
Terms for subject General containing 这个 | all forms | in specified order only
一个 任何一个,再(另)一个这样的阀门any such valve
一个 任何一个,再(另)一个这样的阀门another such valve
一个 任何一个,再(另)一个这样的阀门one such valve
一个机翼上的几个螺母松了。这样的事常发生,不必担心It seems there are some loose bolts on one of the wings. It happens all the time. No need to worry
一个棕色的小箱子,这是我的行李票It's a small brown bag and here is my claim tag
下个月的今天我们安装这套设备we shall be installing the equipment this day month
不好意思,能帮忙拍个照吗?只要按这个按键就好Excuse me. Do you mind taking us pictures? You can just press the button here
这个问题无关do not regard the question
专为这个题目所列的参考文献the literature proper to this subject
两个当中这个好得多this is much the better of the two
这个目的toward this end
这个目的to this end
为了缘故on that account
为了缘故on this account
为了配这条领带,他特意买了一个领带夹He bought a tie clip especially in order to match the tie
亚历山大•沃克?抱歉,这里没这个Alexander Walker? I'm sorry, but there's nobody here by this name
交通状况一天比一天糟,这是我个人的感觉还是事实如此呢?Is it just me or is traffic getting worse and worse every day?
交通问题的部分原因在于,这个城市里能买得起私家车的人越来越多The traffic problem is that more and more people in this city can now afford to buy a car
从庞大的罗马竞技场到怪异的庞贝遗址,这里的每一处角落都散发着这个历史古国的神奇魔力From the excess of the Colosseum to the eerie remains of Pompeii, it is impossible to escape its links with this once mighty society
他回来后,能不能让他打206 5551212这个号码给我?When he comes back, can you have him call me at 206 5551212?
他坚持这个意见想法He fastened upon the idea
他坚持这个意见想法He fastened on the idea
他对这个问题孢什么态度how does he stand on this question
这个原则为基础around this principle
你一旦了解这个规则以后once you understand this rule...
你可以从这些螺栓中任取十个you may take any ten of these bolts
你好!请问你以前来过这个国家吗?Hello, have you ever been to this country before?
你得先做这个实验才能得出结论'you ought to make this experiment before you come to a conclusion
再加这么些个as many again
几乎每一个人都知道这种元素most everybody knows this element
这个程度范围insofar <> insofar as
到下一个即将来到的一个五一节为止的这两年间two years come May Day
厕所是在这个方向还是反方向?Is the toilet in this direction or the opposite one?
又是这个…又是那个this and that
这个范围内的平均值take an average over this range
只因为…这个理由for other reason than
听说别家的这个东西在大减价I heard other stores were having great discount on this item
噢!这是个很烦琐的申请过程。你要记住所有问题都需要用英语来回答。还需要上传一张近六个月之内拍的照片Oh, that is a detailed application! You should remember that all questions must be answered in English. Besides, you are required to upload a photograph taken within the last six months
因为这个 那个目的with that view
这个世界上here below
这个名义上as such
这个国家内within these shores
这个地区没有煤,而有石油in this area there is no coal but, instead oil
这个意义上in this context
这个时候on this occasion
这个时候at this juncture
这个条件下on this understanding
这个标题下under this heading
这个背景历史条件against this background
这个走廊尽头左边,走下楼梯,你就会在你的右手边找到洗手间On the left side of this hallway s end. Go downstairs and you'll find the room on your right
在今天这个时代in this day and age
在你做这个的同时while you are about it
在做这个的过程中in doing this
在整整这个世纪中across the century
在美国和加拿大,人们利用感恩节这个节日来表达感激之情Thanksgiving is a holiday in the USA and Canada when people give thanks
在…这个意义to the extent that
大洋路坐落在墨尔本,这是一个你需要去见识一下的令人难以置信的地方The Great Ocean Road, which locates in Melbourne, is a so incredible site you should have a look
好,这款相机有30G的硬盘,1700万像素,还有一个三英尺的显示屏OK, this one has a 30 GB hard disc, 17, 000, 000 pixels and a 3-inch LCD screen
如果这个周五不行,就要等到下下周了If we can't do it this Friday, it'll have to wait until the week after next
如果一个人想要追求另一个人,便会利用这个节日以匿名的方式向对方告白People who would like to have a romantic relationship with somebody may use the occasion to make this known, often anonymously
如果这样,则必须提供证明其个人经济状况的文件,如银行存款证明In this case, you must produce documents, like certificate of bank deposit, so as to reflect your actual economic capability
这个范围取平均值take an average over this range
这个问题意见不一致opinions are divided on the question
这个问题有没有,不大有发言权have not much say in the matter
这个问题有没有,不大有发言权have no say in the matter
这个问题有没有,不大有发言权have a say in the matter
对不起这个号码占线I'm sorry the number? s engaged
对不起,先生,我们无法立刻兑现这张支票。这是一张个人支票,先生sorry, sir, but we cannot cash this check immediately. This is a personal check, sir
对不起,我不认识这个I' m sorry, but I don't know that name
情人节不是一个公共节日,在这一天,政府、商店、学校以及其他办公机构会照常办公Valentine's Day is not a public holiday, in which government offices, stores, schools and other organizations are open as usual
情人节可能来自于欧洲的异教徒兴盛节,这个节日在冬天结束之际举行,通常情人之间会在这个节日互换手写信物This may have followed on from the pagan fertility festivals that were held all over Europe as the winter came to an end, when traditionally lovers would exchange hand written notes
这个礼拜六晚上想订张桌位I’ d like to make a reservation for this Saturday evening
我一个人来这儿旅行I'm traveling alone
我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现在这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation
我们必须査明这些螺丝中是哪一个松了we must find out which of these screws has worked loose
我们要把这个炉子洗干净,然后再生火We have to clean the grill before we start a fire
我们进行的方式和这个差不多this is very much the pattern we follow
我可以带着这个小提包吗?May I carry this satchel?
我喜欢这个旋律,这首歌可以获奥斯卡奖了I also like the rhythms. It' s worth an Academy Award
我彳艮喜欢这个东西,但是价钱不太合适I'm very interested in this except the price
我很喜欢乘船游览这个I enjoyed the row on the lake very much
我想把这个寄放在你这儿,袋子里没有贵重或易碎物品I'd like to leave this with you, and there is not anything valuable or breakable
我昨天在贵店买了这条皮带,你能帮我在皮带上打个新孔吗?I bought this belt here yesterday. Can you punch a new hole in the belt for me?
我有五个,我再要这么些〔五个〕I have five, I should like as many more
我期待这个假期能出国I'm hoping to go abroad during the break
我真的需要这个行李箱。我的衣服都在里面呢I really need this suitcase. All my clothes are in it
我确信这个书柜有各种你所要的特征I’m really positive that this bookcase has all the features you have always wanted
我能随携带这个旅行袋吗?Can I take this traveling bag as a carry-on?
我能随身携带这个旅行袋吗?Can I take this traveling bag as a carry-on?
我要买黄色的这个I will take the yellow one
我要去市中心,但是迷路了,往这个方向走对吗?I' m going downtown, but couldn't find the way. Is it right for me to go in this direction?
我解不出这个方程式I can't make this equation come out
这个做完finish this so that you can start the next
把我们关于这个题目的书都给他们give them what books we have on the subject
把这试验整个儿地重新从头开始start the test all over again from the beginning
担任这个职务最合适的人选the only man for the position
拿着这个药方去药房买药Take this prescription to a pharmacy and buy medicine
按照传统,情人节这一天也预示着春天的来临,小鸟们会在这个时候选择它们的伴侣。在英国的苏塞克斯郡,人们称情人节为“百鸟成婚节”Traditionally, spring begins on St. Valentine's Day February 14th , the day on which birds chose their mates. In parts of Sussex, Valentine's Day was called “the Birds,Wedding Day”
振作点!对你的病要有信心,这只不过是个小手术而已Come on! Be confident about your case. It is just a small surgery
接受这个观点意见give in to this view
收费是按体重来算的。上这个秤,看看吧!It depends on your weight. Come on to the scale, please!
F是这么大〔不怎么大〕的一个力F is not so great a force
有这么一个时期…there comes a time when...
根据这个原理around this principle
根据这个条件on this understanding
没有一个人不知道这点there is no one that does not know this
没有几个人知道这件事few persons know this
沿着这条街往下走,走到第三个路口,它就在你的左边Go along the street, on the third cross you will find it on your left
沿着这条街道,在第三个路口向右转。宾馆就在街道的尽头Just go down the street and take the third turning on the right. The hotel is on the end of that street
现在你如果要去一个地方,骑自行车比开车快多了。这简直荒唐!It's ridiculous! I can get to places faster by bike than by car now!
这个意思to this effect
metals"用"合金"这个词来表示"金属的混合物"by the word"alloy" we mean "mixture of
用四来约这个分数cancel four out of that fraction
由于这个原因for this reason
由于这个原因for that reason
由于这个原因for which reason
由于这个原因in this context
由于不小心我打碎了这个杯子,我会赔偿的The glass is broken due to my carelessness. I will pay for it
研究这个问题go into the question
经过了高温消毒的仪器都盛在一个盆里,他把这个盆端上工作台,用冰冷的镊子从热水里夹出工具,动作还是不慌又不忙He brought the basin of sterilized instruments to the worktable and took them out of the water with a pair of cold tweezers, still without hurrying
能给我换个房间吗?这儿太吵了Can you change the room for me? It's too noisy
航班延误,我不觉得心烦。正好利用这个时间去免税店购物A delayed flight doesn't bother me. I use the free time to shop in the duty-free shops
莉莉,我这个暑假准备去美国玩儿,我应该怎样完成网上的 DS-160申请表?Hi, Lily! I will go to the U. S. this summer. What should I do to complete my DS-160 application online?
解决这个问题的关键在于…the key to the settlement of the question lies in...
让他解决这个问题set him to solve the problem
说完这个with this
请将钱投入这个箱子,到车上坐好Please drop your money into the box and take seats inside
请核对一下,在这里签个字Please check it and sign here
请贴上这个行李标签Please attach this claim tag
路易・威登的经营已有3个世纪之久,这令人惊奇。它仍继续站在手提包业界的前列Louis Vuitton has been in business for an amazing 3 centuries and continues to be fore front in the hand bag industry
这一带是市区里购物的好地方,在附近有一个杂货店This is a great area of the city for shopping. There a grocery store just around the corner
这两个单体共同给出两个氢原子和一个氧原子the two monomers give up two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom between them
这个不对,麻烦换成萬苣沙拉I did not order this one and please change it to lettuce salad
这个价钱可以商量吗?Is the price negotiable?
这个命令必须执行this order is a must
这个和那个毫无区别this differs nothing from that
这个商人穿着一件十分有价值的汗衫The businessman wears a vest which is very valuable
这个城市的天蓝色和纯白色构成了一幅和谐、统一的图画Sky blue and cloud white of this city form a picture of harmony and unity
这个城市的巴士没有售票员。司机兼有双重职责。你得到车的前面把车费投到金属盒里There's no bus conductor in this city. Drivers play both role of driver and conductor. You have to go to the front and drop your fare into a metal box
这个学校的建筑都是烟灰色的The buildings in this school are all in smoke grey
这个学生卡有期限吗?Does the student card have an expiration date?
这个巧克力蛋糕难吃极了The chocolate cake tasted horrible
这个床榻由椴木雕成The couch is chiseled from basswood
这个应归人哪一类?what heading does this come under?
这个意大利蔬菜汤这么浓,怎么做的?What makes the minestrone soup so thick?
这个意思我弄不懂the meaning eludes me
这个或那个one... or another
这个或那个one ...or another
这个手工制作的纸质灯具的出口工厂坐落在曼谷The export factory of the handmade paper lamp is in Bangkok
这个手表如不合意可在一个月内更换,同时享有五年的保修期The watch is exchangeable if it is not satisfactory within one month, and it has a five-year guarantee
这个数字和您支票上写的不相符The figures and the words on the check do not agree
这个方案不是因为它简单才放在首位this version is not placed first because of its simplicity
这个时候以前,已经by this time
这个这些是你的吗is are these yours
这个这些是你的吗is this yours
这个概念许多人难理解this concept is hard for many to grasp
这个特价再过两天就结束了This offer will expire in two days
这个玉戒指很特别,我买了This jade ring is quite impressive. take it
这个皮质划桨套是从巴基斯坦发货的The leather paddle costume is shipped from Pakistan
这个结果对点 x 来说是可以的this result would obtain for point x
这个结论终于被认为是正确的the conclusion is finally accepted as true
这个翡翠绿莹莹的,成色极好!This glittering green emerald is of high purity
这个肿瘤很快就会消掉的The tumor will soon be resolved
这个药会让您犯困The medicine may make you a little drowsy
这个装饰性漆缸是在越南河内生产的The decorative lacquer urn is made in Hanoi. Vietnam
这个词具有多种意义this word possesses a syndrome of meanings
这个词是什么意思what does this word mean
这个跑步机的保修期多长?How long is the treadmill guaranteed for?
这个金属罐本身再加上其中的空气的重量会比同容积的水的重量要轻许多the weight of the metal can plus the air inside would be much less than a similar volume of water
这个钻石腕带太精美了 !The diamond wristlet is so fabulous!
这个错误被忽略过去了the mistake passed unmarked
这个镇有什么特产吗?Are there any unusual things produced in this town
这个问题值得注意this question claims attention
这个问题在第十二页this question comes on page 12
关于这个问题就讲这些so much for this topic
这个问题是个大难题this problem is one of great difficulty
这个间题可暂时搁在一边this question can stand over
这个陶制鸟形口哨是从秘鲁卡亚俄进口的The ceramic chirping bird whistle is imported from Callao in Peru
这个领结同你那件条纹衬衫更匹配This bow tie blends with you striped shirt
这个高脚杯盖满了泡沫The goblet was mantling with foam
这些选择方案所选择之物没有一个令人满意none of the options is satisfactory
这件很完美,除了在缝合处有个小小的瑕疵This piece is perfect except for a small defect in the seam
这件衬衫还不错,我很喜欢这个款式,但是颜色我不太喜欢,还有别的颜色吗?The shirt is all right. I like the style, but I'm not sure about the color. Do you have that in other colors?
这儿有个大本钟真好It's so good to have Big Ben here
这只不过是个手续程序问题this is simply a question of procedure
这周六我约几个朋友吃晚饭。你有时间参加吗?I'm having several friends over for dinner this Saturday. And I was wondering if you have the time to join us
这是一个典型性的问题this represents a typical problem
这是一个艰难的决定It's a hard decision
这是不是说任何一个外国入境者都有居留权?Does it mean that any foreigner can obtain residency?
这是你的行李回执,凭这个条取行李This is your voucher, and you can get your luggage back on this
这是多么好的一个建议what a good suggestion it is
这是我们在找的那个人吗?is this the man that we were looking for?
这是我的护照。我准备带着这个包坐中国民航班机去纽约Here's my passport. I'm going on the CAAC Flight to New York with this bag
这是8808房间的罗杰先生,我走后,史密斯先生会来。您能帮我把这个交给他吗?This is Mr. Roger in room 8808. Mr. Smith will come for this while I am out. Could you hand it to him,please?
这样一个人such a one
这样,你可以在一个月以后再支付货款,不需任何额外的费用。或者,你可以选择在几个月内进行支付In this way, you can pay for purchases a month later, without any extra charge. Or you may choose to make your payments over several months
这正是我最担心的。你怎么知道哪个更好?That's my greatest concern. How can you tell which one is better?
这边衣柜里有一个保险箱。如果您有贵重的物品,可以寄存在里面Here in the closet is a safe. You can use it if you have valuable items
这部电影讲述了一个典型的爱情故事,故事情节讲的是一个男孩爱上一个最后面临死亡的女孩Basically it's a story about a boy who falls in love with a girl who then goes and dies. It's a typical love story
这里有多款护肤品。我觉得这个黄色瓶子看起来不错There is a range of skin care products. I think the yellow bottle looks nice
那个号码查无秦先生这个There is no Mr. Qin at that number
那好吧,小姐,我把这个预订取消。希望将来还能为您服务Well, Miss, I'll cancel it then. I hope we can help you at some other time
顺着这条街一直走约两个街区,然后左转Head straight up the street about two blocks, then turn left