
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
下一代程攻击系统next generation long range strike
程核导弹部队long range intermediate nuclear forces
程洲际弹道导弹intermediate intercontinental ballistic missile
中低频程导航设备low or medium frequency long range navaid
中国台湾东航空公司Far Eastern Air Transport
云高度距指示系统cloud height remote indicating system
作动器程终端actuator remote terminal
先进射程航炮advanced aerial gun, farfield
先进程截击机advanced long range interceptor
先进程空对空导弹advanced long range air-to-air missile
先进红外搜索/跟踪advanced far infrared search/track
光学望optical telescope
光电望photoelectric telescope
光纤程终端optical distance terminal
军属机载程雷达corps airborne stand-off radar
切伦科夫望Cerenkov telescope
制式防空区外发射空对地武器modular standoff weapons
卡塞格伦反射望Cassegrain reflector
危险的不适合的程导航hazardous misleading long range navigation
受激辐射紫外线放大紫外激光器ultraviolet amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
向量的场监测器vector far field monitor
国防景研究计划局Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (美国国防部)
国际红外天文望international infrared astronomical telescope
基本程通信访问方法basic telecommunication access method
多普勒惯性程导航Doppler inertial LORAN system
多用途程攻击导弹tri-service standoff attack missile
多镜面望multimirror telescope
多镜面望multiple mirror telescopes (美国)
大气红外辐射光谱仪spectroscopy of the atmosphere for infrared emission
天体测量望镜设施astrometry telescope facility
天文空间望镜研究装置astronomical space telescope research assembly
宽带 X 射线望broadband X-ray telescope
应用控制与程处理系统application control and teleprocessing system
康普顿成像望Compton telescope (美国)
偏角trajectory deflection angle
折反射望catadioptric telescope
接口程数据采集器interface remote data concentrator
提高防御效果和程攻击力调制器dexterous manipulator
程弹道导弹ultimate range ballistic missile
机动式中间跟踪望镜系统mobile intermediate tracking telescope system
机载程信号输人airborne long range input
机载程信号输人系统airborne long range input system
机载程雷达输人airborne long range radar input
机载视夜间分类系统remote view airborne night classification system
机载距移动目标警戒雷达alerting long range airborne radar for moving targets
紫外水平入射望extreme ultraviolet glancing incidence telescope
紫外extreme ultra-violet
紫外辐射探测器extreme ultraviolet radiation detector
极大望镜阵very large array
极早期预警系统超程预警系统very early warning system
校正光学望alignment optical telescope
椭圆轨道地点furthest point in elliptical orbit from earth
椭圆轨道月点furthest point in elliptical orbit from moon
水下程导弹系统undersea long range missile system
水下程导弹系统undersea long-range missile system
激光通信实验和距反射镜实验laser communications experiment/remote mirror experiment
火箭包距点火器remote rocket package initiator
火箭包距点火系统remote rocket firing system
炸点逐渐离目标creep off the target
very long range
到近试射法creeping method of adjustment
传压力表transmissible pressure gauge
盟国程通信局Allied Long Liner Agency
直升机程主动传感器helicopter long range active sensor
直升机程声呐helicopter long range sonar
空/地程通信remote communication air/ground
facility空/地程通信设备remote communication air/ground (无人操作的甚高频/特高频 (VHF/UHF )收发设备,用来扩大航路交通管制中心 (ARTCC )的空对地通信覆盖范围,并方便飞行员和管制员之间的直接联系。空/地远程通信设备有时并未配有121.5 MHz或243 MHz 的应急频率)
空/地程通信设备remote communication air/ground facility
空对地程导弹joint air-to-surface standoff missile
空气喷气发动机的射空地导弹airbreathing stand-off bomb
空间红外望镜设施space infrared telescope facility
“罗兰"程和战术导航long range and tactical navigation
“罗兰”程导航long range navigation (工作在低频段的一种无线电导航系统。它利用主副台来发射计时脉冲。从几个台接收到脉冲的时间差形成一条双曲位置线,它可以从 LORAN 图中辨识出来。通过两条双曲位置线可以得到一个定位点。LORAN A 工作在1 750〜1 950 kHz 频段, LORAN C 工作在 90〜110 kHz 频段)
"罗兰”程导航long range navigation
version C“罗兰”程导航传感器long range navigation sensor (C 型)
“罗兰”程导航传感器long range navigation sensor
“罗兰"程导航系统long range aid to air navigation
罗兰距导航系统long range navigation system
罗兰距导航系统long range navigation
联合征军试验joint expeditionary force experiment
联合距攻击武器joint stand-off weapon
联合距离武器joint stand-off weapon
自动/人工/距离控制automatic/manual/remote (操作)
自动程序控制的距指示记录automatically programmed remote indication logging
航向信标指点信标台localizer outer marker
航天飞机红外望镜设备shuttle infrared telescope facility (美国)
英国征军British Expeditionary Force
虚拟程通信存储法virtual telecommunication access method
ultra long range
very long range
程制导武器ultra-long-range guided weapon
程导弹潜艇ultra long-range missile submarine
程跟踪very long range tracking
轨道射电望radio telescope in orbit
地区气象站remote area weather station
东空军Far East Air Force
东航空公司Far Eastern Air Transport Co. (中国台湾)
东航空采购区air procurement region, Far East
outer marker
outer locator
地点发动机定时器apogee motor timer
地点起动发动机apogee kick motor
地-近地点人轨系统apogee-perigee injection system
场噪声far filed noise
场声爆far field boom
射空地导弹guided stand-off weapon
岸水面作战extended over water operation
征作战expeditionary warfare
征空中加油中队expeditionary air refueling squadron
征空军expeditionary air force
征航空管制中队expeditionary air control squadron (美国空军)
心柔顺装置remote center compliance device
拱点半径值value of apoapsis radius
指点标locator outer marker
方增升装置external augmentor
景与战略文件vision & strategy document
景发展目标advance development objective
景目标long range objectives
景研究计划局Advanced Research Projects Agency (美国)
景研究计划局计算机网advanced research projects agency net
景规划long range schedule
景规划load range schedule
景设计目标advance design objective
景设计组advanced design team
期支付资金long lead funding
期预警系统distance early warning system
洋飞行显示和规划系统oceanic display & planning system
信息处理系统teleprocessing system
天气预报long range forecast
程侦察和观察系统long range reconnaissance and observation system
程信息中心remote information center
程制导武器long range guided weapon
程和战术导航系统long range and tactical navigation system
程夜间观察装置long range night observation device
程对空搜索雷达long-range air search radar
程导弹long rage missile
程导弹long range guided missile
程导航图long range navigation chart
程导航系统long-range navigation system (远程导航系统作为主要的导航手段是在仪表飞行规则下被批准使用的电子导航设备,且至少有一个导航输人源,如惯性导航系统、全球定位系统或“罗兰” C)
程导航设备Long Range Navigation Equipment
程巡航速度long range cruise
程巡逻机long-range patrol aircraft
程巡逻飞机long range patrol aircraft
程常规备用武器long range conventional stand-off weapon
程常规巡航导弹long range conventional cruise missile
程干扰stand off jamming
程干扰器stand off jammer
程弹道导弹long range ballistic missile
程弹道火箭long range ballistic rocket
程战斗机long range fighter
程战斗机long range combat airplane aircraft
程截击导弹extended range interceptor
程截击机long range interceptor
程投射导弹long range standoff missile
程报文处理服务remote message handling service
程探测雷达long-range acquisition radar
程推进计划long range propulsion plan
程搜索long range search
程攻击系统long range strike
程教练任务long-range training mission
程数字方向磁指示器remote digital direction magnetic indicator
程数据long range data
程数据处理器remote data processor
程数据采集装置remote data acquisition unit
程数据集中器remote data concentrator
程文件服务range file service
程文件系统range file system
程无线电测高计long range radio altimeter
程早期警戒distant early warning
程显示处理器remote display processor
程机载反潜武器系统long range airborne ASW system
程武器stand off weapon
程测量系统long range survey system
程海上飞机long range marine aircraft
程滑翔炸弹long range glide bomb
程火炮系统long range gun system
程爆炸remote exploding
程爬升巡航long range climb cruise
程监控remote monitoring
程空中反潜能力飞机long range air anti-submarine capability aircraft
程空中反潜飞机long range air antisubmarine capability aircraft
程空对空导弹long rage air-to-air missile
程空对面搜索雷达long range air-to-surface vessel
程空间无线电通信中心distant space radio center
程空间监视雷达deep space surveillance radar
程管理实施remote management facility
程精确导航系统long-range accuracy system
程精确跟踪雷达precision long range tracking radar
程红外搜寻和跟踪long-range infra-red search and track
程红外系统long path infrared system
程终端模块remote terminal module
程维修监控remote maintenance monitor
程维护服务telemaintenance service (业务)
程网wide area net
程航海侦察long rage maritime reconnaissance
程航海巡逻long rage maritime patrol
程装置控制remote device control
程视频long range video
程计算计划long range computing plan
程训练long range training
程访问服务器remote addressed service
程试验靶场long range proving ground
程读图机remote map-reader
程轰炸机long range bomber
程辅助设备long distance navigation aid
程通信交换网络switched telecommunications network
程通信控制台remote communication console
程通信管理中心telecommunications management center
程通信系统long range communication system
程通信维护中心telecommunications maintenance center
程雷达信息处理机long range radar message processor
程雷达站long range radar station
程雷达综合化long range radar integration
程雷达输人long range radar input
程面对空制导武器long range surface-to-air guided weapon
程面对空导弹long range surface-to-air missile
程预警标识区distant early warning identification zone
程预警线Dewline chain
程预警雷达distant early warning radar
程飞机long-distance aircraft
程飞机long-range aircraft
程飞行long range aviation
程驾驶员指示器remote pilot indicator
端串话far-end crosstalk
端地面进人站remote ground entry station
端设备far end package (美国系绳卫星试验中,栓在航天飞机的系绳上施放到远处的设备)
紫外光谱仪far ultraviolet spectrometer
紫外辐射far ultra-violet radiation
红外侦察控制和显示系统control and display of infra-red reconnaissance system
红外无限摄谱仪far infrared absolute spectrometer
红外目标指示器infrared target indicator
红外线extreme infrared
红外线频率far infrared frequency
读转速表distant-reading tachometer
距专用显示器remote dedicated display unit
距光传感器remote light sensor
距光学照相机long range optical camera
距定位点outer fix (在空中交通管制中用来描述终端区域内的定位点,而不是最终进近定位点的通称,经由交通管制部门的许可,飞机通常向远距定位点飞,从该点对最终进近点或最终进近航线进近)
距导航long range navigation
距搜索long range search
距操作控制设施long distance operational control facility
距数据显示器remote data display unit
距数据适配器distance data adapter
距校准控制装置remote calibration control unit
距目标搜索系统stand off target acquisition system
距离主动探测long range active detection
距离传感器long range sensor
距离光学摄像机long-range optical camera
距离电力控制distance electric control
距离监控装备distance monitoring equipment
距离监视long range airborne surveillance
距离监视雷达long range surveillance radar
距离着陆攻击导弹stand-off land attack missile
距离进场与着陆系统long range approach and landing system
距离雷达和显示系统long range radar and display system
距程序调用remote procedure call
距精度long range accuracy
距维修板remote maintenance panel
距自动控制系统remote automatic control system
仪表的距读出口distance readout window
距运行控制long distance operational control
距雷达long range radar
距需求与显示器remote demand and display unit
far side
通用联机距处理系统versatile on-line teleprocessing system
空间far-out space
链路端禁止link remote inhabit
战略计戈long range strategic planning
距离的long haul
防空区外发射的空对空导弹long range standoff missile
阿波罗飞船望镜装置Apollo telescope mount (美国)
阿波罗飞船望镜装置数字计算机Apollo telescope mount digital computer
限制的程通信出口limited remote communication outlet
高度程运行high-altitude long operation
高能伽玛射线实验望energetic gamma ray experiment telescope (美国)
高能伽马射线实验望energetic gramma ray experiment telescope