
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
不定期洋货船ocean tramp
买进期外汇forward exchange bought
国际商会亚洲及东事务委员会Commission of Asian and Far Eastern Affairs
联合国亚洲及东经济委员会Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East
beyond right
期信用证usance credit payable at sight
卖出期外汇forward exchange sold
即期外汇与期外汇spot and forward foreign exchange
即期外汇与期外汇spot & forward exchange
即期外汇与期外汇spot and forward
售出sold forward
国际商会亚洲及东地区委员会Commission on Asia and Far Eastern Affairs, International Chamber of Commerce
大大超越竞争中把... 远抛在后面outdistance
太平洋东轮船公司Pacific Far East Lines
1966 年联合国亚洲与东经济委员会国际商事仲裁规则和调解准则Rules for International Commercial Arbitration and Standards for Conciliation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far Esat, 1966
托运人期票据shipper's usance
按递递减比例计算的运价表tariff on tapering scale
接收期装运,accept forward shipment
飘浮always afloat
联合国亚洲及东经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Asia & the Far East
联合国亚洲及东经济委员会economic Commission for Asia and Far East
英镑期价格Sterling forward price
见票后期付款的汇票bill payable at long sight
购进期美元forward dollars purchased
贸易前景trade prospects
贸易trade prospects
运输unduly long-haul traffic
东水脚公会Far Eastern Freight Conference
东运费同盟Far Eastern Freight Conference
东运输公会Far Eastern Freight Conference
incipient cause
拜货运运价表ocean freight tariff
期 3 月5 月等long March may, etc.
期买卖executory sale
期交货future delivery
期交货forward delivery
期交货合同contract for future delivery
期交货合同contract of future delivery
期交货合同cash forward contract
期付款payable at usance
期付款交单date D/P after sight
期付款交单D/P after sight, D/P after date
期付款交单documents against payment after sight
期付款交单document against payment after sight
期价forward price
期价格forward price (rates)
期信用状time letter of credit
期信用状usance letter of credit
期信用证time credit
期信用证usance letter of credit
期信用证usance payment letter of credit
期信用证usance credit
期信用证usance L/C
期信用证time letter of credit
期合同long-term forward contract
期合同longer-term forward contract
期外汇forward exchange
期外汇业务forward exchange facilities
期外汇交易forward exchange transactions
期外汇市场forward exchange market
期外汇汇率期货价格forward exchange rate
期外汇贴现discount on forward exchange
期套汇time arbitrage
期定货定单order for future delivery
期拍卖forward sales
期援助计划forward aid program
期支票post-dated check (cheque)
期汇价forward rate
期汇兑forward exchange
期汇率forward exchange rate
期汇率forward rate
期汇票time bill
期汇票time draft
期汇票usance bill
期汇票period bill
期汇票价usance bill rate
期美元forward dollar
期装运forward shipment
期销售long selling
期销货long sale
洋散装货轮ocean-going bulk cargo carrier
洋渔业pelagian fishery
洋班轮ocean liner
洋航路foreign going course
洋船只载运的驳船barge carried on ocean-going ship
洋船舶oceangoing vessel
洋船舶ocean vessel
洋船舶ocean going vessel
洋货轮sea-going freighter
洋贸易ocean trade
洋轮sea-going vessel (ship)
洋轮船ocean steamer
洋运费率ocean freight rate
洋运输ocean shipping
洋运输ocean carriage
海国家distant water state
递减运价表decreasing or tapering scale
通融接收期信用证accommodate by accepting time
银行承兑期信用证banker's acceptance credit