
连接coupling plate
连接connection sheet
连接connecting post
电气连接标志记号connect designation
油环上下括油刃口中间的连接connecting bridge
连接杆,条connecting bar
电气连接母线connection bus
连接法兰凸缘coupling flange
连接法兰凸缘joint flange
连接法兰mating flange
连接法兰凸缘connecting flange
连接滑块分程序link block
连接hitch point
连接connecting strap
连接环节connecting link
连接环销轴clevis pin
连接装置连接球体coupling ball
连接装置连接球体处间隙clearance space aroundbehind the coupling ball
连接装置连接球头hitch ball
连接球头拉杆coupling ball bar
连接用带状电线bond strap
连接用的金属附件attachment hardware
挂车/牵引车连接电缆接头jumper cable coupling
电缆连接splice end
连接传输,连通crossover pipe
连接管路connecting tube
电器连接导,引线connection lead
连接导,引线connector lead
制图连接线connecting line
连接线束joining wire (harness)
牙嵌式离合器连接engaging lug
连接装置连接接合螺栓hitch bolt
连接拉紧螺栓tie bolt
连接系紧螺栓coupling bolt
连接螺纹connection thread
连接螺纹connecting thread
连接固定螺钉attachment screw
连接牵引装置draft hitch
连接牵弓I装置机构hitch mechanism
连接挂钩装置hookup mechanism
连接紧固装置retaining system
连接装置connection system
连接角铁joint angle
连接coupling yoke
中间连接link shaft
连接轴承connecting bearing
连接connexion side
通道式客车连接通道的围帐软篷vestibule diaphragm
链条连接链板detachable plate
链条连接链节connecting link
半挂车/牵引车连接king pin
连接dowel bar
悬架连接hitch pin
连接connecting plug
连杆连接link point
悬架连杆连接linkage point
连续的邻接层successive layers
安全带金属连接attachment hardware
钎焊连接soldered connection
钢球连接式转向传动轴ball-type energy-absorbing steering shaft
铆钉连接rivet joint
铆钉连接rivet connection
铜焊连接brazed joint
铰接活接头,关节连接articulated link
铰接式连接articulated coupling
铰接式液压连接越野车articulated hydrostatic vehicle
铰接式连杆hinged-type connecting rod
链条连接chain coupling
销式连接plunging coupling
锥柄带锥度的连接taper joint
连接firm keying
防水连接waterproof joint
防漏密封,不漏连接接合tight joint
防漏密封,不漏连接接头leak-tight joint
油罐车/燃油箱防蒸发连接vapor-proof connection
高速公收税连接turnpike connection
高速公路连接线motorway connection
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