
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
买方期信用证指信用证规定贴现利息由买方支付的远期信用证buyer usance L/C
buyers usance
期信用证nominal forward letter of credit
卖方期票据seller's usance
即期和期外汇spot and forward exchange
即期外汇与期外汇spot and forward exchange
即期汇率与期汇率spot rate and forward rate
可能性景规划probabilistic long range planning
合同规定的期汇率contracted forward rate
商品期交货commodity future delivery
国际程信息处理international teleprocessing
基本程通信存取方法basic telecommunication access method
外汇贷款期票据long bill issued in the operation of lending foreign money
60天期外汇exchange within next month
180天期外汇exchange within six months
30天期外汇exchange within current month
托运人期信用又称卖方信用,指出口商准许进口商在货物出口后一定日期后才支付货款,系出口商给进口商的资金融通shipper's usance
按递递价比例计算的运费率tariff on tapering scale
未轧平期外汇买进头寸unmatched forward purchase position
未轧平期外汇卖出头寸unmatched forward sale position
漂泊always afloat
管业dead hand
管业不能变卖或转卖dead hand
管业权dead hand
见票后期照付at long sight
见票后期照付汇票bill payable at long sight
谦逊与humility and perspective
辅助洋拖船auxiliary ocean tug
地区back country
东货运公会Far Eastern Freight Conference
remoteness of cause
causal remote
景发展计划Advanced Development Plan
景方案论述法scenario writing approach
景目标long-term objective
景目标long-term goal
景研究与工艺技术advanced research and technology
景规划long-term planning
景规划long-term program
景规划forward planning
景计划far-reaching designs
未来债务还本付息额futures serve payment
期三月Long March
期交付for distant delivery
期交易授权authority for forward exchange trading
期交货for distant delivery
期交货for forward delivery
期交货futures delivery
期交货distant delivery
期交货订单order for future delivery
期付款payable at a usance
期付款交单documents against payment after date
期付款交单document against payment after date
期付款交单托收usance D/P collection
期付款交单托收long documents against payment collection
期信用证term letter of credit
期信用证long-term letter of credit
期信用证forward letter of credit
期信用证long-timp credit
期信用证standing credit
期信用证seller's or shipper's usance L/C
期信用证forward credit
期分批发货futures installment of goods
期到期long maturity
期外汇即预约买卖外汇forward exchange
期外汇foreign exchange futures
期外汇forward foreign exchange
期外汇业务exchange for forward delivery
期外汇交易forward exchange dealings
期外汇交易forward exchange trading
期外汇交易forward exchange operations
期外汇交易forward exchange dealing
期外汇交易exchange for forward delivery
期外汇升水forward foreign exchange premium
期外汇合同option exchange contract
期外汇合同契约forward exchange contract
期外汇贴水forward foreign exchange discount
期外汇贴现discount of forward exchange
期履约负债futures performance liabilities
期支票post-dated cheque
期支票memorandum cheque
期汇率forward rate of exchange
期汇率outright forward rate
期汇率即买卖远期外汇的汇率forward exchange rate
期汇票long dated bill of exchange
期汇票time bill of exchange
期汇票即见票若干日,按规定期付款的汇票after sight bill
期汇票指在未来一定时期承兑付款的汇票acceptance draft
期的long dated
期票long bill
期票据long-dated bill
期票据bill at the long run
期规划advanced planning
期订货forward order
期银行汇票usance bankers' bill
期销货long-run sale
期预算计划工作forward budget-planning
洋供应船Tender Seagoing
洋渔业国distant-fishing power
洋货轮seagoing vessel
洋货轮seagoing freighter
洋货轮ocean-going vessel
洋货运运价表ocean freight tariff
洋运输deep sea
洋运输公司ocean shipping company
离中心观测值outlying observation
程信息传输协议long-haul protocol
程信息处理remote information processing
程信息处理系统remote information processing system
程导弹high-angle missile
程导弹high angle missile
程无线电发射机long-range radio transmitter
程网络long-range network
程运费distance freight
程通信long-range traffic
程通信long-haul radio
见卓识与判断能力insight and judgement
距离extra long distance
距离递减费率tapering distance rate
距通信long-range communication
near and far
途往返上班job commuting
递减运价在一定运距内运费随距离增加而逐渐降低decrease by distance
铁路程自动化信息网络Tele-Rail Automated Information Network
期票据long-time bill
目标long-range goal
规划long-range plans
长期long-term perspective
隐含期利率implied forward rate