
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
三月期无本金交割期外汇合约three-month non-deliverable forwards
不规则到期日期交易odd date forward transaction
中断break forward
为长发展奠定坚实基础lay a firm foundation for long-term development
买主期信用证buyer's usance credit
交割日固定的期外汇交易fixed maturity forward transaction
人民币期产品renminbi forwards
人民币期点数renminbi forward points (远期汇率与即时汇率之差)
促进经济长发展promote long-term economic development
分享式participating forward
分享式期合约participating forward contract
区域合作的长目标long-term goal of regional cooperation
期买即期spot against forward
卖方期信用seller's usance
即期与期报价之间的价差spread between spot and forward quotation
即期对期掉期spot-forward swap
即期汇票和期汇票sight bill and time bill
可转期权的期交易forward with option exit
合同期汇差contract forward spread
名义期信用证nominal forward L/C
期交易forward-forward deal
期利率forward-forward interest rate
期合约forward-forward contract
期外汇掉期forward-forward exchange swap
期掉期forward-forward swap
期掉期forward against forward swap
期掉期交易forward-forward swap
夯实长发展基础shore up the foundation for long-term development
定期期外汇fixed forward
影响深have far-reaching effects
无本金交割期外汇交易non-deliverable forward (该交易不同于传统的外汇交易,从事国际贸易的供求双方由银行充当中介机构,签订合约时只需确定远期汇率、名义本金和到期日等合约条款,而无须交割名义本金;合约到期时双方按当时的汇价与订约时的汇价进行结算,其中一方只需向另一方支付差价)
无本金交割期外汇合约non-deliverable forward contract
月期约back month
未到期期合约unmatured forward contracts
欧洲、澳大利亚和东地区Europe, Australia & Far East
欧洲、澳大利亚和东地区指数Europe, Australia & Far East Index
公债funded debt
现金期交易cash forward transaction
现金期交易合约cash forward contract
直接期交易outright forward transaction
直接期外汇合约outright forward foreign exchange contracts (指远期的期限直接从签约的时候开始,到规定日期进行交割的外汇合约,它实际上仅是双方的一种约定,在签约时任何一方不需要向另一方支付任何款项)
着眼长take a longer-term perspective
短期交割的期外汇forward exchange for short period
短期的期利率协议short-dated forward rate agreement
离岸人民币期市场offshore renminbi-dollar forwards market
经济社会长发展long-term economic and social development
美元dollar forward
范围range forward
范围期合约range forward contract
见票后期付款票据bill payable at long sight
见票后期照付票据bill payable at long sight
货币currency forward
低于预期的利率much lower-than-expected interest rates
post date
期买人forward buying
期买人合同forward buying contract
期买卖forward buying and selling
期买卖forward bargain
期买进forward purchase
期买进合同forward purchasing contract
期互换deferred swap
期互换delayed start swap
期互换deferred start swap
期交房forward delivery housing
期交易forward dealing
期交易forward trading
期交易forward deal
期交易forward business
期付款交单document against payment of usance bill
期价差forward spread
期价格forward price
期作业负债future performance liabilities
期信用证term credit
期出售forward selling
期出售forward sale
期出售合同forward sale contract
期利率forward interest rate
期利率协议forward interest rate agreement
期到期日forward maturity
期反转期权forward-reversing option
期合同成交率forward contract rate
期合约deferred contract
期商品合同forward commodity contract
期外币资产forward foreign currency assets
期外汇forward foreign exchange
期外汇long-term forward exchange
期外汇交易forward foreign exchange transaction
期外汇协议forward exchange agreement
期外汇合同exchange forward contract
期外汇合同折价discount on forward exchange contract
期外汇合同溢价premium on forward exchange contract
期外汇头寸forward exchange position
期外汇差价forward exchange margin
期外汇市场forward market in foreign exchange
期外汇市场forward foreign exchange market
期外汇综合协议synthetic agreement for forward exchange
期头寸forward position
期套期保值hedging with forward contracts
期定价forward pricing
期定货forward order
期差价forward spot differential
期差价forward differential
期差额forward margin
期市盈率forward P/E ratio
期弥补forward coverage
期承兑汇票time draft
期承诺forward commitment
期抵补forward cover
期择期交易forward selection dealing
期指数forward index
期掉期delayed start swap
期掉期forward swap
期掉期deferred swap
期掉期deferred start swap
期操作forward operations
期收益forward earnings
期月份distant month
期月份back month
期期权forward option
期期权deferred start option
期本票usance promissory note
期权利forward entitlement
期汇兑率usance rate
期汇率协议forward rate agreement (是交易双方为规避汇率波动风险或进行汇率波动投机而约定的一份协议)
期汇率协议市场forward rate agreement market
期汇率契约forward rate arrangement
期汇率掉期forward rate swap
期汇率理论forward exchange rate theory
期汇票long draft
期汇票term draft
期汇票bill at usance
期汇票价格usance bill rate
期汇票汇率extended period draft exchange rate
期汇票贴现率usance bill discount rate
期溢价forward premium
期票据post-dated bill
期票据long note
期结汇售汇forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange
期结算汇差settlement forward spread
期股票合约equity forwards
期财务报表forward financial statement
期账户forward account
期购买forward purchase
期贴现forward discount
期资产购置forward asset purchase
期起始掉期forward-start swap
期起始期权forward-start option
期起始期权forward start option
期运费协议forward freight agreements
期银行汇票usance bankers'bill
远超过head and shoulders (above)
选择交割日的期交易option forward transaction
选择性期交易optional forward transaction
通融接受期信用证accommodate by accepting time
未来的对手rivals for the distant future
金融期合约financial forward contract
银行期汇票banker's time bill
长期期外汇合约long-dated forwards (指交割日在12个月之后的远期外汇合约)
非交割期外汇交易non-deliverable forward
非交割期外汇合约non-deliverable forward contract