
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
为了今后的业务,次我们接受分期付款方式With an eye to future business, we'll accept payment by installments this time.
为了达成次交易,我们接受你方的报价In order to conclude the transaction, we accept your price.
儿是不是应该加上这样一句:如果一方未按合同条款执行,另一方有权终止合同Don't you think we should add this sentence here? If one side fails to honor the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it.
如果贵方仍坚持个价格,我们就只好放弃这笔交易I'm afraid we have to call the whole deal off, if you still insist on this price.
种商品我们一般不给折扣As a rule we don't allow any discount for this commodity.
类商品,只有在价格合理时我们才进口We won't import this kind of goods unless the price is reasonable.
当然可以,里有一些最新样本给你。Surely, here are some newest catalogs for you.
您知道近几个月来种商品的价格上涨了很多You know the price for this commodity has gone up a lot in the last few months.
我们订购么多的货,折扣多少还是要给的吧We have ordered such a large quantity that a discount, no matter how little, should be allowed.
据我方所知,有的国家对种商品正在削价大量抛售As we know, some countries are selling those goods at low prices in big quantities.
目前种商品供过于求At present the supply of this commodity exceeds the demand.
结合质量考虑,我认为个价格是合理的。Taking the quality into consideration, I think the price is reasonable.
考虑到种商品是新产品,我们再增加 1 % 的折扣Considering this is a new product, we'll allow you a further 1% discount.
让我介绍一下,位张先生是我们的销售经理Allow me to introduce Mr. Zhang, our sales manager.
请您在儿签字Please sign your name here.
两块加强筋和肘板必须换新These two pieces of stiffeners and brackets must be replaced
是我们做的合同,请您再仔细看一下Here is our contract. Would you please read it carefully again?
是我们所有出口商品的目录和价目表。Here are our catalogue and price list for all our export articles.
是我们的最低价格,不能再让了This is our lowest price, I'm afraid we can't go any further.
是我们的最新价格单This is our latest price list.
是我们的船上交货报价单This is our FOB quotation sheet.
条焊缝应用圆凿子削除后再补焊This welding line should be gouged and welded again
次交易我们将采用分期付款方式。We would like to adopt payment by installments for our present transaction.
次我们就订购 60 套吧We' ll buy sixty sets this time.
种产品的旧金山到岸价格是 5450 美元—台The price for this commodity is US $5 450 per piece CIF San Francisco.
种商品是你们的新产品,为了打开市场,你们考虑是不是多给一些折扣。Would you consider increasing the discount to open the market, as this is a new product of yours?
种商品的国际市场价格是每台 4520 美兀The price for this commodity is US $4520 per piece in international market.
种商品目前缺货,只能少量供应The article is in short supply now. Only a small quantity is available.
种新产品的起订量是 50 套The minimum quantity of an order for the new product is fifty sets.