
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
不减扣期合同non-deductible forward contracts
不规则到期日期交易broken date forward transaction
中断期合约break forward contract
买方期信用buyer's usance
公司景目标corporate vision
出售short forward
区间range forward
区间期合约range forward contracts
单边期汇率outright forward rate
short forward
卖出/买人期平价put/call forward parity
卖方承担期汇票贴息的信用证seller's usance credit
即期/期互换spot/forward swap
即期与current and non-current
参与式participating forward
可取消的期外汇合同break forward contract
可变式期外汇买卖意大利米兰蒙塔银行远期外汇交易法break forward
滚动rolling forward
迁仓rolling forward
商业期汇票commercial time bill of exchange
固定波幅range forward
外币期合同foreign currency forward contract
外汇期交易forward exchange transaction
多头long forward
定幅期交易ranged forward
定期交割的期外汇交易fixed forward
定期付款的期汇票/账单bill payable at a determinable future time
常规到期日期交易regular date forward transaction
建立期合约creating forward contract
摩根士丹利国际投资公司的欧洲、澳大利亚和东指数Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australia, and Far East
无固定到期日的期外汇option exchange
无成本期临界限zero cost forward band
无本金交割期外汇交易有外汇管制的国家中做外贸的企业为规避汇率风险,所衍生出来的金融避险商品non-deliverable forward
无本金交割期外汇期权操作原理与 NDF 概念相同,只是从远期外汇的概念变为期权交易non-deliverable option
日本期拍卖Japanese auction
期期货合约most distant futures contract
有抵补的期销售covered forward sale
期货和期协议futures and forwards
未到期的期合同unmatured forward contract
未配平期出售仓量unmatched forward sale position
欧洲一澳大利亚一东指数摩根士丹利Europe-Australia-Far East index EAFE index, Morgan Stanley
存在perpetual existence
港元兑美元期汇率Hong Kong dollar forward rate
潜在的期利率implied forward interest rate
电价期协议electricity forward agreement
看跌/看涨/期平价put/call forward parity
短期的期利率合约short-dated forward rate agreement
离岸非交割的期合约non-deliverable forward
私下洽商交易privately negotiated forwards
私下议付privately negotiated forwards
约定的期利率contracted forward rate
期交易交易远期外汇时无对应的现期交易搭配者outright forward
综合期仓量synthetic forward position
综合期储备synthetic forward position
英国银行家协会期利率协议Forward Rate Agreement, British Bankers' Association
英国银行家协会期利率协议British Bankers' Association Forward Rate Agreement
触发期合约生效trigger forward contract
认沽/认购期平价put/call forward parity
货币市场隐形的期利率money market implied forward rate
期权一种期权的到期月份比所持有的另一种期权合约到期月份更远farther out
东利息条款far eastern interest clause
东股票交易所Far East Exchange
景分析核算债券总收益的分析scenario analysis
期上限forward cap
期乘数forward looking multiple
期买人合同forward purchase contract
期买卖forward deal
期互换forward swap
期交割distant delivery
期交易forward trade/transaction
期交易forward bargain business
期交易到期日forward maturity
期付款交单票据long D/P collection
证券期估价forward pricing
期充抵forward takeouts
期利差协议forward spread agreement
期利率互换forward rate swap
期利率交易forward interest rate transaction
期利率协议forward rate agreement (FRA)
期利率协议等值定价法forward rate agreement equivalence pricing
期利率掉期forward rate swap
期利率曲线forward curve
期卖出sell forward
期即期汇率差swap rate
期合同deferred contract
期合同back contract
期合约应付账款account payable under forward contract
期合约应收账款account receivable under forward contract
期启动期权forward start option
期场内交易forward floor
期垂直合并forward vertical integration
期外币合同currency forward contract
期外汇long exchange
期外汇买卖合同future exchange contract
期外汇交割日forward value date
期外汇折扣discount on forward exchange
期外汇标价forward exchange quotation
期外汇汇率forward foreign exchange rate
期外汇结算与销售forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange
期外汇风险forward exchange risk
期契约forward contract
期套期保值hedging with forward
期套期保值forward hedge
期对远期合同forward forward contract
期对远期合约forward forward (同时交易同一种但到期日不同的远期外汇)
期对远期掉期forward forward swap
期对远期的互换forward forward swap
期对远期的换汇买卖forward against forward swap
期对远期的掉期forward against forward swap
期差价forward spread
期差价marge a terme
期差价forward margin
期平价forward parity
期平均forward averaging
期支票post dated cheque
期收益future benefit
期收益forward earning
期月份furthest month
期月份合同far month contract
期权益forward entitlement
期汇率点数forward points
期汇票usance time draft
期汇票买价usance buying rate
期汇票/支票accommodation check
期波幅合约range forward contracts
期点forward points
期现货cash forward sale
期现金兼并forward cash merger
期现金销售cash forward sale
期生效forward start
期生效互换forward start swap
期生效期权forward start option
期直接汇率outright forward
期直接汇率forward outright
期票据post-date instrument
期票据价格long rate
期货币合约currency forward
期货币合同forward currency contract
期货币合约currency forward contract
期购买forward buying
期购进forward purchase
期贷款协议forward commitment
期贷款承诺forward commitment
期资产收购forward asset purchase
期逆向期权forward-reversing option
期选择权forward option
期销售合同forward sales contract
离破产在证券化资产并拥有不破产资格的结构中,投资人的现金流不受破产风险的影响bankruptcy remote
程交易remote transaction
程交易所wire house
程交易设施remote trading access
程参与人remote participant
程支付remote payment
程连接remote access
银行期市场bank forward market
银行期汇票usance banker's bill
银行与期放款协议banks and forward lending agreements
银行间期市场interbank forward market
长期期合约long term forward contract
长期投资long-term investment horizons
隐含期利率implicit interest charge
隐形期利率implied forward interest rate
隐形期汇率implied forward rate
隐形的期货期利率futures implied forward rate
隐性期利率implied forward rate
人民币非交割期货non-deliverable future forward
非交割的期合约non-deliverable forward
黄金期利率gold forward rate