
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
故障防范型的程关闭装置remote release device of fall-safe type
漂浮always afloat
海环形超大型浮式基地very large floating ring base
深海/ 洋渔船deep sea/ pelagic fishing ship
船舶程识别和跟踪信息long-range identification and tracking LRIT information
船舶程识别和跟踪用户LRIT data user
船舶程识别和跟踪系统long-range identification and tracking LRIT system
洋救助拖船ocean rescue tug
洋救生打捞船ocean going rescue & salvage ship
洋科学考察船ocean going scientific research ship
洋综合测量船ocean going instrumentation ship
洋航区大洋航区ocean areas
洋船sea-going ship
洋船long-range vessel
洋船舶Oceangoing ship
洋训练船ocean going training ship
洋运输deep-sea traffic
away from
程对陆攻击弹long range land attack projectile