
Terms for subject Economy containing 这个 | all forms | in specified order only
他把这幅油画卖了一个很高的价钱He sold the oil painting at a very high figure
你必须明白这个突发事件可能损害我们的业务关系You must know this unexpected incident might deteriorate our business relations
卖方是按照这个国家的法律正式组成而合法存在的一家公司The seller is a duly organized company validly existing under the laws of this country
原料的新来源是在这个地区发现的The new source of raw materials was found in this area
这个国彖贷款的利率非常高The loan is very dear money in this country
这个季节市场通常不活跃The market is usually inactive in this season
这个条件下with this understanding
这个问题上他们与我们达成了谅解They have reached an understanding with us on this matter
在秋季的这几个月中,旅馆的住房率高达90%During the autumn months the occupancy rate in the hotel was up to 90%
在这两个月中出口贸易大有增长Export trade has improved greatly during these two months
奇怪,生意在这个淡季并不萧条Surprisingly, business is not depressed during this offseason period
如果这个争论无法通过谈判解决,则应提交仲裁委员会裁决In case this dispute is not negotiable adj., it may be submitted to a committee for arbitration
如果双方在这个问题上意见不一致,他们可进行协商直到达成协议If both parties disagree on this problem, they could negotiate until the agreement is reached
对于这个产品,从决定发订单到收到货物要两个多月时间The lead time on this product is more than two months
对于这个已接近成交的买主,他盼望尽快恢复与之谈判He is looking forward to reinstating negotiations as soon as possible with such purchaser which has ripen into a transaction
就这样,一个拖延多日的问题令人满意地解决了Thus, a much stalled question has been satisfactorily settled
属于他这个合伙人的一切无形资产都是用现金支付了的All intangible assets belonging to him as a partner were paid in cash
开放政策吸引一笔笔外资流入这个国家The open policy attracts inflows of foreign capital into the country
当一国的出口量大于进口量时,我们就说这个国家出现了贸易顺差When nations export more than they import, they are said to have a favourable balance of trade
我不知道有这么一个合同I have no knowledge of the contract
我们将很快跟这个可能的买主联系,听听他的意见We will get in touch with the prospect soon and listen to his opinions
我们希望你们考虑我们对恢复这个报盘的请求We hope you will consider our request for a renewal of the offer
我们提出这个要求,并不是利用双方多年交往关系,而是出于需要We advanced the request not presuming upon our long association, but out of necessity
我们正在努力寻找最终解决这个问题的办法We are trying to find the final solution to this issue
我们要花三个月时间来清理这些积压的定单It will take us three months to clear the backlog of orders
我们认为不应把这两个问题分开We don't think we should separate these two questions
我们难以想像在这次谈判中你方代表竟再次提出这个问题We can't imagine that this question is raised by your representative again during the negotiation
我已计算出截止到 10月份前这5个月的销售量I counted up the sales for the five months to October
承包商有权将这次转租延期一个时期The contractor shall be entitled to renew this sublease for a further period
这个问题先放一放,等到时机成熟再说,那样对我们将会更好一些It would be better for us to hold the matter in abeyance until opportunity matures
政府正在招标建造这个新机场The government is inviting tenders for the construction of the new airport
根据这个条件with this understanding
没有勤奋与高效,这个水利工程不可能按时完成The water conservancy project cannot be completed on time without diligence and efficiency
经过一整天的讨论,委员会同意了这个方案After a whole day's discussion the committee agreed on the scheme
该公司在这个地区勘探金矿,发现这些矿大有开采前途The company prospect-ed the area for gold, and found the mines prospect very well
请尽力设法按这个价格成交Please try your best to close at this price
请注意这两个条款是互相矛盾的Please note that these two clauses are mutually inconsistent
这一竞争就各个方面来说都是公平合理的,毫无营私舞弊或欺诈行为The competition is in all respects fair, and without collusion or fraud
这个企业由两家大股东来控制This enterprise is under control of two heavy shareholders
这个商人通过应酬方式把钱送给了办事员The businessman gave the clerk gratuities in the form of entertainment
这个商店的炊具品种大大地增多了The range of cooking utensils has been greatly diversified in this store
这个国家在20世纪80年代有过一段经济增长时期The country enjoyed a period of economic growth in the 1980s
这个国家的煤产量在下降The output of coal has been on the decline in the country
这个国家禁止出售烈性酒People in this country are not licensed to sell spirits
这个季节通常是我们产品的疲软期It is usually the lethargic period of our product at this season
这个小组由五名专家组成This group comprises of five experts
这个手提箱得通过海关检查This suitcase has to go through a customs examination
这个数量难于照办It is very difficult to grant this quantity
这个新建立的组织将持续存在6 年The organization founded shall continue for a period of six years
这个案子已拖了足足5个月This case has dragged for a good five months
这个股票的市价已跌破面值The current price of the share is below its face value
这个销售计划也许不能成功,但仍值得一试This sales plan might prove abortive but it is worth trying out
这个集团专营汽车销售和出租This group specializes in the sale and lease of cars
这些技术规格构成这本手册的一个组成部分Such technical specifications are incorporated in this manual as an integral part
这位老板把整个商店转给新业主,包括商号名称、专利和版权等The boss conveyed to the new owner his entire business, including the name, patents and copyright
这位雄心勃勃的年轻人收购了发起人的股份,获取了对整个公司的控制权The ambitious young man obtained control of the whole firm by buying the founder's shareholding
这家公司是一个美国商人的唯一财产This company is the sole property of an American merchant
这家当铺为个人提供低息贷款This pawnshop lends money to individuals at a low rate of interest
这次商业会谈僵持了一个星期This business talks have been deadlocked for a week
这种新饮料投放市场才一个星期,我们就收到源源不断的续订单The new drink has been on the market only a week and repeat orders are already flooding to us
这种货现无存货,一个月后有货This item goes out of stock at the moment but will come back into stock in a month
除了少数几个稍有瑕疵之外,这批搪塑玩具非常令人满意These enamel-plastic toys are quite satisfactory except for a few which are slightly defective